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Blazing 88's

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  1. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to ArmouredTopHat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   

    Seems the US have scrapped further upgrades to current line M1A2s and are now going for an M1E3 with some interesting adjustments. Lower weight and a mandatory APS system strike out to me in particular. I wonder if they will go with an autoloader as they imply. Would be quite the radical shakeup.

    Curious to see what other modifications they go for, as well as considerations for a more drone filled battlefield. 
  2. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to FancyCat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    maybe we should move on,
  3. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to ArmouredTopHat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    According to pro Russian propaganda, the AFU has been in a 'critical' situation for years and yet nothing has really happened. This is literally just conjecture. 

    I have been a long time lurker enjoying this thread for years and I just cannot sit by and watch a clear propaganda account spout such rubbish. I know several Ukrainians who would literally punch you in the face for suggesting that Ukraine 'should just surrender man' after the disgusting acts committed upon them. 

    You claim Russia is 'fixing' its corruption when in reality its just one faction cleaning out the other. Both are neck deep in said corruption all while while new stooges are brought in. They arrested general Popov who was specifically trying to point the many flaws in the Russian military system last year (And got fired for it) and seemed to be one of the few who actually gave a damn about the lives of his soldiers. 

    Russia is not fixing anything, they are just assigning fall guys and pretending nothing is wrong. 
  4. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to keas66 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Look up the definition of a quisling - If you really are a Ukrainian - thats you .  Either way you are blocked .
  5. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Given your shift in narrative I sincerely doubt you are anywhere near Russian bombs right now.  In fact I am getting the suspicion that you are located closer to where those bombs are coming from, not to.
  6. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we have a russian troll!  He finally gets to his point.  The only way for the suffering to stop is for UKR to capitulate.  I am hoping this post leads to an immediate ban because you are obviously just an RU propagandist.
    And same with NATO countries, the only way to ensure you are not attacked is to capitulate now!  
  7. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Bucha was the direct fault of the Ukrainians?  If you said that to my face I would be very tempted to punch your teeth out.  If you said that inside Ukraine you would probably not live long, and deservedly so.  
    You are quite obviously a russian troll, not ukrainian.  We are not the imbeciles that you might find on facebook.
    I suppose all the washing machines would've safe also given a capitulation?
  8. Upvote
    Blazing 88's reacted to Sojourner in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I recommend abandoning Russian propaganda, it greatly distorts reality.
  9. Thanks
    Blazing 88's reacted to Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not really for this forum but don't be so sure, so quickly..
    Trump can't even get 100% votes of the core Republican base. Nikki Haley who stood down from the primary campaign has gotten close to 20% of the Republican base in vital swing states without campaigning!!!
    There are a lot of Republicans that won't be fooled a second time around and will vote Biden instead.
    You should look more carefully at what is actually happening than assume he will win. There are some strong headwinds, and not just his potential jail time for contempt of court.
    Personally I would comfortably bet some donuts that he won't be reelected...
  10. Thanks
    Blazing 88's got a reaction from Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good interview.
    General Hodges on Retaking Crimea, NATO in Ukraine and Russian Collapse
    Some other news...
    The U.S Army Just Unveiled The Newest Version Of Its Combat-Tested Bradley IFV
    with 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System:
  11. Like
    Blazing 88's got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good interview.
    General Hodges on Retaking Crimea, NATO in Ukraine and Russian Collapse
    Some other news...
    The U.S Army Just Unveiled The Newest Version Of Its Combat-Tested Bradley IFV
    with 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System:
  12. Like
    Blazing 88's got a reaction from Yet in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good interview.
    General Hodges on Retaking Crimea, NATO in Ukraine and Russian Collapse
    Some other news...
    The U.S Army Just Unveiled The Newest Version Of Its Combat-Tested Bradley IFV
    with 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System:
  13. Upvote
    Blazing 88's got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good interview.
    General Hodges on Retaking Crimea, NATO in Ukraine and Russian Collapse
    Some other news...
    The U.S Army Just Unveiled The Newest Version Of Its Combat-Tested Bradley IFV
    with 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System:
  14. Like
    Blazing 88's got a reaction from acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good interview.
    General Hodges on Retaking Crimea, NATO in Ukraine and Russian Collapse
    Some other news...
    The U.S Army Just Unveiled The Newest Version Of Its Combat-Tested Bradley IFV
    with 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System:
