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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Please do 'Thrawn!' , i personally play your game more than anyone else's game!,...and would sorely miss your game with the 'WaW' Game-Update!,...without 'You' doing an Update for the WaW Package!.
  2. aesopo!: What you say for some reason was not obvious to me before???,...so i have to say, that you are onto some important point's here!. These point's of your's should be Studied & Analyzed thouroughly as if they are 'infact' valid,...this could only help to improve the SC2-GAME > 'Realism'. You have my vote on your 'Repretoire' of suggestion's!. We need much more of this type of 'Analytical Work!' .
  3. That idea or some variation of it is not without validity!. A top-ranking-player, or the top-3-ranking-player's should have the opportunity to input their skills into game development!. That request, for Top-Players to have input into improving or brushing-up a game to me seems 'Logical!'.
  4. Well!!!,... 1st remember now how 'Fortunate' he really is! ,...so now...please don't feel too sorry for him as he does get to enjoy the "Pleasures!", 'First-Hand!!!' ,...of the famous "CrowBar-Hotel!!!". How many of you will get to have a personal experience of that kind in your life-time???.
  5. To me at least, that makes 'Pefect Sense!' . It would be great if that 'Option' was able to be Immediately-Executed!.
  6. It NEVER occurred to me ever before!,...the concept of a 'Game-Control-Bar' that could be possibly repostioned anywhere on the screen,...but...at-least to the left-hand-side...for 'Left-Handed-Players'!. Just my 2-cent's worth!.
  7. "60 Hour's/week would seem about right!". I hope now that so much sacrifice in time & effort will at last help pave the way for expanded development of his 'Game-Engine' to perhap's at first cover the counterpart of the European Theatre',...now with the Pacific Theatre,...and then from that point on... Past_Present & Future situations!.
  8. Im sure i have seen that 'Acronym' posted several times from a few month's ago!, and have since had little interest in investigating it any further. Could you please,...if possible, post some web-links and a short write-up summary explaining the 'Who-What-Where & When' as to what this CEAW is all about!. ...From one who is... 'In-The-Dark!'. ENLIGHTENED AT LAST!!!... http://palgn.com.au/article.php?id=8022 Commander: Europe at War Review Neil Booth 30 Jun, 2007 A quick overview, then. CEAW lets you command the entire Allied or Axis forces in the European Theatre of War between 1939 and 1945. Your ultimate objective is to gain control of more European capitals than the enemy when the game thunders to an end in 1945 (or, if you so choose in the pre-game options, keep plugging away until one side or the other is reduced to a smouldering heap). Conquered enemy capitals count for more than just holding on to your own. So, simply put, you'll spend all your time defending your cities while trying to manouevre around (or through) the enemy to get theirs. You start out with a set number of troops, tanks, planes, ships and whatnot at your disposal, and you can build more as the game progresses. The number of units you can build is limited by your underlying economy. It's up to you to make sure you have sufficient resources to keep churning out the Stuff That Goes Bang by capturing new cities and industrial centres, protecting your current assets and keeping research levels high enough to make constant improvements. Without going into exhausting detail about the game mechanics, suffice to say that it's all very clear and keeps you in the enjoyably difficult position of making constant, conflicting decisions. Do you churn out another two armoured units to prop up the faltering Russian Front, or spend the cash on repairing your battered air units that are patrolling above the recently captured London? Maybe it's best to build a few more research labs, so you can get oil consumption down to minimum before everything runs out of petrol at which point, well, you're stuffed. There's nothing like being frozen knee-deep in Russian mud with an empty fuel tank to put a crimp in your day. It also has to be said that CEAW feels as if it's the first stage of a project that's going to grow into something bigger and better. Think of it as a very fine pencil sketch that will one day be worked into a full-blown oil painting - Commander: War in the Pacific, maybe? This is not a criticism as such, and there's no reason not to get on board now. It's just that, if anything, we're impatient to see the game's full potential given life. [ October 13, 2007, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  9. rleete Your obviously going out of your way to purposly ignore,...that my USERNAME was incorrect to begin with from a previous session,...as at the time it did not matter to change it in order to effect the previous order/purchase!. Now when i tried to order the upgrade this time, my USERNAME that i use in the forum,...would now not work as instead my E-Mail address was in it's place instead!. [This has now been corrected] Next, on the Credit-Card Box for your Credit Card number, it DOES NOT SPECIFY whether you can use spaces as is actually on your Credit Card or if you need to put all of your Credit Card Numbers in sequential order... WITHOUT SPACES/GAPS!. So,...if you couldn't, or wouldn't recognize these obvious interdiction's, then maybey your reasoning capability has been handicapped?.
