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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. i was going nuts with all the scens on the screen so i made a new folder and renamed the original. then i moved all the scens not on the cd to the new folder. as i dl new battles i unzip them into this new folder. time goes by the new folder is full of stuff i made to test different mods and terrain and dates etc. i made a folder inside this folder and moved all my test stuff and battles i dont play anymore into it. i have win xp. when i go into editor and select load, i can open the folder in the folder and select stuff. someting i never thought of, might be helpful. unclutterd my start screen.
  2. xp doesnt like less than 256mb ram, regardless of what the box says. 512 is better. then there is pc100 and pc133. if the board is a 100 then 133 wont run at 133, but it will work. dont know much about laptops but might even be 66. do your homework or use a shop that can tell you first what youve got in there. if its on board video it aint gonna cut it imho. if pci or agp (or what they call them in mobiles) 16mb may not be enough or may be slow.
  3. I printed out some charts from B o B, cm accessories, that appear to be for cmbo. does anyone know if the apply to cmbb and cmak? nice to know visibility ranges. or is it on the screen in game and ive missed it? (im use to spwaw vis info)
  4. i had that problem last night with my gem truck. i just picked ALL under country and OTHER and OTHER just to force it in. i wouldnt let me pick blank either. i put my text on notepad and cut and paste to cmmods text. ive been burned before when i forgot to jpeg my screenie. your description says enough but it wont show up in a search function for american.
  5. ftw, they all have problems. i built my own computer. learned way more than i wanted to in the process. pcmech helped me alot. as soon as u buy xxx, yyy comes out, so u cant win anyway. i like amd, i like ati. i dont play fps games that are graphic intense. you have to first decide what you need a card for, then your budget. my next build this summer will be an ati brand 9600 pro or xt. u could save money with a powercolor or sapphire, but i figure why not stick with the guys that made the chips. they might still be around when i have a problem, owe me tech support, and their patches should work with their products. my radeon 7000 64mb ddr(70us$) is less than a year old, but very out of date. but my puter is too,lol. so why buy a good card for a slow puter? it works for cm and everything else i do. used the software that came with it, and havent changed that for fear of new problems. when i bought my mainboard(motherboard) i made sure it had an agp slot. i didnt want a pci video card. pciexpress or something like that will be the next new way to do it and agp prices will fall. keep that in mind before u buy a $500 card today and see it for 200 next year.
  6. lol, i cant find my own troops with winter camo in the trees and snow. even though im a rookie, i play with full fow. and no grid. but thats my choice.
  7. go to www.pcmech.com forum ati vs nvidia is like amd vs intel, ford vs chevy vs lexus vs ... i have yet to play a battle that had fog listed in weather conditions. i have an ati so i wont see the effect if i ever do. no biggie to me. besides fog means no planes to blow up the wrong troops.
  8. most turn based, top down games have toggle on off grid. when you are learning the game it is helpfull. i turn them off. i dont play desert scens right now cuz im not yet good enough at this game for long range planning. even in wooded hilly battles i lose tanks from long range fire. i dont think this discussion should be about playing styles, but the ability to have a tool choice to increase the fun. just like extreme fow, when you are good enough.
  9. that posted mods at cmmods. i installed your incoming sound mod. next battle i played just happened to have my platoon come under arty fire. wow sounded great. next i renumbered your tree 513 to 553. in der kessels going to town remake, having a few small pines amongst the sticks is a nice change. thanks for the mods.
  10. In SPWAW et al you mount infantry on tanks for spotting ability. but those games dont have buttoned unbuttoned iirc. does mounting inf in cm help spotting for tanks? or at least spot antitank assets sooner?
  11. I removed the readme and installed with mcmmm. looks great. i used puds italy-me-railway map. then uninstalled and looked at stock. wow what a difference. nice switches. i had noticed the tracks in CSDT ST Vith, so installed ed and jujus winter tracks. better detail but too white for cmaks grey snow. then made a map italy sand with some track. i had to laugh. ive done model trains large and small. you think grogs are picky. i could just hear the train guys. that ballast couldnt be in that region. those ties are 1 scale inch too big. train guys go nuts about rail heighth, width, gauge between rails, tie size, colours etc. anyway, these are better than stock. good scale in relation to terrain. you need to do different sets with different ballast for the region they will be used in. and a snow set too please.
  12. yep im a mod addict. i have gone through every website and backdoor ftp i can find. like the catbox there's treasure out there. i try it all if it pleases me visually. make up pieces if i need to. if youve ever done a close combat mod, this i a piece of cake!!!!! I even dl'd proggys for extracting cc2 pac mod sound files to use in cm pac front. dl'd three proggys to find one to convert .au file to .wav for combat tv show theme song.
  13. While we're on the subject, If you use MCMMM and like juju and ed's mods, go to cmhq. under 3rd party mods, terrain and buildings, get ed and juju asm winter mod. i unzipped it into its own folder, all the bits are in separate zips. they are great. pic n choose.
  14. dooh! like on the back of front wheel drive cars. ah, my excuse, halftrak dunt have wheels on back lol. awesome connection you have. dl avg 120kb/sec never less than 110 thanks for all your hard work. i dont have a ps program, but thanks for the offer. edit, picture from kassarine 248355 shows chains on front of tow truck. i went to post pic here but its too big. so ok sometimes :eek: [ February 21, 2004, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]
  15. adding 50000 to 4017 for pak guns didnt work. i sprayed some grey on it. now its so so. has some feature to it. suitable for all terrain. at least its not a black ridge.
  16. Wicky, made a donut. copy and paste over snowy wheel. whoopie. magua's cmbo halftrak in cmak, waiting for yours.
  17. too cool thanks for the fix. i tried that with 1020 and 1022 helmets for winter. made a white one for ge from screenie and cmbo usa is light. had to overwrite originals. any ideas for the pak's?
  18. Tried some, like em better than stock. maybe darker? do you take requests?
  19. I just noticed at cmmods, the desciption "hasty" in reference to camo. If it was hasty in summer, then maybe in winter? Like "oh no it snowed last night"
  20. ok this has to be the pickiest most chickenstuff thing yet. in winter/snow usa arty has no snow on the tire treads, wheeled vehicles do. if i copy 4043 snow on tire tread for 4041 they get snow treads. german pak guns get black nothings, but i may have done something to cause that. they both look silly up close with snow modded wheels and tire sides.
  21. Lots of winter mods coming online. Lets debate whitewash. Photos of USA dont seem to have any. Germans did from what I gather. Late in the war I can imagine German tankers wanting to hide from Allied air superiority. But did they have the supplies and labor to wash em? It seems Axis was busy moving masses from front to front. Did they ever not have the time? Or did the discipline requier it done before battle?
  22. fwiw, no spoiler, im playing as allies vs ai on a long fairly flat map. spws are headed my way from afar. my hmgs are taking them out from way father than i thought was possible. the others back up or refuse to move i guess. otoh if they have los they are scaring my guys busily fighting at the other end of the map. point being, your best plan may not work on every map.
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