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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Well, You don't see that everyday. David
  2. Cuirassier, Ask, and it shall be given upon you. DavidI JasonC, Great analysis on both articles. Well Done. DavidI ---- "I hear the voices.... I am the Decider!" GWB
  3. A difficult mod to reproduce - but I am working on it! First a great big meal. DavidI
  4. Once again MikeyD has provided me with an excellent mod to trash with my snow covering! Done with Wicky's snow textures (modded) it looks like this: Enjoy, DavidI
  5. Hastily whitewashed and beat up Tiger II. Done with BG's winter textures over Gordon Molek's bitchin Tiger II mod. Goes along with my "Bulge" series of tanks etc. I use it in my CMBB late war game. Oh yeah, looks like this: Available at CMMODS of course. Enjoy, DavidI
  6. MikeyD, Loverly! Now where's my white paint brush? DavidI
  7. Kingfish, Excellent photos! Most of which I am seeing for the first time. Thanks for the link. DavidI
  8. Done on MikeyD's bitchin new mod with Wicky's snow textures (modded). Looks like this: Enjoy. DavidI
  9. [ July 31, 2006, 05:24 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  10. Enigma, Just got back from Halifax. I thought Nova Scotia ment "New Scotland", but now I think it means "Land of Beautiful Young Women"...so.... me. DavidI
  11. MikeyD, Just got back from vacation, and wow a bitchin mod to come home to. Snow covered as soon as I recover. DavidI
  12. Luftwaffe Stug Crews for CMETO and CMNormandy. They look like this: Read the Description notes at CMMODs for futher details. Designed specifially for those of you with CMETO and/or CMNormandy. Do not use with CMAK or CMBB, it will over write your Hermann Goering Panzer Crews! Enjoy, DavidI
  13. MikeyD, I've got it. I'm reading it and trying to figure it out vs. my Paint Shop Pro 9. I'm not winning, however. DavidI
  14. I will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the Changing of the Guard event (July 19-26). Is there anyone that lives up there that might be interested in some pints and conversation? A first hand look at a working Gatling Gun? DavidI
  15. Sportsguy, I've played the scenario. I think it would be a very good US vs AI game. Against a thinking German player the US is in trouble. (Hi Junk!) DavidI
  16. Para, HSG 3AD SS Slug Fest. In fact the whole of the 3rd Armored Division series are good. David
  17. Para, Be sure to get SS Slug Fest. Awesome! DavidI
  18. Kg Jag, What a cool idea! Not that I qualify, but if I did, I would be on it. DavidI
  19. It's 4th of July and to celebrate I am releasing two new mods of er...ah...British tanks. Doesn't sound right somehow. Anyway they are; Valentine X & XI Sexton I am particullarly happy with the Valentine because I discovered a MikeyD mod that I had missed previously. Kinda bonus points. Enjoy the holiday and enjoy the mods. DavidI
  20. MikeyD. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you. DavidI
  21. Two minutes later and it was back up. Thanks COG. DavidI
  22. COG, As of 10:00am Pacific Coast time CMMODS is still down. DavidI
  23. Dey, Good to see you back at it. I got them all. Lovely. DavidI
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