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Everything posted by Wodin

  1. I've never had an issue yet with the time limits set for the scenarios with any of the CMx2 games. Though I'd always stay clear of a scenario with a tight time limit as part of it's description. Try Lock N Load Stalingrad..the turn limits on that are a immense pain. Just damn right annoying.
  2. If that where allowed and with the talent within tthe community then BF would have no way of making any money as modders would have done it all. So I cna understand the reasoning and it doesn't bother me at all. As someone else said if your good enough talk to BF, they may let you go ahead and make a new CM game.
  3. Well the German player has a similar problem with PIV's against the abundance of T 34 85mm. So really I think it's down to the player to put some brain power into it and try some sneaky tactics. It is tough though if the enemy has armour and you have little to take it out with.
  4. As it is unbuttoned and uber close I do think this may not be right. On the other hand something like this happening will be uber rare so it's not a major issue but could do with being checked out. My concern with spotting has always been that it seems units are pretty deaf rather than blind.
  5. I'm fine with it, though if some really dislike it maybe it should be an option.
  6. I have the shortcut on my taskbar..infact all my game shortcuts are there all in historical and then wargame scale\flight sim order!! Well fantasy first then ancients , medieval , ACW, WW1, WW2, Modern and finally sci fi!!
  7. No didn't buy CMFI.. Oh hum it is annoying as I'm abit OCD about my folders\files:)
  8. I was wondering why Red Thunder splits the game files during installation if you choose a different location other than the default when CMBN doesn't? I install games to my H drive and where CMBN installed to H only Red Thunder is split between H and C:\user\name\my documents\battlefront\red thunder which has the scenario files and also a folder called user data\mods. I prefer it when game files keep to the same location to be honest like CMBN did. I try and keep my C Drive for windows files\folders only if possible.
  9. No I was in forest terrain..it was actually the second training campaign mission.
  10. I too would like a small window on the UI which says what the terrain is under the cursor.
  11. If the game was totally realistic in troop behavior which would then give realistic casualty returns I imagine it would be rather boring to play. A wargame has to find the right line between fun and realism and Battlefront have found a good level. However this does mean we get high casualty rates be it wounded or KIA ( I do think though maybe the ratio between heavily wounded and KIA could be tweaked abit so most casualties are heavily wounded rather than KIA)
  12. I get they will drop to ground and cover..but there was a pause between a couple of grenade volleys..enough to warrant some return fire I thought. I suppose I'm asking about the TAC AI firing at sound contacts or using area fire..again though I'd imagine it very very difficult to code and for it to happen at the correct tactical moments.
  13. Today I had a squad of Inf on hunt get wiped out by about 4 or 5 hand grenades from a Inf unit that wasn't spotted. I imagine in real life once the first grenade was thrown at you you'd spray and pray in the general direction of the enemy even if it wasn't spotted. Would be cool if the Tac Ai did this. Though I cna see difficulties in programming when it is viable and when it isn't.
  14. Well I'm sure with some thought something could be done so it wouldn't be at all intrusive. Again for those who want it. It's the huge maps that can be abit of a pain, having to flit around form one end to the other just making sure no one is taking fire without me being aware of it. If it's an option then if you don't want it you don't need to use it.
  15. Well as I said it would be optional..doesn't need to make a noise even and sya you ask for urgent only..then lets say you only get a message when a unit first hits contact..really thats not happening that often to your units..lets say over a big battle the prob get into new contact\firefight about three times. Graviteam tactics I have it set to pause when a unit comes into contact and honestly the game isn't pausing that often. Again really it's just some sort of notification a unit has met the enemy and is in contact (it wouldn't send another message again unless it lost all contact with the enemy during the game and then met it again).
  16. It has become a slight issue with these big maps..didn't think I was the only one. Infact it's kind of like the feelings of being swamped by the landscape that the Germans felt on their endless March.
  17. Now the maps are getting really big I'd love there to be a message log window, as if it's a teleprint of radio calls that inform you of say when a unit has made contact as now the maps are so big it can be difficult to see whats going on with your units and if they have made contact etc. I'd have it as an option and be able to state the messages you want. Make sure it obeys FOW limits. Make the message hyper linked with the sending unit so you can just click it and you got here. It could just run as a tickertape along the bottom, or use some of the space we have in the UI. It certainly would help me even playing WEGO so I can make sure I'm watching the right parts of the map. I bet ti would be even handier for Realtime players.
  18. There will be an options folder that was unzipped into your z folder..
  19. All I can say on the matter is I jump every time a bomb explodes..and this is just a game!!
  20. Hurraah!! Massive thanks..the one I've been waiting on:) Just tried it..oh wow best one yet. You nailed the colour scheme!
  21. I too hope big maps doesn't mean a shed load of units..as even at WEGO it becomes way to much to take in and deal with (even bordering on those dreaded words "a click fest"), plus as mentioned in a Campaign you want to get attached to your troops. I do hope we get to see some smaller campaigns unit load wise. Oh and I hate timed scenarios in any game..though so far I've never run out of time in a CMx2 scenario.
  22. Phil just wondering if your going to release the shader hotfix..I think you mentioned the wrong ones were included in CMRT and not the lovely ones from the beta testing just prior release? My game certainly isn't as pretty as CMBN is when shaders on.
  23. Loving the game so far. However the first scenario of the German Campaign would hardly give newcomers to CMx2 an easy break in..it's pretty damn big! I'd personally preferred the campaign to start with a smaller map\less units then build itself up. I know that is difficult when making a campaign, you'd have to slowly introduce troops as if they had been delayed or been sent by HQ as reinforcement so in a way the campaign would have to be designed at the start with that in mind. It just feels like being thrown into the deep end. Also looking forward to see some more small to medium scenarios as German vs AI made by our great community..at present the Russian side has the most single play small scenarios. I do like a decent size map..but not keen on scenarios with loads of units. Any chance the scenarios can be rated for map size and another rating for unit count rather than just small\medium large etc. Thanks
  24. Missing icons like flamethrower units mate..you need to wait for a CMRT specific mod.
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