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Everything posted by 37mm

  1. I think the first pages of this most recent thread show quite clearly that some ‘new blood’ was desperately needed. What with dalem & Berlichtingen competing for the most inane & indecipherable comments ever & Nidan1 claiming he is a knight I think I’m going to have to start calling myself the... ‘Messiah of the Peng Challenge' I’m the modest son who saved (or at least tried to save) all from certain decomposition in the ooze…
  2. Nidan1 you disgusting Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita I have had enough of you & your ridiculous swooning & brown nosing whenever Sticklepiss is around… it’s revolting, ridiculous & never going to happen. If you want to package off my intestines to Boo Radley as an experiment then first you should consider if your test can be replicated. You’ll need to clone me first & then extract the intestines from my identical offspring. When you’ve removed yourself from whichever god forsaken hole you fester in for most of the day please send me a set up. You can then enjoy the same fate as lover boy, for he’s about to start throwing himself against my wretched Romanian line (the only advantage they possess is having a commander who doesn’t drool over the keyboard but it should be enough) and of the Tasmanian (If he ever raises enough money to get onto the internet again).
  3. Trust me Sod I did not want to talk to you! I was talking about SnottyIV or whatever its name was.
  4. I have to say that at first I didn’t know exactly where you came from, hardly surprising really as there are a lot of third world countries & it’s difficult to keep track of them all. My surprise at what these threads produce still continues, I didn’t ever expect to find someone who could not only not spell but couldn’t use the space bar (I can only assume that the relentless dribble was used to represent the god awful noise that you people attempt to pass of as a ‘language’) either. (un)Luckily I was able to snatch a few fragments of meaning from the mess but that didn’t help at all… One pile of smeg from the Tazzywhatsit mentioned something about ‘economic integration with Europe’ as ‘forward’… Two points as your countries economy is based on nothing but sheep bartering I think you should keep your ‘idea’s’ to yourself. Second point is why would anyone want to be integrated with Europe when its all been taken over by smelly French people (some nations, such as Belgium, ludicrously claim their independent)? Taz also appears to have expressed either a likeness for or a desire to protect Australians even declaring that I made ‘snide remarks’… again two points. First of all it wasn’t ‘snide’ I was honest; the presence of Australians really did deter me (as it must for any decent person) from this thread… Secondly why would you a Tazzywhom want to protect Australia when your own country is the only nation on Earth it can honestly declare more awful & with a population more drunk? The questions just seem to mount… PS I have a sneaking suspicion that the lack of spaces was an attempt at humour if I’m correct then I have to inform you that you failed. Perhaps a simpler form of comedy would be easier to grasp something like slapstick. I tell you now, if you smashed your head against a wall a few dozen times I’d certainly find that very amusing! A setup is on the way.
  5. Could you explain in a bit more detail... sounds interesting.
  6. It doesn't sound like a very blue blooded title but I'll certainly grant you the respect you deserve.
  7. Don’t you mean ‘I’m fairly certain’ or do you actually have multiple personalities (maybe both brain cells are totally independent)? Seems unlikely, as I'm having difficulty discerning a single personality.
  8. Wouldn't it be ironic if he's been killed in some kind of fire?
  9. Ahh I’d almost (read wished) forgotten the ‘fine individual’ who gets Agar solution confused with obscure yankee actors. What else do you want me to do, fetch you the moon on a stick? Potentially he may have a use as bait for rat traps or maybe some sort of paperweight but to turn him into something that can ‘validate parking stubs’… impossible! PS You could describe Morris dancing as fluidic if it was done properly.
  10. Incredible! This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth. This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are. Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)… I am from the North of England. I’ve been watching for several weeks because my computer has been out of action. I didn’t really notice Shotty nor am I ever likely to want anything it has. You know what sticklepiss I’m really starting to like you… in fact you’re totally revolutionising my ideas about Belgians. I’ll send you a setup 2moro but we can get started sooner if you send me one 2night. PS I’d like to dance for you but I’m afraid the beautiful, fluidic movements would just mesmerise you & turn you into a useless, gibbering wreck & that would be a shame… wouldn’t it?
  11. Reminds me of that joke... A man walks into a bar and he's really pissed. The bartender gives him a drink and asks what the problem is. All he says is, “All lawyers are assholes.” A man sitting in the corner shouts, “I take offence to that!” The pissed-off guy asks him, “Why? Are you a lawyer?” He replies, “No, I'm an arsehole.”
  12. Correction: not another Belgian who doesn't have a clue what he's on about
  13. I have been reading these ‘Peng threads’ for several weeks now & I have to say I’m utterly shocked by the complete lack of wit & intellect displayed here. Now let’s get this straight, CM is a complex game so presumably you need to have some intelligence to play it. But if you dare to read a post by, say, rleete you very quickly realise that the presumption of intelligence is a false one. From what I can tell you plebeians posses some complexity & are able to feed & to divide (though probably don’t have any real aversion to wallowing in you own waste products) but I have had my curiosity aroused & wish to know more (despite the presence of Australians). As such I have decided to ‘dip my toe’ into this foetid ooze so as to assess the true nature of the amoebae’s within. If any one would like to take part in this study please send me a setup.
