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Everything posted by Stirling

  1. The AI in CMx1 would have known what to do (at least for immediate survival). I wish the same could be said of CMSF.
  2. The maps are great, but the CMSF AI just isn't up to the task, yet.
  3. LOL! I promise that I'll never hijack another thread.
  4. If 2P feels like slings and arrows, maybe it's time 2C the doctor. Okay. That was bad even by my standards. (somebody help me heave this thread back onto the tracks)
  5. I believe they've said that fix is on the to-do list for 1.05. Those more forum-savvy might post a link.
  6. I have to agree with molotov. That was a little too Pengy for a normal thread. Ewww! The Peng thread is leaking again. <-----take note everyone
  7. With the new large QB maps (several spread out objectives), time is suddenly more of an issue with smaller forces (mandatory fewer turns).
  8. Good. I hate it when I miss something. The QBG maps are excellent, by the way. Especially the new large ones. :cool:
  9. I just tested a tiny home-made scenario and they do appear to fly correctly. There's usually a lot of smoke in my games. Maybe I've just never seen it level off at the end.
  10. When Battle Type is set to Random, is there a way to know what was picked when the game starts? I guess it's not that important since QBs are mostly just Deathmatch anyway, but I was just wondering if I was missing something.
  11. Some of you seem to be missing the point. The point is that the AI is wasting all its ammo firing at targets it shouldn't even be able to see (if a particular wreck is blocking fire completely). This is obviously unintended behavior (bug). Whether it's fixable or not, I couldn't say.
  12. Why was so much taken out of our control in QBs? I know why no random maps, but why no ability to pick a particular one? I know the reason for no any-unit pick-and-choose, but why no direct control to pick even proper formations? There can't possibly be a reason to forbid us from setting a turn limit. Are these a product of the forced release problem and presumably fixable? Or are they permanent design choices? Inquiring minds want to know.
  13. Here's hoping they add a different animation for direct attack. Those things are tactical nukes even when they hit side-first.
  14. How about variety packs with, for example: 1 elite 6 standard 3 skirmish Then you can put out packs more often (perhaps), and with more variety.
  15. Yeah. Area fire snaps to the grid. Kinda like the gun from <u>The Fifth Element</u>.
  16. Using the same button for end viewing and end turn was a monumentally...umm...unwise...decision.
  17. ...that one day an opposing force will actually show up for a Quick Battle.
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