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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Sorry, everything they've said so far indicates 2013. US vs ? but my money's on Russia for the base game. I think you'll have to stick with CMSF if you want uncons but your other wishes are certainly possible, though I doubt they'll ever do on map aerial insertions. They are sort of like the horses of modern combat. It goes against their philosophy to add them in. Too much work for too little actual combat usage at this scale.
  2. From what I'm gleaning all headgear is swapable. You could theoretically put officer caps on all the German soldiers or even the American soldiers, though why you would want to is another question. I'm thinking this is more for plans down the road where we might get British Airborne in both helmets and berets or possibly adding Feldmitzen to the Germans. One sees a lot of pictures of Germans in Feldmitzen but I don't know how often they actually went into combat wearing them. Bill Mauldin in "Up Front" indicates it wasn't unusual in Italy. I understand no "new" type of headgear can be added.
  3. Too much debate as to what type of cows they should be. Plus there was not enough Cowbell.
  4. I will bet you anything they will not add trains to CMBN. For the same amount of work they could get you a vehicle that can actually do something. I can almost guarantee you they will not add any more flavour objects to the CMBN family either. Yeah it would be cool and all but I believe it could make maps incompatible between modules. Would you really want to not be able to play a scenario because the designer added one particular flavour object? Look for more when we get to the Bulge Family though.
  5. Please see this thread where they debate armor being too acurate. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=96518
  6. As I read the tea leaves, the plan is to have three teams eventually going. Having two teams going gave us Afghanistan NATO and CMBN in relatively short intervals. Moon once mentioned the possibility of a Russian development team handling much of the work for the Eastern front. They didn't say they would never do North Africa/Italy again. They think there's greater interest there than France 1940 for example. If they do return to the Med I would guess they would work backwards, as they plan to do for the East Front, and start with Italy as much of the work will already be done.
  7. I think it'll be faster than a year between modules too except for probably the Commonwealth/SS/Fallschirmjaeger module. That's going to be a really big module and I don't expect it before 2012. I expect it'll be more than $25 as well.
  8. This post by Steve has me intrigued. It seems to indicate headgear can be swaped, but maybe he only means the color.
  9. Below is a quote from Charles himself about how it works in CMSF. I admit I haven't tried it myself in CMBN but from what you're reporting I assume it works the same way. Quote "Artillery in CMSF is doled out in terms of rounds available in general, not of specific types. So if you use up all the "HE", then you've used up "everything". This is so we don't get weird gamey stuff like people shooting off smoke because "what the hell" it's all they have left. In real life the artillery batteries would not appreciate their time being wasted like that. Think of it as how much artillery time your forces have been allotted more than the exact number of shells of each type." Unquote Here is a CMSF thread where it is discussed: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90534&highlight=charles+smoke
  10. Thanks for the update. If it's not too much work two versions would be perfect.
  11. Actually this is by design. Your artillery ammo allotment isn't the number of shells you have available but a reflection of how much artillery "time" you have. If you shoot off a certain amont of shells you've used up your time with the support battery.
  12. Actually Steve's page of Camo on this site is a good resource. Just out of curiosity how common was Platanenmuster as compared to Erbsenmuster?
  13. Hi and welcome. This thread will take you to a summary of hoped for Battlefront projects. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=95267
  14. As I recall Hand to Hand is simulated except for the animations. They felt they could spend tons of time and money on Hand to hand animations and it still wouldn't look real.
  15. I bet some one will make a Camo Mod for it. Some ones already doing a SS camo mod.
  16. Well when the Bagration game comes out, if they do a Finn module it would cover the Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive. Perhaps someone could expound about this and suggest what we might see.
  17. Looks Awesome. The SS will officially arrive with the first "Commonwealth" Module along with the Fallschirmjaegers but this would certainly be a welcome addition for those who want to make scenarios involving the SS now. I know the Heer had camo uniforms on occasion but I have no idea how common that was and if there was any difference in pattern. Actually Steve of Battlefront is a camo grog. Maybe he could answer the question.
  18. We already have seen what I feel is a significant increase in the tempo of releases. In the last 7 months we have seen the release of Afghanistan, the NATO module and CMBN. Before then, sure, it was at least a year between releases, but I think the engine is now mature and as Schrullenhaft mentioned the addition of a second full time programmer will certainly help.
  19. Hello and welcome. Sorry, there will be no more modules for Shock Force. However someday there will be Shock Force II which will be between major powers in a temperate climate. We don't know who yet or when though. Maybe the French army will make an appearance then in a module. Sorry but you're never likely to see Israel or Libya unless some third party company does it like they did with Afghanistan.
  20. Volodnikov, I downloaded the file from the site just to be sure it worked and it seemed fine. I hate to ask an obvious question but did you unzip the rar file? Winrar is a free but less commonly used program than Winzip.
  21. I'm pretty sure that's a Panzerfaust. Edit -Never mind. I thought you meant what he had over his shoulder.
  22. That would be interesting to try more helmet types but what I'm really wondering if there's plans down the road to add caps to some of the troops as seen in these pictures:
  23. I notice that helmets appear to be removable. I'm wondering if there's a plan to allow for variable headgear such as Feldmitze for the Landsers somewhere down the line?
  24. Yeah I'd rather see Flamethrowers/Flame vehicles and AA arty first.
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