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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Mikey, You are definately "Da Man"! I begin to suspect, however, that your releases are timed exactly so that I am ALWAYS at F....g Work! :mad: Do you have a spy tailing me, or somesuch? It's only 7:30am and I am already watching the clock so that I can go home and download them. This seriously impacts my productivity! Work suffers. The fate of Western Civilization, as we know it, hangs in the balance! Seriously, they are beautiful. You do great work. DavidI ------------------------ Insurance companies move in mysterious ways. Like God, of course, but less generous.
  2. This is starting to remind me of the trenches plus 30 20mm flak guns argument. If there was a sure fire way to win any scenario or QB at any time this game system would have died long ago. DavidI
  3. BFC, With 1:1 representation, how many horses are going to be attached to a limber? 2 or 4? How many to a wagon? DavidI
  4. George, Panzerkeil has only 16,000 points? Why are you going back to making small scenarios? DavidI
  5. Junk, Who? What? Where? When? Did I miss something? DavidI
  6. While I'm having CMX2 dreams - I would like to see a winter figure in an overcoat. For all the neat winterized uniform mods out there, the most universal winter wear in all armies was the long overcoat. DavidI
  7. Erikin, "I have heard of something called the X2? engine or something like that. Because it would be really cool if I could mod the shape of the helmets. There pre-set sizes are ruining my style" I strongly second that. I hope CMX2 will either allow you to, in effect, change heads or allow you to shape helmets/hats. I think Aussies in digger hats, Indians in turbans, Squad leaders in soft caps, Brit Para's in berets, etc. etc. would be great. DavidI
  8. Dey, My email is available right ^ above, drop me a line. Ya just never know. DavidI
  9. I just lost an entire platoon of T34/85s to a Henschel 123. Really? My Henschels only seem to be a threat to large empty fields of wheat ------------------------------------------------- Really? My Henschels only seem to be a threat to my SPW's 250's fully laden with PzGrenadiers! DavidI
  10. Dey, For God's sake man, listen to Junk! He's wise beyond his years! And besides it will save me having to buy you CMAK for your birthday or God Forbid - Valentines Day. DavidI [ January 24, 2005, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  11. Mikey, These are f....g Great! Look even better on map. There seems to be a PzIII that hasn't been updated yet. Don't blame me you started it! How about the lowly PzIIIN (not the late one)? Sure would look better if it was up to snuff with the others, IMHO. (I think that was the first time I got to use that anachronym - or however you spell it - I'm thrilled). May the weather always suck where you live. DavidI PS. That's the stuff Junk!
  12. Amedeo "...but I remember having read that the new pattern cap introduced in the mid of the XIX century was indeed made of bearskin and feathers (although different in shape from the typical grenadier or fusilier bearskin cap)." It may have been in the works but it never went through, or was one of those 90 day fashion changes that never caught on. The feathered bonnet remained combat wear until the 1870's and was retained as "home service" uniform up to the Great War. From then on it was worn by Band Members only. (I think there was a short lived attempt to widen it's use in the interwar years but I can't swear to it). The diced glengary, TOS and steel helmet then took over. Traditions die hard in the British Army, and that goes double for Highland Regiments. DavidI
  13. Dey, Beautiful! You know, you really should break down and buy CMAK so I can get a ww Marder III. Oh no, not again!!!!! DavidI -------------------- "Insurance companies act in mysterious ways. Like God, of course, but less generous".
  14. Arrrrggggggg! :mad: Junk's right! I am at work again! Are the stars permanently aligned against me? :confused: Mikey they look great! Can't wait to get home! David
  15. Amedeo, Hold on one minute Old Boy. The Highland Regiments of the British Army have NEVER worn bearskin caps! Kilted, Highland Regiments have worn Feathered Bonnets begining in the 1780's and their bands (including the pipes and drums) still do. The Highland Light Infantry Regiment wore diced shakos and the Royal Highland Fusiliers wore bearskin fusilier caps until their amalgamation (neither were kilted regiments). The Scot's Guards are a Guards Regiment, not a Highland Regiment. How Highland Regiments came to wear the Ostrich feathered bonnet, when they hail from a land that's not exactly renowned for it's huge Ostrich herds, is an interesting question. :confused: On a general note: I highly recommend Christopher Duffy's "Warfare in the Age of Reason" as an excellent primer for 18th century warfare. David
  16. One of the most famous users of the broomhandle Mauser was Winston Churchill. He bought one prior to shipping out with the 21st Lancers to the Sudan. He swore it saved his life when he particpated in the 21st's charge at Obdurmon. It was a "hot numba" in 1898. DavidI
  17. Europa, British Medium tank. Served in the same way as the Sherman. For a Brit tank it was pretty good, combining speed, armor and gun in a pretty good balance. Like the Sherman it could hold it's own against the Panzer IV but was out classed by the big cats. Did you ever see "Band of Brothers"? In the episode about Arhem they show two of them rolling into a Dutch town. One gets blown up by a Tiger. DavidI ----------------- ...and thanks for all the fish.
  18. Andrew, It's a real shame that the SS Squad Leaders and Squads share the same BMPs. I would have liked to set mine up so that the squads have dot pattern tunics, the crews in smocks, the squad leaders in field gray, etc. If they have a Mod ability in CMX2 perhaps they will not have shared BMP's. It would certainly give modders a great deal of versatility that we don't have at present. DavidI
  19. Junk, Thanks. BFC, You need to update B&T's entry in "Resources". DavidI
  20. Aristoteles, Bitchin videos. I've started to download them at work. Did I say "at work". No. No. I ment at home. Yeah, that's it! At home. DavidI
  21. When I go to the B&T address as given in the Resources link, I get a not there anymore message. I know they are still around. Could someone give me their new address. And better yet, could someone update the address in "Resources"? DavidI
  22. Yskonyn, An absolute must for working uniforms for CMBB is the Comprehensive BMP List for all Armies given in the GrossDuetchland for CM site. It can be found in the Resources Section. With that tool in your hands you can mix and match to your hearts content. I'm such a mod slut now that I change uniforms by the season the scenario is being played in. DavidI
  23. HawkerT, Thanks. DavidI ------------- "....and thanks for all the fish."
  24. CSO_Talorgan, You know, I can't remember. As I recall you chose the starting year, army, and front. You then bought your "Basic formation" (approx 1 battalion), you then went to your 1st battle at which time you could buy "Support" units. You fought the battle afterwhich the time advanced a couple of weeks or a month (depending on your losses and whether you moved to a different front). You took on replacements and upgraded units, units gained experiance and then you advanced to the next battle. DavidI
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