  10. When i try to place an order, my SC2 Username & Password are NOT recognized? [incorrect username or password, Please try again.]. So now i try the 'Returning Customers. Please Log In' [incorrect username or password, Please try again.]. So anyway, i still bravely press forward!...and proceed to fill out the order form!& agree to the terms of service. Now...i click "Send Registration!". Instantly!,...i get the message... ERROR:"This e-mail is already registered. If you forgot the password click on "lost your Password" and a new password will be sent to you". The only thing i see is "Returning customers: Forgot your password?". I click on the 'forgot password'...it then request's USERNAME & E-MAIL ADDRESS, i enter my SC2 Discussion Forum Username & Password, 'Click'_ 'Send Password'...and from here on in it just keeps re-cycling will fresh blank boxes to refill in again and again as i fill it out and press 'Send Password'!???. So, for now!...this is a no-can-do!. ***UPDATE!: In my 'Junk Folder' i finally found a 'sales@battlefront.com' reply!...Why in my Junk-Folder???. Here is what it says...although i have put in a false password here for illustration purposes!...*** Hello Richard Blais,Thank you for registering at Battlefront-Store. Your customer account has been created.You may login to https://www.battlefront-store.com:8443 using the following username and password:Username - retributar@hotmail.comPassword - ZimgoBlargo ***The problem here was that when i last ordered, my Password was correct, however!, i must have not re-written my USERNAME from the E-Mail Address that was in that line to my USERNAME that i use in the 'Discussion Forum'. This has all now been addressed/corrected!. Gotta-love-It!... ***NOW!!!,...'A NODDER-PROBLEM!!!':*** I used my VISA Card, entered in the information as i have done many times before,...here i agree to the Terms-Of-Service & Click Next... I get... **"Error: Invalid account number. Check credit card number and re-submit."** **"Error: Failure in Processing the Payment (payflow_pro)"** Hence!,... i phone my 'Credit Card Services' number and explain my quandry!. I then find out that it is in fact, that the information i submitted was infact...'Correct!', and the 'Operator' told me that the Service processing the Card is the source of the Problem!. So there it is!..., no order's for now till a 'Fix' of some sort is effected!. ***FINAL ENTRY:*** ***The last reason why i had problems was because i allowed for spaces in my 'Credit Card' numbers, you must adjoin all numbers continuously in order for the 'Credit Card' to be recognized!. At last i have PRE-Ordered the 'WaW-Expansion' as well as the 'SC2 & WaW package' for a friend of mine!,...all bug's and obstacles have been worked out!, now just waiting for the opportunity to download the 'WaW' Expansion Pack!.*** [ October 13, 2007, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. "We have a shortage of labor in Canada!", they[industry...etc],...won't ask for bodies from south of the border!,...instead are flying in lot's of Chinese & Indians & eventually Mexicans to fill the labor shortage!. If any of you are 'Union Members' please contact the Local of your respective trades in Alberta, Canada!...and see if they will or will not let you work in the Tar-Sands!. Im personally 'ripped up' over this situation, i can hardly understand the Chinese Electricians i am working with!. If you come up here,...you can stand to make a pretty good dollar, and will have no-problem buying Hubert's game!. The typical work week for Electricians is 10-days on at 10 hours/day [sometimes More Hour's... and or even longer stint's],...then 4-days off!...as well as Tax-Free 'Living Out Allowance' to allow you to rent a place in town, if you do not like living for free at a Work-Camp!. At Camp, Internet is Free, Cable-T.V. is free, Meals are Free,...and your room is cleaned up and bed made up every-day!.
