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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I don't think Battlefront will mind me mentioning there is a boardgame by GMT games in final development called Churchill. It's a 3 player political game where one plays Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt who must cooperate to defeat the Axis but win the game by getting the most out of the post war settlement. I'm curious if a successful July '44 bomb plot is one of the options.
  2. I only recall there will be modules covering until the end of the war but it is unlikely the first module alone would do so. Here are some possibilities for modules: January '45 drive into Poland. The battles in the south including the invasion and switching sides of Romania. Battles around Budapest. The assault on the Finns in '44. Everybody loves Finns. The final drive into Germany and the battle for Berlin.
  3. As you say this is all highly speculative but I imagine that in late Summer '44 a new German goverment could surrender but still make sure the Western Allies got to Berlin first. But even if not, they could have stopped the retailiatory murder pillage and rape of eastern Gemany. I indicated above ending the war in late summer '44 would have saved a million German lives but thinking it over it probably would have been closer to 2 million. Still it seems the German high command did a rather poor job of long range strategic planning throughout the war. I recently read Manstein took his "retirement" gift from Hitler and bought an estate in East Prussia.
  4. I don't think any existed, given the actual circumstances, but here are a couple of possibilities for discussion. If the July '44 bomb plot suceeds, the Army (Rommel?) takes over and offers surrender, territorial concessions, disarmanent, de-Nazification, trial of war criminals by the Allies, reparations, free elections and occupation so long as Germany is not divided and there there is a Western Allied presence through out the country. This time, unlike WW I the Allies can stay in Germany to make sure it behaves which the Germans would welcome to protect them from the USSR. Stalin, wouldn't like it, maybe not Roosevelt either but I think Churchill would be interested.
  5. The Neo Nazis always like to say that Germany was only defeated due to treasonous Germans but I've always been amazed at how much loyalty the Wehrmacht gave Hitler. Sure the Nazis were always on the look out for conspiracies but certainly by Autumn '44 you'd think others besides the Valkyrie plotters would have done a better job at getting rid of Hitler even though unconditional surrender was the only real choice by that time. Even a surrender in summer/fall '44 would have saved at least a million German lives (not to mention at least as many Allies) . Didn't the Allies question Wehrmacht leaders right after the war and ask them why they kept on fighting even though there was no hope in anything but unconditional surrender? What were the responses?
  6. Since we have the Ostfront on our minds of late I thought I'd offer this question. The March 13th 1943 bomb plot in which a time bomb was smuggled onto Hitler's plane while he was visiting Army Group Center headquarters had a very good chance of succeeding. Unfortunately the fuse failed. I've wondered though was there really a chance of regime change at the time? There might have been a power struggle between Himmler and Goering but some Nazi would remain in power, though possibly they would have been more likely to make a peace. Perhaps some high ranking Heer officers would have made a move, though who can say? How prevalent was the mood the war was lost in March 1943 before Kursk and Tunisia?
  7. I don't have enough experience with the Italian armor from CMFI. Many of those are radioless. How do they play in game? I imagine they are out of command quite often. How does that effect gameplay? Do they get the word on spotted enemies much less quickly? This would give us an idea of how Soviet armor would play.
  8. Will Black Sea be present day or set in an earlier year to be able to use more of the info you have from Shock Force which was set in 2008?
  9. I don't recall seeing any such hint by any one who works for Battlefront or any Beta tester (who wouldn't dare hint anyway) about such a change. Can you find us such a post ?
  10. Probably start collecting Social Security
  11. There were multiple module bundles with Shock Force but the 2.0 requirement for Market-Garden complicates things. 2.0 is not required for Commonwealth. Still as I read the tea leaves it will happen.
  12. Them bones, them bones, them dry bones. The foot bone's connected to the shin bone. Nick-Nack Paddy Whack give a dog a bone.
  13. Any word on Battlefront's next move gentlemen? No sir, there's a definite buildup in both the Ukraine and Belarus but we don't know where they will strike first. All our scouts keep getting assimilated and turned into Beta-testers, it's like fighting the Borg. Have you tried bribing them with wine for information? I heard that sometimes works. We would sir but it's winter now and nothing can get though to Maine in the winter. Our best hope is a leak somewhere on the net. That's worked for us in the past. Very well keep looking. Perhaps we'll actualy get some word from Battlefront themselves. You never know though. They're sneaky bastrds.
  14. I thought current purchases of CMBN already are 2.0.
  15. As long as the laden swallow song is correct you will be fine.
  16. No but I think Steve once said he played Panzerblitz as a teen so perhaps we can owe part of Battlefront's existence to Avalon Hill.
  17. Thanks Mord. You are a great asset to the BF community.
  18. It certainly would have made creating the dealership scenarios I will soon upload easier.
  19. Your English is just fine. Keep posting and welcome to the forums.
  20. How about a screen shot from both ?
  21. Brumbär Flak Panzer 38 4.7 Pak auf 35r I'd say Sdkfz 7 but then people would wonder why you can't move the 88's with them. A Tetarch for the British
  22. You are correct as usual sir, the American Civil War is what it will always be commonly known as, however the term War for American Independence seems to be gaining in use as opposed to the American Revolutionary War.
  23. Some one please post a pic of the Kriegsmarine troops. I'm curious to see what their uniforms look like. Thanks.
  24. Again there's been no official promises, but Steve did say the 16th SS division, Indians, South Africans, and late war Italians on both sides could be included in a pack.
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