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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Do individual casualties in a squad count towards victory points, or only eliminated squads? IE is it the same to kill 10 men, one in each of 10 sqauds as it is to kill one 10 man squad? Ta, GaJ.
  2. It's great to see more options out there for CM fanatics. It was always a shame to have the cobwebs hanging over CMMOS... that was what prompted me to do McMMM in the first place. With respect to statistics, it would seem kinda natural for the proportion of downloads of the each mod managers to match the proportion of mods available for each. GaJ.
  3. Or, if you use PBEM Helper, you don't even have to worry about it. PBEMH takes care of that sort of thing even in "normal/secure" mode....
  4. Correct. This is to prevent cheating: if you are the second person to put in your orders, the result is calculated on your PC, then the movie is emailed to your opponent to view before you can view it. This is so you don't get to re-run the turn before sending it to your opponent if you don't like the outcome from the first try! If you trust your opponent, you can use Fuerte's PBEM Helper tool in "trusted" mode, and you will get to view two movies per email, thanks to a very clever trick it does. GaJ.
  5. So true! When BFC guys start feeling offended at the feedback, they should come & read this!!!
  6. I agree. WW2 is the most interesting milieu anyway, let's face it...
  7. What happens in the "old" version: every time you open the dialog to load a new mod into McMMM, it displays to you all the mod zip files that are in your Mods directory. When you have lots of these, it can be a pain to scroll through and find the most recent one you downloaded. What is new: the dialog to load a new mod into McMMM separates the new mod zips files from the ones you've already loaded. You can stil re-load ones you've already loaded (maybe you got a new version), it's just easier to see which is what. GaJ.
  8. I have finally gotten around to fixing McMMM so that Mods you have already loaded are shown separately from new mods that you just got and want to load. Before unleashing this on the unsuspecting, it'd be great if a few people would be willing to test it out. Drop me an email if you can help. Thanks, GaJ. [ April 28, 2004, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  9. If that were true, it would be outrageous! If we can actually _know_ that a stationery tank firing at another one is going to go "over, short, hit, miss, miss, hit" every time... well... sheesh!!!
  10. I spent some time messing around with rocky doodads trying to find a design that would stand out against the bright sand, but still look OK. I became disillusioned with this quest. Even if the primary goal is achieved, the same doodads are used in rough... and having modified them for rocky, they then look crap in the rough. Given that there are a bazillion bmps already, I can't help wondering why we couldn't have had just a few more to make the terrains truly unique. This doodad sharing is a shame
  11. Are you sure the BMP numbers are right? I have installed the two mentioned above, but they don't appear in-game Edit: I've looked and the bitmaps that I replaced definitely match what I see when I look at rocky. And they are definintely replaced with the new BMPs. And yet I still see the old look!!?? Edit: I've found the answer: 32130 and 32131 are also rocky doodads: I guess that they are the ones used with arid or something? Can someone confirm/clarify? Unfortunately, in arid they are _worse_ than the existing doodads: I think this is because they are lighter in colour, and they stand out less in the lightly coloured sand (Another interesting aside: the snow-covered versions - 2530,2531 - appear to be this new rounded rock as distributed on the CD!?) [ April 27, 2004, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  12. If it was an emulation of fog of war - "encountering rocks by suprise", then you wouldn't be able to LOS it. As it is, the game rewards those who run the LOS tool over ever square inch to figure out where the rocky patches are. That is a complete PITA.
  13. Hi, Is there a mod that differentiates the tree-bases of tall pines from scattered trees in the snow? Thanks, GaJ [ April 27, 2004, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  14. Interesting. I'm pretty sure I learned in school that The Brits didn't give a damn about the outcome of Gallipoli, they just wanted to make a noise over there. IE ostensibly it may have been to open up the access to the Black Sea, but really just a diversion. I have no idea if this is right - I'm no Grog, and school was a *looong* time ago!
  15. Since there are WWI/II grogs here, I just thought I'd mention that this is the weekend when we commemorate the ANZAC corp, especially their ill-fated diversionary attack on Galipoli. The local papers were running a story observing that there is only one (1) digger left able to march... (if my wife hadn't thrown out the papers I'd tell you his name!) GaJ.
  16. At least steppe doesn't make such a dramatic difference to AFVs as rocky does. I hadn't realised that there was more than one terrain without a bitmap!
  17. A NEW REQUEST FOR THIS THREAD Please give Rocky ground its own BMP.
  18. "MBT"? (And how does that help?) Why is it that every other type of terrain has a ground bitmap associated with it, but rocky doesn't?
  19. Being in the midst of a variety of desert PBEMs, I'm finding myself continually tangled up in rocky. It is a complete PITA. Wheras with every other terrain type, you can look at the "map" and get an idea of what routes you should be taking, with rocky, you have to do this "select a unit, scan around with LOS tool" nonsense. And it *really* matters that you take the time to do it. Get your vehicles tangled up in rocky, and they are *slow* and *bogged*. Here is another plea to the modders: please someone make us a mod that helps us see rocky! GaJ. (While a mod with Sylvestor Stalone fishing in an assault boat would be entertaining, that's not what I'm asking for! )
  20. I don't see why it's a misfeature that you can't see as well into the distance when you are buttoned up. You close all those hatches, and suddenly you're squinting through a restricted vision hole that may not even have LOS to the thing you could see when popped up: there's a honking piece of metal view-hole-frame in the way.
  21. Actually, the game usually installs trouble-free. There are thousands of Wav files, so your install clearly did not work properly. You won't be able to get the WAVs from somewhere else: there are 100's of MBs of them. Try posting for help on getting the install to work properly in the "Technical Help" forum. You should try to clearly describe exactly what happens from the beginning when you install. GaJ.
  22. Which side are you playing? There's no real reason why the tanks can't cover most of the map quickly... it's not that big. Note that they go pretty slowly in scattered trees, and because it's wet they can indeed bog. If you click on them, their status will tell you "bogged". They will try to get unbogged. If they can't, they will become immobile. If you are attacking, it's pretty inevitable that they enemy will get the first shot: he's sitting there waiting till you arrive. The trick is to make sure he only shoots something small, and to have plenty of firepower waiting to blast the thing that he opens fire with. Of course, it may be a bluff: perhaps he opens fire with something small to flish out your main attacking force. Maybe you respond with only a small force to see if he's bluffing. fun, eh?
  23. Whooo's that stomping over my bridge? (strange that the troll spotter has only called one so far... I'd have thought that there was a veritable swag of trolls out there waiting to be called today!)
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