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Everything posted by 37mm

  1. Varying degrees of sound contact & more information from them… (I here 6-12 rifles in that wood so I presumably face a squad). Forests & woods that actually hide infantry, I don’t want to be able to see troops wandering around hundreds of metres inside a dense forest. Perhaps flash contacts or advanced sound contacts will tell you where in a wood incoming fire is coming from without revealing the exact location of the enemy & his current actions (Oh look those troops in foxholes, three hundred metres away in that forest are sneaking away now). [ October 30, 2004, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]
  2. Tree's, gridded terrain, explosions & fire, MikeyD's T-34 mods & the sky mods are vital. Next terrain elements like buildings, hedges, wall's & bridges. Then come the other vehicles mods my favourites include the PzIII's, KV's, Sherman's & SU's. I personally rate the uniform mods as least important.
  3. The proving ground is great for such tips
  4. Why wouldn't you be Belgian? You have all the required traits. Plus you’ve stated your location as Belgium on your profile. I'd almost forgotten about that frigging turkey shoot that you've called a 'scenario'. Perhaps it should more accurately be called 'sticky's wet dream'.
  5. The level of victory is determined by a ratio of points gained versus points lost. You must’ve lost more points than gained. Next time remember this when calculating whether to go for an objective. For instance if you lose five tanks & a infantry platoon taking a 100 point objective you’re going to lose the battle. Count objectives as bonus points that help sweeten the ‘inevitable’ losses an attacker will suffer when he attempts to destroy the enemy. [ October 29, 2004, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]
  6. I'll make sure you burn in hell for that you little punctured condom. By jove you will pay! Seanachai will be envious cause you just made yourself a mortal enemy *insert dramatic evil music here* </font>
  7. Has anyone seen Dim the usurpers new challenge thread? Also is it just me or is Dim just stickypiss in disguise?
  8. Niadan1 wrote... Its E. coli loser Mace wrote... Hey it was a slow day What an improvement from the constantly gnawing feeling of inadequacy you usually suffer from?
  9. This old thread is six days newer than the other one... one day I know I'll eventually reach your level of greatness Nidan1*. Boo I thank you for raising me to serfdom it’s the greatest thing that’s happened to me all day but hardly comes as a surprise considering the instant improvements I’ve made to the place. Stickypisses promotion put a dampener on the day though. *Probably the day my heart stops beating & my brain starts to rot.
  10. The worlds greatest Texan typed... If Boo wishes to get himself in my good books then why not let him? I'm not surprised you took my post literally for when the Peng challenge is awash with such subtle creatures as Noba one could come to expect only to be bombarded with blunt inanity. It will surprise you however if I point out that the offending post was but a smokescreen, a ruse 'if you will'. While I fooled the masses* into believing I was being nice & charitable I infact unleashed painful barbs hidden within my honey coated words. *Not the most difficult of tasks I admit
  11. Originally posted by MrSpkr: Did I hear right? A lawyer asking for honesty! Anyone know any good lawyer jokes? Q: What is the definition "lucky break?" A: When a busload of lawyers goes off a cliff. Q: What is the definition of a "crying shame"? A: There was an empty seat. Q: Why does the bar association prohibit lawyers and clients from having sex? A: To prevent clients from being billed twice for essentially the same service. Q: In a perfect world, what question would a lawyer ask of clients? A: "Do you want fries with that?"
  12. No offense, Lady Sedai, but have you taken a good look at what they have handed us as newbies lately? ... I thought not. Go ahead then, take a closer look. (Watch where you step though.) Now I ask you, who on God's green earth could manage anything of note with these tossers? Why, I'd wager that my cat could cough up something more suited to bettering itself than this lot. Papa </font>
  13. Wtf!?! An Australian saying Nidan1 isn’t cultured is like Zed* complaining about Dubya’s elocution. I'm suprised Mace is even capable of typing usually doesn't he just whittle away his time piss ass drunk & sitting on his dunny? *(from police academy 2)
  14. Nidan1 if you didn't spend all your spare time working out ways of appearing even more stupid (surely it must be a deliberate attempt to underplay yourself) & actually read once in a while you would know that bloomers & chickens are saturated with all kinds of nasty things & not just E.coli. E.coli is cultured from, well from other E.coli which are cultured from other E.coli which are cultured from other E.coli…. & on & on forever & ever & ever.