  15. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to Sequoia in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Agreed Canada and most other NATO members could and should do more. But these guys below should show that Canada indeed was and is part of NATO.
    Fallen Canadian Armed Forces Members - Canada in Afghanistan - Canadian Armed Forces - History - Remembrance - Veterans Affairs Canada
  16. Thanks
    Blazing 88's reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    your attempt to play the both-siderism game is pathetic and shows an incredible amount of ignorance, both in historic and in current events.  What Gingerich did was completely unprecedented.  What McConnell did was completely unprecedented.  And Trump is off the charts for breaking both norms and laws.  ANd where on the left are the insane ones that are wielding power?   Where's the dem Matt Gaetz?  MTGreene?  American democracy is on the brink and it is due to one side and one side only.  Guess what --  Biden won't attempt to throw the country into a civil war to unlawfully try to cling to power.  Trump's been doing that for last 4 years, including a full on mob-coup attempt that left people dead.  So just WTF are you even talking about?  Clearly you've been watching Hannity or some other bull**** monger and now you are parroting their bulls--t.
    So stop watching Fox & newsmax.  It makes you look like a damn fool.
    Oh, and please respond by telling me how it's the dems fault the GOP held up UKR aid for 3 months.  Dems aint the ones on Putin's payroll.  
  17. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Two GUR UH-60 Black Hawks were involved in landing in Kozinka, Belgorod oblast in March
  18. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to squatter in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes of course that is true. But unmanned does not equal autonomous. And yes, of course autonomous weapons will offer huge advantages to those who employ them, but at what cost (see video I linked to above.)? Due to the cheapness and ease of manufacture of autonomous killer drones (once the tech has been developed), the implications of their use by bad actors are horrendous. 
    The world did manage to get some level of control over nuclear proliferation (somewhat latterly and post-hoc) - should we not at aspire to learn the lessons from the successes and failures of nuclear non-proliferation and at least attempt to limit autonomous weapon development? 
    If we don't then we are heading into an utterly terrifying world, and one most on here seem to have just shrugged and set off down the road towards at the first fork in the road. 
  19. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It's pretty clear Trump has told him not to do it and he's listening. 
  20. Thanks
    Blazing 88's reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Not exactly - the steel alloy used (high carbon and brittle) is chosen so as to create fragments which themselves contribute to the effectiveness of the weapon.
    Artillery worked quite well before drones were a thing
    Look, drones are great. The have capabilities that emulate or exceed other similar kinds of effects delivery systems. But drones also have limitations, and capabilites that are inferior to other similar kinds of effects delivery systems. And they most definitely aren't some magical uber weapon which has suddenly made all other military capabilities obsolete.
  21. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Seriously guys, why are we (yet again) feeding the troll?
    It's not like he has anything useful or even coherent to say, or is objectively considering counter points from various people, so... Why? 
    It's just clutter, now. 
  22. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So if you have been following this thread, for even a little while. You would have noted that we get ones like you in from time to time.  Bold, empty self-inflated opinions with no actual study or work behind them.  We have little patience for them.  They are laughably easy to spot and play versions of the same song.  I am attacking you because you do not belong here.  You are a bacteria for clear and objective thinking.  You, and those like you, come here with agendas and intent to spin, lie and project uncertainty with eyes on a predetermined position of some sort.  You do not come here to discuss, learn or add to the discussion.  As such you are worthy of attack, or at least your position definitely needs to be confronted.
    It really won’t matter soon.  Because like the rest, you will be on your way out shortly.  And we won’t remember you because you blur with the rest.
  23. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Seriously what do they teach kids these days?
    How hard is it to do a google search and go on a personal learning journey?  But instead I will go troll a forum?  Next he will come back and declare that it was an “honest question” and we are all “sheeple”.  “Jesus was not actually born on 25 Dec!  Thalidomide!  United Fruit Company!  C’mon man, it was the ‘global elitist’ who started this war to distract from fluoride in the water!!”
  24. Thanks
    Blazing 88's reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Another idiot that thinks everyone else is an idiot.  He does the whole "look how intellectual I am" while having just previously said rightwing conspiracy stuff that has no basis in fact.  Then he poo poos 'reality based' thinking -- did you really say something that f--ing stupid?  So you base on principle -- but a principle is  utterly make-believe if it is not based on some kind of evidence-based reality.  Good lord you are as stupid as you are arrogant.  
    But hey, keep going, this is really getting entertaining as you make an ever bigger fool of yourself w each post.
  25. Like
    Blazing 88's reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Their might a vote on Ukraine funding tomorrow. This is the day to write your Congressperson if you are in the U.S..
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