  14. Hmm for scenario's if not for QB's can you give 42/43 T-34's tungsten instead of AP & would this not help them out against 80mm fronts? Alternatively someone could set up a 42/43 scenario & then change the date to 1944 when 'shell breaks up' results decrease. Its a damn shame that 42/43 battles are played less often because of this issue.
  15. I’ve recently read a book on operation Goodwood (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1844150305/qid=1095185476/sr=ka-1/ref=pd_ka_1/102-0152919-5521778) & several things struck me… (I) Most armoured combat ranges in the battle were 300m or less despite the terrain being VERY flat. The reasons appeared to be tall grain (apparently the grain hybrids used in the 40’s grew taller), smoke & fire (perhaps most battles should be fought in the fog?) & the tendency of German PAK crews to fire at that range to “guarantee first shot hits”. (II) German counter attacks with both Tiger & Kingtigers were defeated… once by 88mm ‘friendly fire’. And another attack by a close range duel in a grain field. Interestingly one KingTiger was rammed & disabled leaving its inexperienced crew panicked (when was the last time you saw a green King Tiger?). (III) The British had very little infantry & tried to use it sparingly. Operation Goodwood resulted in the loss of 126 tanks but Britain could afford tanks it couldn’t afford large-scale infantry losses. Perhaps those “how to fight like the…” threads should take this into account*. (IV) The British considered the firefly to be the only capable anti tank weapon at a ratio of 1 firefly per troop of four tanks (both Cromwell & Sherman) the 17pdr was the only way the British could deal with enemy cats. Despite this crews didn’t like fighting Panthers frontally further than 300 yards. The 75mm was totally useless against the cats. (V) The PzIV & tank destroyers that made up the bulk of the 21st Panzer division suffered heavy casualties. The tank destroyers fired at longer ranges then fled. * Maybe a 1500pt British force should include a 25pdr battery, an infantry company (green) & as many tanks (green/conscript) as can be bought.
  16. It is not 'bad luck'… first shot accuracy is too high in CM. I've repeatedly seen moving targets penetrated first time at ranges of well over a kilometer. It helps if you play with only green or conscript tanks (the new problem however will be command delays). You'll then find it possible for T-34's to close the engagement range without being obliterated in seconds.
  17. First scenario was pleasant enough even managed to take out a half track or two... Fine work... hope I enjoy the next one
  18. I've been doing this for several weeks now & have enjoyed the resulting battles greatly. I always thought long range shooting or shooting at moving targets was to easy... now it ain't! It even helps when fighting 80mm STUG's in 43 because it's much easier for the T-34's to close the combat range. The only problems perhaps are that ammo can run out & command delays are longer. P.S. Against conscript or Green Tanks, regular or veteran ATG's are very useful. This helps to counter the 'borg spotting' effect & make ATG's useful.
  19. What the hell was his/her (could be a her) name... I don't want to play any one like that
  20. Ike some of your ME's are VERY big! Which are the smaller ones & how points of troops are in them?
  21. Great book his book inspired me to make my scenario's. I've given an update of sorts in the 'my #$$ kicked by a veteran thread'.
  22. I’ve only played a few IP battles & thought I was okay until I played this veteran… He kicked my ass in a meeting engagement & afterwards said that a meeting engagements was the best way to play CM or/& the best way to determine who the better player is… What do you think about this statement? Personally, after seeing him play, I’d have to agree but would someone skilled at defense or attack or scenario’s be ‘better’ players than those who can (dare I say it) ‘race for the flags’… P.S. On a secondary issue my Warsaw rising scenario’s are nearly all 90% complete… I’d like to thank those that helped me in my previous post (including Panther kommander for giving me the idea about a Sturmtiger scenario) I will be needing players to play-test my scenario’s though & was wondering if enough volunteers existed… These are the scenario’s so far… (1) The Rising begins: A tiny little battle in which surrounded & surprised Germans must escape from angry Poles… (2) Any bridge too far: Lot’s of poorly armed Poles attack an under-strength German garrison (3) Grave situation: In a Warsaw graveyard Germans & Poles fight hand to hand (4) Rescue!: A Polish force, which includes a captured tank, attempt to liberate a Jewish ghetto… (5) The Vile Cossack’s: An SS battalion attempts to destroy a hospital, it’s patients (represented by expensive, exhausted but unarmed snipers) & it’s defenders (6) SS Storm: Two enormous monstrosities take on a polish force… (7) Grueling existence: a five day operation in which an elite polish force defends a district of Warsaw from King Tiger columns, SS, air attack & super-heavy artillery! (8) To Praga: A Polish battalion of the red army attacks the suburbs of Warsaw but encounter an artillery rearguard… (9 & 10) Yet to be made but probably won’t be fun for the Poles!
  23. I agree with Parabellum, unless of course artillery was one of those things that you & your opponent were trying to limit. For an infantry heavy battle multiple 81mm & 105mm spotters will wreak havoc on any of your opponents infantry concentrations. 75mm is okay, cheap & tends to last longer than mortars but still it seems to me that you are going into battle under-gunned.
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