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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Kingfish & Sportsguy, Thanks. DavidI
  2. Sportsguy, Where did you get said scenario? I looked but cannot find. DavidI
  3. And they look like this: Achilles: Wolverine: Enjoy. David
  4. Xellos & para, CMETO is already out. Go to the CMAK forum, go to search and type "Announcing CMETO" this will bring up pictures, instructions for installation and alot of, mostly, favorable comments. Check it out. DavidI
  5. John, Sounds like a winner. Thanks for sharing. David
  6. Windy, I think he would spell that "Pyrait". DavidI
  7. MikeyD, Wow, what a beast! Have you thought about the Brumbar? DavidI
  8. Petrus, Just asking. Not sure if I am dealing with a non-English speaker or an American moron. Not many would chose "Herr Fuhrer" as their email address and their interests as "meny" for their profile. Just curious. DavidI [ June 29, 2006, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  9. Well, here are the British Shermans V & VC Firefly and Stuarts V & VI. They look like this: At CMMODs of course. Enjoy, DavidI
  10. Petrus, Am I right in guessing that English is not your native language? DavidI
  11. MikeyD, "The trick is to avoid point-blank firing against defenseless troops" tsk tsk. The whole idea is to fire point-blank against defenseless troops! Seriously now, does anyone out there have any tales of this monster in action? Dates? Location? Effectiveness? etc. DavidI
  12. Troll is as Troll does. DavidI ------- "I hear the voices.....I am the Decider"
  13. MikeyD, I'm not sure I have ever used this puppy in game. Looks like a QB against the AI in the near future. Beautiful stuff. DavidI
  14. MikeyD, You bring a smile to Monday Mornings. DavidI
  15. Para, Well I set up the CMNormandy thing for the months of June, July and August of 1944. For that same reason I did not include any snow buildings. So yes they will work, but I'm not sure why you would. DavidI
  16. And they look like this- IIC Firefly: III (late): Lot's more to come. Enjoy, DavidI
  17. My Normandy German vehicles & Tanks. AndrewTF's SS wearing dot camo as well as his ETO Heer, Fallschirmjagers and Luft Infantry. MikeyD's Shermans & Stuarts. DavidI
  18. Snow covered British Shermans II and IIA. They look like this - Sherman II: and Sherman IIA: More to follow. Enjoy, DavidI
  19. I was over at CMMODS looking a a mod picture when suddenly...it...it...died! (Sob). It was horrible. (choke) Aaarrrrgggghhhh. DavidI
  20. Don't wait one more moment - go get it! DavidI
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