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Everything posted by Wodin

  1. Aris has some good dust\smoke and flame mods. Now we have hit decals I'm more than happy with the graphics considering what type of game it is.
  2. If you click the link to my Tactical wargames facebook page you'll find a few lists of nooks..from memoirs to novels..WW1 to Vietnam. Any book mentioned in the lists in my eyes are must buys.
  3. erm..TOW2...erm..yeah right. He needs to change his name to noidea...
  4. I'm about to build a new rig next week. So do I just uninstall the games first on this one then reinstall on the new machine? Just checking about activation and reactivation etc etc.
  5. @Macisle As a single player..I never bother with QB..I know they aren't designed for an AI so really pointless playing them. There are well more than enough scenarios to get on with anyway. Loved the vid by the way Chris. Would like to link straight to it through my FB page.
  6. Didn't look scary and epic enough to me. Hopefully the sound effect and the animation\texture is improved before release. Also looks odd the trees not burning. I will enjoy using flamethrowers but the flame tank didn't look impressive enough. Graviteam Tactics OT34 sounds and looks awesome.
  7. Yeah I rarely play as the defender when against the AI. Still plenty to keep me happy though.
  8. I get well and truly trounced by the AI many time sin CMx2. I won't play against others because I hate being tied down to a game and having to play it. In the end this can make me resent the game and ontop of that I probably wouldn't play the AI again. What I don't know don't hurt;). Squad Battles was a series I ruined for myself by plying it PBEM. resented having to play and then couldn't go back to the AI. Not doing that again. Thankfully I'm rubbish at the most wargames so the AI does me.
  9. I have his Stalingrad, Berlin and Moscow books.. great reads. The Forsaken Army is a great memoir\novel by H Gerlach (He was in Stalingrad and this is his story) 76mm and Collingwood I found Life and Fate abit hard going, but Beevors A Writer at War is a great book on the author. The Volga Rises in Europe is another good read by Malaparte Doctor at Stalingrad by H Dibold. Blood red snow by G Koschorrek is worth a read. Another book that may or may not be a memoir is But not for the Fuehrer by H Jung, either way I enjoyed it. Poor reviews at Amazon. If you go into it as a cracking novel then you wont be disappointed. Berlin Dance of Death by H Altner is a great memoir of his time fighting in Berlin. Siege by R Schneider I found a good read but it has poor reviews over at Amazon. A novel set in Colhm and then Velikiye Luki. Shades of Grey by A Naujuks is another memoir I'd recommend. Eastern Inferno by M Kunze is a recent memoir I bought. Again I recommend it. If you want a great film noir detective novel set in Germany during the war I can't recommend Berlin Noir by P Kerr enough. This is his omnibus of the first three Bernie Gunther novels and I really enjoyed them alot. Several germane Nazi elite appear in it. Finally a very difficult novel to read but enthralling at the same time is The Kindly Ones by J Little. As for Glantz, though you can't argue with the man I do find his work very very dry. I prefer more of a narrative type of history and Jason D Marks hits the spot.
  10. Those crosses look new..or is it me.. Great bit of action that Bil.
  11. Reading Besieged now. Into Oblivion is amazing aswell. Follows a unit that was covered in Island of Fire. Keep your fingers crossed IoF gets a reprint. Probably my fav read so far, though I hear Leaping Horseman is just as good.
  12. Tim Stone has taste and is one of the few reviewers I take any notice of.
  13. Very good read. I preferred it over It never snows in September which I found a let down after his Garlands book.
  14. It was out of print for years.. hence the price. Small print run like all his books as he is a small publisher. He has just managed to get another publisher to publish it for him. All his books are well worth the actual retail price. I usually ask for one of his books as an Xmas present.
  15. If you can get hold of Island of Fire BUY it!! As it's out of stock at Leaping Horseman books. Honestly you'll love it. Also pre order Death of a leaping Horseman.
  16. Well it's only £19.92 and hard back aswell...
  17. Hey are superb..and really books no military history nut should be with with out. AGain I wouldn't sell any of mine for $2000 dollars even if it seemed like they wouldn't get reprinted, which looked the case until recently.. Island of Fire paperback has just gone out of print. No doubt that will shoot up. However As I said Death of a Leaping Horseman is getting reprinted this year. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0811714047/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  18. Great book...one of the first German memoirs I read. The Forsaken Army by H Gerlach Stalingrad memoirs and reassessment by J Wieder Few returned by E Corti (Also wrote an amazing novel The red Horse) Sacrifice on the Steppe by Hope Hamilton The Retreat by M Jones Hot motors Cold Feet by H Gunther Panzer Operations by General Raus Bounden Duty by Stahlberg Soldat by S Knappe Stalingrad Cauldron by F Ellis Winter Storm H Wijers Mussolini's Death March by N Revelli Death of the Wehrmacht and Werhmacht Retreats by R Citino AL the above I recommend
  19. Jason can't be beaten. He puts you right there with them..better than any work of fiction. His research is second to none aswell. I wouldn't part with his books for any money. 76mm..his CHolm and Oblivion books are just as detailed aswell mate and you really must buy them! The only others that are just as good are Jack Sheldon and Ralph Whitehead..but they are WW1 books.
  20. Graviteam tactics has them running around on fire..and afterwards the body is all burnt..
  21. Waiting for the download only..otherwise I'd have pre ordered.
  22. My favourite military history author is Jason D Mark. I can't recommend his books enough. Read Island of Fire and his Cholm book. Reading his Pioneer book at the moment. Also his first book Death of a leaping Horseman is finally being reprinted for a fantastic price. Second hand these where being sold for hundreds of dollars..the reprint is around £24!! Island of Fire, Death of a leaping horseman and Into Oblivion are must reads if you have any interest in Stalingrad. His Cholm book is superb aswell.
  23. CM:Bagration Would have done perfectly.
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