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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. You might want to wait till all the ROW IV ones are posted, so you can read battles from both sides. (I'm trying to be patient!)
  2. Different KIAs ... now that's wierd. 1% due to rounding I wouldn't have cared about!
  3. You'll perhaps do better to ask in Tips & Ticks, and also in the forum at www.cmmods.com (_THE_ CM Mod Site) and also at gautrek's forum. Not sure if modders look in here...
  4. Did you get sorted? If all else fails, there's McMMM...
  5. I hope this new list server stays as fast as it is now: it's awesome! Good move BFC!
  6. Is the honourable Admiral about the place at the moment? I've emailed about a series of other small problems and not had any response... [ July 26, 2004, 07:13 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  7. My son just pulled out "Tank Battle" and demanded a game. John Sands say it's "The game of strategy & planning" But I think by the time he's old enough to play ASL, I'll point him at CM instead (Who knows, maybe CMx2 may be out by then! ooooo - sorry, BFC, just couldn't resist - I'm in no rush) GaJ.
  8. Thank Verg. I guess as long as the download counts keep going up we know someone out there cares about us Cheers, GaJ.
  9. I have'em installed already (And hey - don't complain too loud: for the last release of McMMM not even my testers responded! )
  10. You're supposed to be OK with just McMMM. If you have any problems give me a yell. GaJ.
  11. You're supposed to be OK with just McMMM. If you have any problems give me a yell. GaJ.
  12. If it says, at the bottom, that the unit is in the terrain, then it is in it, and getting all the benefits that apply. (at least, that's what I've always thought, and seemed to observe!) If it doesn't appear graphically that way, it's because the shape of terrain effect doesn't quite match the graphics. Usually it's the opposite to what you have said: something can appear to be in woods, on the corner, and actually still be in open. Oh - I've never really noticed "partial" effects, except clearly as things get deeper into woods they are harder to see. GaJ.
  13. Thanks for this Sergei. It was entertaining and educational. I haven't actually looked at operations before, and I can see that there are some things that mean you need to "think differently". For example,I was struck by how you could just re-arrange your force positioning between battle. It would have been nice if PBEMH "view movie" would have worked. Does anyone have any clues about how to make it do it? I would have thought it was perfect for it: all the movie files are there numbered correctly, but F6 and F5 just beeped at me :-(
  14. The AI has its place - practice, learning & for addicts. Look at how many scenarios are made for it ... heaps. OTOH, I would rather be beaten by a person (all the time) than whip the AI... so I never play it.
  15. Why don't you whinging bastards go and take out your capital letter pedantry on a thread where people aren't actually putting in real time & money to support the CM community. If it's supposed to be funny, it's not. GaJ.
  16. Hey - no worries! Now people have had a chance to read _both_ AARs I submitted for "Things"
  17. Gamey map-edge-hugging blighters deserve all they get
  18. Heh - honest & to the point, eh? But since I was asked and went to the trouble of describing the plan and the battle in more detail, you might as well be able to capitalise on that and laugh at my exploits in more detail.... [ July 15, 2004, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
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