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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Dey, You've been busy again! Good on you! Beautiful as always. DavidI -------------------- Insurance Companies move in mysterious ways. Like God, of course, but less generous.
  2. Darkmath, BFC made the decision to only provide those vehicles and troops that actually served "in Theater". I don't think that they took into account that the improvements in CMAK vs CMBO would prompt players to do NWE scenarios. DavidI
  3. Congrats! Soon Abigail will be working on wrapping you around her wee little fingers. I should know, I have two daughters. DavidI
  4. Go digging in Google and find the site where they have scale model ships firing bb's at each other until they sink. It's out there but I can't remember the name of the organization. DavidI
  5. Philippe, Your portraits for the LW/Hermann Goering guys look fine, except I would replace the one in the Panzer Beret/Helmet and get one with a side cap, M-43 or peaked cap. David -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And the reason for this ? __________________ Because I'm not sure I've seen any pictures of Panzer crews wearing them after 1940. Certainly not in the HG formations. In the early war in Russia the only LW armor that I know of was a Panzeraufklarlung Zug (PSW 231's) attached to the "General Goering Flak Regiment". And in all the 1941 photos they are wearing side caps. Yeah, I think that's why. DavidI
  8. I think they call that friendly fire. OK, admitly it doesn't sound very friendly, being doused with flaming liquid death, and all. But that's what they call it. DavidI
  9. Philippe, Your portraits for the LW/Hermann Goering guys look fine, except I would replace the one in the Panzer Beret/Helmet and get one with a side cap, M-43 or peaked cap. David
  10. BFC, Did you ship out the backordered CMAKs today like you said you would? DavidI
  11. Lane, That's a T34/85 is it not? Different kettle o'fish. DavidI
  12. The real pain in the butt comes when you are on the offense and the designer has generously given you a couple of AT guns that can't move on their own, and once dislimbered can't be relimbered. I am thinking, of course, of the 88 flak gun. I always get them blown up or the vehicle destroyed in a place where they can't see anything. I'll keep trying though. DavidI
  13. DASman, That is some kind of translation, all right! :eek: Now can somebody translate the translation, please. :confused: DavidI
  14. I for one will be interested in seeing a Sherman tank rolling along with 12 figures crowded on board. DavidI
  15. The trick is to move them as close as possible, with wheeled or tracked transport, WITHOUT exposing them to any fire. Then dismount them and then push them into possition. Hopefully to a spot not directly in the fight, but one that will deny the enemy from using that part of the field. DavidI
  16. I had two Pz IV J's in a good spot and they had taken out a couple of Shermans. My opponent dumped some 155's on them and the very 1st round decapitated the two tank commanders, following rounds put a gun hit on one tank and immobilized the other. When the dust settled he moved up a couple of Shermans and knocked out the immobilized Panzer (with no shots fired back) and then shot up the gun hit Panzer. Off hand, that Artillery bombardment did plenty. DavidI
  17. Actually, I had a Russian squad throw 1 Molotov and 2 grenades at the back end of a Tiger I and caused it to Abandon; much to my opponent's chagrin and my delight. So I guess we are back to the luck factor. DavidI PS. If you do surround the Tiger and you do get an immobilization hit on him, call it a day. Do not try to go for the kill, just stay out of his LOS. I lost 3 T-34's to an immobilized Tiger I could have left alone. di
  18. Dey, I got'em last night. Much better than the grey/white blobs that they used to be! DavidI
  19. Tom is right about M. Dorosh being right. Tighten up the borg spotting ability and the banzai suicide jeep recon won't work so well. I use armored cars to draw enemy fire. Then they blow up. Word has gotten around so now I have to herd my AC crews into their vehicles at gun point, chain them in their seats and train a big gun on the rear of their vehicle. Then they move out to draw enemy fire. Then they blow up. DavidI
  20. So all this is to say that sometimes it's better to have half squads, and sometimes it better to have full squads? Depending on the tactical situation? No ****? :eek: DavidI
  21. Teotwawki1, The differance between I "can't understand it" and I "don't understand it". DavidI PS. There's nothing better than a good fish story.
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