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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Painfbat, Looks like ya stumped the grogs with that one. DavidI
  2. Certainly a contender with Zombie AT Teams! DavidI
  3. Pat, Very nice indeed. Can't wait to get home. DavidI
  4. AndrewTF, You truely are the Great and Powerful. Love it. That said, get back to work on it! DavidI
  5. Gurra, THE most common winter uniform for all sides was the long length wool overcoat. Unfortunately the hard coded figures don't allow you to show this. In '44 the Germans issued a large number of cammo, reversable suits. They were popular, but for the most part were issued to frontline infantry. But again, take a look at German footage from the Bulge and you will see overcoats 90% of the time. Jaws, The German Panzer grenadiers had a change in their leg BMPs. Drop me a email - to remind me - and I'll send you the BMP #, or if you would like, just properly numbered legs. DavidI
  6. His (the Great & Powerful) Heer 41 has 3 sub-sets: 1. "Green" uniforms (this is Heer standard fieldgrey uniforms - I would do your 1940 officers in this, use the optional grey pants). 2. "Subdued" uniforms (This is dusty, dirty, faded, beatup standard fieldgrey uniforms - I would do your 1940 squads & crews in this, use the optional grey pants). 3. "winter" uniforms, not applicable in 1940. I think here you are talking about his Fallschirmjagers in jump smocks, different bunch o'dudes entirely. I look forward to your email. DavidI
  7. Junk, Not too sure I understand your response. What does the US have to do with France 40, Sealion? :confused: In 1940 the SS LAH had a motorized Regiment(?) and there was the SS Verfungstruppe Division. SS-V was really the start of the Waffen SS Divisions. It had a mediocre record in France (including a couple of prisoner execution incidents), but gained invaluable combat experience. It was broken up between the 1st three Waffen SS Divisions. By July 1941 there were 4 WSS Divisions with a 5th and 6th forming. Pick up a copy of "Hitler's Legions" gives a thumbnail history and a OOB for every German Division in WWII. DavidI PS. With the Heer 1 uniforms mentioned above, use the optional grey pants for a good 1940 look. DI
  8. Junk, I think AndrewTF's (The Great and Powerfull) HEER 1 is just what you are looking for. The Infantry uniform is still about the same as was worn in Poland in '39, with dark green collars, etc. You want to use the helmet with both the shield and eagle on it. Early war LW same same. Early war SS would be best with Heer early war tunics with SS insigna. What is the basis of your overall mod? CMAK NA, mid or late war? I ask this because you need seperate arm BMPs for the SS to look right. I think someone did a SS runes on helmet mod, I don't think I liked it much. Maybe it just needs tweeking. David
  9. Steve, Fair enough. Thanks for the response. I am REALLY looking forward to CMX2's demo and release. DavidI
  10. Steve, Fair enough. Thanks for the response. I am REALLY looking forward to CMX2's demo and release. DavidI
  11. Steve, Fair enough. Thanks for the response. I am REALLY looking forward to CMX2's demo and release. DavidI
  12. Michael is a potty mouth. Michael is a potty mouth. DavidI
  13. J Powell, Not only yes, but hell yes. DavidI
  14. What I was hoping to hear from Steve is if things in CMX1 that are hardcoded and unchangable will be more flexible in CMX2. Examples are plentiful, shape of heads, pants length, jacket length, shared arms, shared BMPs (my pet peave), etc. If we are talking about an engine that is different from CMX1 then I assume that the constrates we are faced with now may not be the case in CMX2. What it boils down to is this; can I put a lobster head on my panzergrenadier to reflect mutant human allies to the invading Space Lobsters? DavidI PS. Sorry if I dwelled on figure mods, but that is what I do, the same would go with vehicles, scenery, etc.
  15. What I was hoping to hear from Steve is if things in CMX1 that are hardcoded and unchangable will be more flexible in CMX2. Examples are plentiful, shape of heads, pants length, jacket length, shared arms, shared BMPs (my pet peave), etc. If we are talking about an engine that is different from CMX1 then I assume that the constrates we are faced with now may not be the case in CMX2. What it boils down to is this; can I put a lobster head on my panzergrenadier to reflect mutant human allies to the invading Space Lobsters? DavidI PS. Sorry if I dwelled on figure mods, but that is what I do, the same would go with vehicles, scenery, etc.
  16. What I was hoping to hear from Steve is if things in CMX1 that are hardcoded and unchangable will be more flexible in CMX2. Examples are plentiful, shape of heads, pants length, jacket length, shared arms, shared BMPs (my pet peave), etc. If we are talking about an engine that is different from CMX1 then I assume that the constrates we are faced with now may not be the case in CMX2. What it boils down to is this; can I put a lobster head on my panzergrenadier to reflect mutant human allies to the invading Space Lobsters? DavidI PS. Sorry if I dwelled on figure mods, but that is what I do, the same would go with vehicles, scenery, etc.
  17. Steve, What is you vision for moddifying vehicles, men, terrain, etc. in CMX2? I know that not everyone mods their games, but it is one of the reasons I really love CM. DavidI
  18. Steve, What is you vision for moddifying vehicles, men, terrain, etc. in CMX2? I know that not everyone mods their games, but it is one of the reasons I really love CM. DavidI
  19. Steve, What is you vision for moddifying vehicles, men, terrain, etc. in CMX2? I know that not everyone mods their games, but it is one of the reasons I really love CM. DavidI
  20. Tooz, I agree that all that would be desireable - BUT, the shape of the French helmet is hardcoded, transfering Italian helmet bmp to the French figure would just strecth the Italian helmet colors over the French helmet frame. I hope that CMX2 will change that. It would be way cool if you could sculpt (is that a word?) head shapes, or swap them around. I would love to see Aussies in digger hats, Indians in turbans, German Squad Leaders in M-43 caps, and if I got tired of that look put them back into helmets. Dream on, Dave, Dream on. DavidI
  21. Stikkypixie, You were absolutely right! The "I"'s have it! I corrected my post, thanks for removing some of the egg off my face. DavidI PS. Oh yeah. For the Germans and Russians the 81, 82 and 120mm mortars rock! For the Americans the trusty 105mm howitzer. For the Brits 25pds guns. di
  22. Stikkypixie, You may well be right. I'm at...(quick glance over both shoulders)...work right now, and wrote off the top of my head. Not a smart thing to do at my age. I will check when I get home and correct my post if necessary. Thanks. DavidI
  23. anteportas, Sure you can. T key = Target K Key = Smoke I Key = Wide Target I don't use the Wide target option very often because it really disperses your pattern. Best used when you are on the defense against large, moving, Infantry formations. DavidI [ March 02, 2005, 06:07 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  24. This is not the first time the living dead have haunted this forum. I just love Zombie movies, and I love CM, now it appears that they have much more in common than I initially thought. DavidI
  25. Philippe, Do you know any WWI British vetrans that I can contact to translate the acronyms used on this forum? DavidI
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