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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. (Sorry about the capitals - it seems to be the "thing to do" for Mod-related releases!) McMMM 3.0 is available at CMMODS. What is McMMM? It is "Martin's Combat Mission Mod Manager": the no-frills easy-to-use Mod Manager for Windows that can handle any type of mod. It basically takes the hassle out of using mods. Updates from V2.4: - New "Load Mod" dialog with new mods separated out - Windows remember their size and shape - Add and delete Combat Mission installations - "Select All" button visible at >96 DPI A couple of hundred people downloaded the beta, and there have been no complaints, so I think this is pretty stable. Should you upgrade: yes, I think you should. V3.0 is the version I will be supporting, and it has enough improvements from 2.4 (and earlier) to make it worthwhile. Do you need 3.0 if you have 2.8 beta: no, they are basically the same (3.0 has updated documentation). Enjoy. GaJ.
  2. Has anyone heard from jsalmenk recently? We were exchanging turns daily reliably since his PC crash was fixed, but its a few days now since I heard from him. We're close to the wire for finishing in time...
  3. How did y'all manage to sneak out of the Peng marsh for so long!?!? The Peng detectors must be on the blink!
  4. Is that snippy as in scissors or snipey as in sniper rifle? (Spelling nits are always good for lightening up a thread. Or is that lighting up a thread?)
  5. I can't believe that someone took a swipe at the "sale to the foreign military"! Without even a smiley. Shame, Dorosh, shame. That sale was a major win for CM, a boost in every sense. I hope it boosted the coffers, so that there's more money to spend on making good games. I, for one, was tickled pink to read about the "foreign military" sale. (And it just goes to show which militaries have their heads on straight, eh! ) GaJ.
  6. That is an EXCELLENT idea. It is a pain in the bum having to play right to the end to get a score (which systems like BoB require) when everyone knows it's really all over. The winner is not going to offer ceasefire because he wants the points...
  7. Oh yeah - I forgot about that! I'll have to update the README!
  8. You should be able to just point it to the folder 2.4 was using: you should not have to uninstall mods before changing version. Any problems... let me know! Thanks, GaJ.
  9. Remind me not to play using PBEMH in "Trusted mode" with you guys!!! General Colt's story doesn't quite hold water, by the way: what was he doing typing _his_ password into a session that was expecting his opponent's password in the first place???? Strange kind of "accident" if you ask me!
  10. While we're on this, do any of these support a batch mode? IE can I bundle one up with McMMM and call it from McMMM, and thus make McMMM support Sound Mods with MP3s as well as WAVs?
  11. Hi Mod-fans, I just uploaded to CMMODS a new version of McMMM. This is a beta. That means that I've tested it, and so have some other kind folk. We couldn't find anything wrong with it. I will update the status to "Full release" when more people have used it successfully. New features: - New "Load Mod" dialog that makes it easy to see the new Mods (a separate list from the already loaded mods). - Windows remember their size and shape - "Select All" button is visible at >96DPI Should you update your version? Yes, actually, I think it would be a good idea. There are enough improvements to make it worthwhile ... plus this is the version I will be supporting. You can try this beta, or wait till I announce the full release. Enjoy.... GaJ.
  12. Hi Mod-fans, I just uploaded to CMMODS a new version of McMMM. This is a beta. That means that I've tested it, and so have some other kind folk. We couldn't find anything wrong with it. I will update the status to "Full release" when more people have used it successfully. New features: - New "Load Mod" dialog that makes it easy to see the new Mods (a separate list from the already loaded mods). - Windows remember their size and shape - "Select All" button is visible at >96DPI Should you update your version? Yes, actually, I think it would be a good idea. There are enough improvements to make it worthwhile ... plus this is the version I will be supporting. You can try this beta, or wait till I announce the full release. Enjoy.... GaJ. (the User Guide for McMMM is here.) [ August 12, 2006, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  13. Hi Mod-fans, I just uploaded to CMMODS a new version of McMMM. This is a beta. That means that I've tested it, and so have some other kind folk. We couldn't find anything wrong with it. I will update the status to "Full release" when more people have used it successfully. New features: - New "Load Mod" dialog that makes it easy to see the new Mods (a separate list from the already loaded mods). - Windows remember their size and shape - "Select All" button is visible at >96DPI Should you update your version? Yes, actually, I think it would be a good idea. There are enough improvements to make it worthwhile ... plus this is the version I will be supporting. You can try this beta, or wait till I announce the full release. Enjoy.... GaJ.
  14. And the difference is _large_. Don't expect to see things if you are hiding...
  15. Are these treebases at CMMODS (I couldn't find them there!)?
  16. Is there a sound mod that replaces the reving racing cars? While I have no idea about the veracity of that sound, I'd replace it if I could! Other than that, I haven't felt compelled to mod sounds. I guess there's always the minor hurdle of MP4->WAV conversion. If only I could figure out how to make McMMM do that automatically, then sound mods might be easy enough to install to make it more appealing... GaJ.
  17. Doh! Yes - setup phase. Now - why would it be disabled in editor & setup? That's wierd!
  18. Shift-B for me doesn't do anything. Specifically, it doesn't cause unit bases to be turned off. Does anyone else have that problem?
  19. So a higher calbre length implies advantages more than just the increased penetrations that seem to be associated with it: also greater accuracy (which doesn't show up in any other table/parameter)?
  20. I presume it's the length of the tank's gun. Does this information tell me something about the performance of the tank, or is it for interest only?
  21. Thanks! ! (How are you doing with McMMM?)
  22. Could someone summarise in, say, a paragraph just what an "online campaign" IS? I've poked around the web site, and get some impression but no real idea. The rules page appears to be not operating? Ta, GaJ.
  23. How do you get the URL for a preview picture in CMMODS? (I asked this before, I know... if you answered sorry that I missed it!) Ta, GaJ.
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