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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. AAR site seems to be working now.... (Might be nice if the scenarios were arranged with the pairs who played each other together, so its easy to read each side of a fight).
  2. AAR site seems to be working now.... (Might be nice if the scenarios were arranged with the pairs who played each other together, so its easy to read each side of a fight).
  3. AAR site seems to be working now.... (Might be nice if the scenarios were arranged with the pairs who played each other together, so its easy to read each side of a fight).
  4. WRT to TTGBITN, I wonder if the German appreciation for the intent (and thus enjoyment) might have been improved if the briefing made it clear(er) that "get to the other side without casualty" was the goal, and would deliver victory. I'd have relished the idea of totally sneaking past and trying not to be seen at all. (Though side-hugging might have been the result, I guess).
  5. WWW - when I click on the link above, it asks for a password for an account that I don't have. When I make something up, I get a page full of php code... Looks like it needs a fix, or somefink!
  6. Check out the "play movie" feature of PBEM Helper. It is not perfect, and it is definitely a bit fiddly to get set up, but it is the best answer there is at the moment. It can play turn after turn sequentially (back and forward). But just to get your expectations set appropriately: nothing can do this uninterrupted ... PBEMH is no exception. GaJ.
  7. So - let me get this straight... if you have trenches and you're defending a flag in the middle of a forest, you put the trenches (and men in them ) _outside_ the forest, if there's any whiff of artillery?
  8. Luverly guns! Could you artisitically "bend" the mount, so that it does kinda line up?
  9. Ah - it's an imposter anyhow. When did the Little Mouse ever say "Pretty please"??
  10. Ah - it's an imposter anyhow. When did the Little Mouse ever say "Pretty please"??
  11. Ah - it's an imposter anyhow. When did the Little Mouse ever say "Pretty please"??
  12. Hah - well ... we're getting some insight into my ROW performance here, aren't we ... thanks for the info! What about woods? Does the concealment from woods outweigh the airburst problems (and others)? (I guess if you can be sure that you won't get mortared then that changes things?) GaJ
  13. From time to time you open up a scenario and the designer has put an ATG inside a sandbag emplacement - usually central near some key location (buildings etc). It looks "realistic" to the ignorant eye... as if that's really where someone would have put that kind of thing... but really is that so? What good does it do having an ATG inside a sandbag emplacement? Given choice, wouldn't it be better hiding off to the side dug in in even scattered trees? Do the sandbags offer any tangible advantage? Ta! GaJ.
  14. Now that the next round has started, is it too late for other players to join, to boost the numbers? If it's not, can anyone join, or only previous participants?
  15. Now that the next round has started, is it too late for other players to join, to boost the numbers? If it's not, can anyone join, or only previous participants?
  16. Now that the next round has started, is it too late for other players to join, to boost the numbers? If it's not, can anyone join, or only previous participants?
  17. Could you publish the complete list with AAR affected scores? Ta!
  18. Could you publish the complete list with AAR affected scores? Ta!
  19. Could you publish the complete list with AAR affected scores? Ta!
  20. Was Patton right? About the "minimum amount of time" bit, I mean?
  21. Was Patton right? About the "minimum amount of time" bit, I mean?
  22. Was Patton right? About the "minimum amount of time" bit, I mean?
  23. The Nabla scoring method does include how good your opponents were, on average. However, unlike the BoB scoring system, your own average score is not directly dependent on your specific opponent's. Instead of being rewarded by increased score yourself because you defeated opponent has a high score (like in BoB), Nabla reflects your prowess because that high scoring opponent will now be placing less well. You could ask a different question: "does the system take into account how hard the scenario I had to play was for the side I had to play on?" The answer (unlike BoB) is "absolutely yes". GaJ.
  24. The Nabla scoring method does include how good your opponents were, on average. However, unlike the BoB scoring system, your own average score is not directly dependent on your specific opponent's. Instead of being rewarded by increased score yourself because you defeated opponent has a high score (like in BoB), Nabla reflects your prowess because that high scoring opponent will now be placing less well. You could ask a different question: "does the system take into account how hard the scenario I had to play was for the side I had to play on?" The answer (unlike BoB) is "absolutely yes". GaJ.
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