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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. If someone from the cmbo days can help me sort it out, i have every bo building mod i can find. i am using and testing them all. basically i use the ones that i like. but what i dont know is which ones are correct for france as apposed to germany etc. ie red brick, gray stucco, tudor, dark rock lower walls. see my pic from valley of trouble cmak at my website. i will put them up at cmmods if people want them. i am currently using normandy subdued grass mod, some of toms tbm ardennes winter mod, etc
  2. mikeyd they do work, they are just wrong. unless you dont own cmbb and you want to play east front. ei uniform bmps iirc are the same for russian inf bb and usa ak. just like my marines and snlf japanese in bb. sometimes the stretch is different, i think it is your red brick church from bo, the doors and windows get too wide for scale. jujus berlin buildings look great in ak for nw europe.
  3. maybe what i do is try them. i do the same with cmbo mods. sometimes bo mods are more difficult. all you need is a way to fix it if it all goes wrong. i use MCMMM and have extra copies of my bmps just in case. best to do is ask here about a particular mod
  4. Has anyone figured out how to make winter scenes show up in the in terrain window? bmps 25100-25131 I have made my own scenes from internet pictures, screenshots and mod previews. I have tried adding 50000 = 75100 that didnt work. the only snow i see is 25113 "ice" for troops on frozen rivers. in cmak there is 25200 + for desert scenes. only one set in cmbb. If no one answers i will put them on cmmods, but they will overwrite the bmps.
  5. if you are talking about scenario editor, in parameters are you setting arid, dry, what country? northen italy in 45 may not have desert. do you mean wavey sand or light color with dark flecks?
  6. cmbb summer 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3688 have yet to see this little round thing 3689 portrait this is the allied, the one i sent you is winter romanian, winter russian would be above plus 50000 also shares bmp with val i think 12650 12651 12653 ? i blue greened one to match zims blue green stuart etc for cmbb pacific. had to cut and paste track area for pinkeys [ February 25, 2004, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  7. CDV sends me monthly newsletters and prods me to buy Blitzkreig. Two new expansion packs, Pacific front stuff too. hummmm
  8. add 50000 to summer number ie 9000 to 59000. Andrew's german winter unis should be numbered correctly already. if the mod has green pants number 59xxx just renumber some white pants and copy over that bmp. open your bmp folder and peek. if you need more help just ask.
  9. up in arms, i mean arms are up at ccmods. They are still cmbo numbered. DO NOT unzip them into your bmp folder! btw in the uni mod screenie, the helmet lower left UI is from cmbo demo, bmp 1022. portrait is from my 101st airborne conv pack. In command radio is a cmbb mod overlayed on wood. juju's guns look good too.
  10. Have you looked at cmmods in cmak and cmbb for uniform mods? Or some of the stuff at CMHQ? White pants are in most winter mods. I am not a grog and really am lost with the Axis. Lets see what someone else posts. edit: have you looked at cmmods,cmak, beorix HG.zip.zip mod? if thats what you are talking about renumber to winter and renumber some white pants. [ February 24, 2004, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  11. I took the liberty to renumber Andrew Fox's CMBO US winter uniform mod to CMAK. Tested ok. Includes infantry, crew and airborne mw and lw. I put in plain arms but the arms with patch options is in the original Super Action Pack at CMHQ. The winter arms will be in a separate zip and will have to be renumbered yourself. Thank Andrew and enjoy.
  12. can you post a picture or point me to a website?
  13. btw there are some cmak grid mods at cmmods under cmbo. these are in cmbo because at the time of upload there was no cmak section. miket and others, could you delete them and reupload to cmak?
  14. there are pci graphic cards. not as good as agp. most computers have a couple of empty pci slots for modem cards, ethernet cards, etc if not built in. if you can use one i dont know, call to dell or websearch.
  15. ok the Italian camo problem is what i had in Elba. If you select july 43 italy, italian airborne you get green camo tops and plain pants. now change the date to jan 45 when you cant get italian troops. now they have black german uniform tops on their arms and legs and sides. but the portrait and info still show italian.
  16. schrullenhaft, do most of these new computers have agp slots? or should a person check first before shopping? i would assume 8x is standard now.
  17. hence my need for two installs of cmbb and three copies of cmak bmp folder. i do a lot of oops that didnt work. or overwrite the wrong folder lol
  18. go to www.pcmech.com forums and read what pc geeks have to say. mainly which one to stay away from. plus places to mail order. www.newegg.com has a good reputation. i have used www.allstarshop.com with great service.
  19. your making me work, lol here it is in a package all ready for cmbo, except bunch of options to pick through. let me know if you need help.
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