  15. You know there is a reason why we sent you lot to the other side of the Earth.
  16. Now I may have spent too much time in the lab cloning DNA, culturing E.coli, studying the life cycle of stickypiss, culturing E.coli, testing the density of Lars, culturing E.coli, dreaming about when this will all end & culturing E.coli so please forgive me if I seem a little lacking in knowledge of the outside world. But how exactly am I meant to know whom is a knight & whom is not when no-one acts with any shred of dignity & very few 'people' have titles (& those that do have ridiculously long winded ones that completely fail to hide the inadequacy of the owner)? I would like to know a little bit more about this waffle thread how did it come along, is it a bastard of the Peng challenge, did any ancient prophecies foretell of the two threads, can you both be a Waffler & a Peng challenger? What tragedies drive a human to denounce his species & become a Waffler?
  17. Boo you are a total joke (not a funny joke I mean the kind of joke that comes from Joe Shaw the worlds greatest Texan). I'm going to spell this out for you real simple like... Ninja's suck ass. Pirates kick ass. Only a buffoon who spends most of his time courting fleas would even consider* merging ninja's & pirates together. *Okay perhaps an idiot like nightwatch would also consider it
  18. I think Dim really has a point here. How many times have we just wanted to send viruses & foul mouthed death threats to one another (and especially to stickypiss)? How much time do you ‘people’ spend festering in your empty, filthy apartments, the pointlessness of your existences forgotten, at least for a little while, thanks to those bottles of Vodka? How often when confronted with the relentless drool that oozes out of creatures like dalem do we just turn away, perhaps even mock? There is another way. I think we should start helping each other, let us support the dregs of humanity that we find in this place not add to their torment. This place could be a little like those AA meetings which although they give Australians nightmares can actually help. Together let’s make the Peng challenge world renowned as a centre of kindness, charity & human decency*. *(admittedly that’ll probably mean we have to ban lawyers from posting here but who’s really going to miss Mrspkr anyway?).
  19. Perhaps the God of CMBB struck you down for playing sinfully (admit it were you being gamey at the time?). Or you might have turned the penetration messages off by accident?
  20. Thanks Dalem, I for one support your decision to be honest they’re far too many filthy liars here & its good to know someone can be honest & open about these things *cough* slugforbrains *cough* Boo you greatly disappointing individual do you like the scenario I sent you?
  21. Boo the Radical wrote... Wee bit giddy? A bouncer at the inter-urban chess club? Rob and Laura Petri dishes? What is going on in that bat cave you call a skull? I merely noted that your friend stickypiss respected you it was a perfectly, calm & rational post (like all of them). What do I get in return? The depraved ramblings of a fool ludicrous enough to use the word jocularity & spell it wrong! I love how bivalents, chromatids and chiasmata are in alphabetical order. What’s up did the online biological dictionary not go past C? I’ll consider sending you a setup as clearly if even Mrspkr can beat you then you’re about as talented as General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett & need some practice. PS How did you know I’d been collecting sputum?
  22. Ooh I'm sure Boo is going to love a smiley from stickypiss I suspect it'll be like a dream come true. "Oh finally I have somebody who respects me" Radley will say
  23. You know technically colder areas should favour larger people but isn’t Texas the fattest, most obese, most disgustingly greedy place on Earth? Oh well at least Texas has fine wildlife
  24. Hah the parasites are as unpredictable as an Australian without a beer. One minute they’ll create posts with nothing but mmmmppphhhh or gggggrrrraaaaahhhhhhggggg. The next they’ll pick you up on forgetting to put a full stop after TV(.). Try not to worry too much though 'Dim the Enchanter' for one day I may forgive them for their many sins.
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