  12. I'm definetely in!!! [On This Project & Anything Else That Comes Along!]. I will be buying the expansion for myself, and the whole-kitten-kaboodle-bundle for a friend of mine...as well!.
  13. 'Hubert Cater' 'may' or 'may-not' experiment with 'Hexes & Nato Unit Symbols',...or at least offer it as an alternative to the 3D-Graphic Images...as well as the Square Grid Pattern in an upcoming 'SC3?'[Which I Dearly Hope For!]_At least for now,...you can elect to select the Nato Unit Symbols_BUT-NOT the HEXE'S!...at this point in time. At any rate,...from my perspective, he's been hitting a 100% on his intuitive judgements,...so i personally will not be twisted out of shape over his effort's!.
  14. All i have to say is... "Bloody Well Done!" to 'Cast & Crew' for "OUTSTANDING-DEVELOPMENT-WORK!!!" ,...& 'Continuing Efforts!'.
  15. "Don't Be Sorry!!!,...Just Don't Do It Again!" Sound's-Good, Doesn't it???.
  16. Hellmut!,... I bought 'Hearts of Iron' as well, but haven't really had the time to get into it, perhap's after this present Job im on is over with? [im "Building a House right-now!,...so i have other concern's at the present!, and will have to let it wait until i have much-more free time!.],...i'll try to give it a go then!. It is really a 'Very-Deep'... 'In-Depth-Game', requiring 'ALL-your-dedication' & 'Total Absorption' to play it!. Is that 'Good'? or 'Bad'?,...i don't know yet!. 1). I can't really define here what you mean by...'Open Ended'?,...all i can tell you is that the outcome you will be dealing with,...will for a lack of a better way of stating it is,..."Will be determined by how 'YOU!'...yourself play this game!. 2). This is 'Definetely' NOT 'Hearts of Iron' as far as how Slow & Time-Consuming each turn takes!. As compared,...you are Traveling at 'Warp-Factor-#9!' verses 'Sub-Light-Speed!'. 3). I am an 'AI' player, and the 'AI' has also just 'Very-Recently' been 'Ramped-Up/Improved!',...so all i can tell you is what it was like "Before the 'Upgrade!'". I would say that roughly about 75% of the time that it plays a 'Standard-Reaction-Game' or a 'Counter-Moves-Effort' to your Ploy's/Incursion's,...but!!!,...that there are 'Definetely' "moment's" when it will surprise you!. So!,...be on your 'Guard' or you have your Pant's taken down while your 'Eyes' are still open and you are still standing up!. 4). 'Multi-Player' is what i do not do!, however!,...from what i can gather from the other's,...they seem to have a lot of fun & challenge with it!. That's it from me for now!.
  17. The Russian Harbour's were so surrounded that no more ships could enter the area!,YET!...that didn't impede Russian Supplies!. At that same time...all land links were cut-off as the said target was fully encircled by ground units!. I do not know what the harbour rating level was at Tobruk, but put it this way, i was able to Upgrade Units in the Fortification, and perhap's i could have added some replacement's, though...possibly not up to full strength!. Here, however...i was UNABLE to do anything at all!. As far as surprise attacks go!, ok!...i'll grant you 'that one!'...MAYBEY!. Whenever i declare war on some/any Nation...i never see their units at Strength-3 and also possibly without any Fortification levels!.
  18. I have just experienced a..."Britain declares war on Norway!". Then, during that same turn that the announcement was made...the British land 2 Corps to attack the feeble strength-3 Norweigan unit in Oslo! [it probably had no Entrenchment either!_Easy Guaranteed Kill!]. Of-Course, it's nearly impossible not to obliterate it!. SOoooo...my question is,... why is there not at-least 1-turn to make defensive preparations to defend Norway [Oslo]?. The same goes for 'Iceland', 'Ireland' and so-forth!. These are set-ups to give guaranteed victories/successes to the AI computer opponent! ********** Side Note!: When my Italian Unit was defending Tobruk, it would not take on any Replacement's even though the Harbour was intact & up to strength!. Ive noticed how the Russians even with a badly damaged Harbour and being totally surrounded on land and at sea...seem to have no-problem getting 100% reinforcements anytime they like!,...unlike the Italian Unit at Tobruk who could not/would not take on any reinforcements???. [ September 24, 2007, 05:57 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. France Warns Iran To Face A Possible War; Iran Slams French Minister _September 17, 2007 5:09 p.m. EST Mayur Pahilajani - AHN: Paris, France (AHN) - Soon after French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner declared that the world must prepare for a war over Iran's nuclear policies, he was immediately slammed by Iran which accused Paris of courting favor with the United States. During a French TV and radio interview, Bernard said, "We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war." The statement that triggered an immediate response from the Iranian government. A release from the state-run news agency said, "The new occupants of the [French presidential palace] want to copy the White House." Tehran also condemned French President Nicolas Sarkozy's efforts to impress the U.S. by stating that "the French people will never forget the era when a non-European moved into the Elysee." The issue of Middle Eastern atomic energy is again at issue ahead of the United Nation's annual conference, starting in Vienna on Monday, which most likely will focus on stalling Iran's efforts to join the nuclear club. French Minister Kouchner made the statement to consider war as an alternative solution if Iran refuses to negotiate on its nuclear policy, which he claims would pose "a real danger for the whole world." US and French Naval forces are in the middle east now, and may launch a pre-emptive strike at anytime within the next 6 months…. But who knows… if it happens it will be a surprise to everyone. [ September 24, 2007, 06:51 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. The "Maggot-Line" abandoned 'EXACTACLY' like that???,...'Not-A-Good-Thing'!. Need's a 'Re-Work' obviously!!!.
  21. Yaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!.... [For Real I Hope!],... Da PACIFIC-"AT LAAAAASSSSSTTTTT!!!!!".
  22. jon_j_rambo... Im with you on your argument 'buddy', i see these concern's as not as overall overly serious impediment's in the game, "BUT!!!"... these so mentioned item's/point's need to be attended too!,...for 'CORRECTION-PURPOSES'!. "Especially...your last point"!.
  23. I Shall give your recommendation's a try!. Thank's for giving me an answer!. I'm now returning with my result's!. ***[#1]_I removed my SC2_v1.0601 game from my LapTop H.D. . ***[#2]_Then i went to... http://battlefront.elicense.com/download.asp to 'Directly Download the SC2 Game,...of course you will also need to have your 'PRODUCT LICENSE KEY' Number input into the required box before the download can begin!. ***[#3]_Next...you will need to install the... 'Strategic_Command_2_Blitzkrieg_v107_Patch.exe' . ***[#4]_After that is completed, you will be asked to Reboot your Computer!,...i chose not to, and so the Computer did not reboot;...HOWEVER!,...somehow...things faded out and got Black?,...then the mouse-pointer hour-glass appeared on the 'Black-Screen' and the game proceeded to boot-up!,...without me/myself & i initiating it?. ***[#5]_As the Game Booted-Up...i saw v1.07 displayed on the lower-right-hand-corner of the Boot-Up-Screen!. I tried out one of the Campaigns, and all was working well!. Now!...i just have to try to get my User-Made-Mod-Campaigns into this SC2_v1.07 Game!. ***[#6]_Later on i thought nothing of starting SC2_v1.07...BUT!...instead of starting [As i was under the impression that...that reboot thing was taken care of]...INSTEAD of Starting the Game,...my Computer was FORCED to Shut-Down!,...while i had several other projects on the go!. So...'Make Sure To ReBoot your Computer for SC2_v1.07' to avoid any unexpected unpleasantness as i had experienced!. That's it for now!. [ September 23, 2007, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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