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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Sure ... remind me in a week when I'm back home. (I have high-res grass done already too) GaJ.
  2. To solve this you need fast harddisks. And if you put two or more together in a RAID-0 (stripe) you will get much better performance. </font>
  3. Pentium-M 1.6Ghz 512k RAM 1:02 av The RAM usage hardly blipped during the run - maybe an extra 50-80Mb of RAM was used during the calculations according to Cacheman. For me, however, I hardly care about the battle calculation time. I care much more about the frame rate and the time-to-load the graphics. In fact, my highest performance related frustration for CMAK is the long wait to load the graphics. GaJ.
  4. It's still a bug. The line should go red when the mouse is on the pavement. If you want overlapping trench on pavement, you just put the centre in the open ground where you want the trench to appear. It's OK that the part of the trench overlapping the pavement disappears. It's not OK that the line doesn't go red when you go to place the centre of the trench on the pavement. You make the mistake once and maybe loose a battle because of it... that's a bug. Or at the very very least its an undocumented feature: as far as I am aware, there is nothing in the manual that warns you about this.
  5. It's a bug that you are allowed to place the trench in a place where it will completely disappear without any warning. IE it's a bug that the line doesn't go red when the centre of the trench is on the pavement (as it does when the centre of the trench is on rough) There's a previous thread about this somewhere. BFC indicated that they didn't really see it as a bug. Sure felt like a bug when it happened to me!
  6. Yeah - spreading out the bullets, or putting in some other kind of guage would be good. I knew that the scenario authors would shoot back that there aren't enough reviews to make the buttons a nuisance... there will never be enough reviews for the authors. But I wouldn't be complaining if it wasn't a nuisance. I just tried to look at CDSM-StVith, for example. There are "only" 4 reviews there, but that's 4 button clicks and tiresome waits for a popup to come and then another 4 clicks to get rid of it the popups... plus then trying to remember which review popup corrsponds to which author feedback ... all that could be avoided if the review was in-line.... why not just make it in line!? (I'd have commented directly to the ADM instead of whinging here, except I think the ADM is off duty at the moment ... is that right?) Cheers, GaJ
  7. I love the Depot, and use it a lot, and have done for quite a long while. I'm afraid to say that I really find the new version quite frustrating, however. - The bullets really make it hard to see-at-a-glance what the person's opinion was. - It's a complete pain in the butt having to click on "Details" buttons for each and every review to read the review. Compared to scrolling down the page (as it was before) it's just awful! GaJ.
  8. Funnily enough, I enjoyed the challenge of setting it up, I just hated how wrong it all went (Getting close to the line of FOW, I know, but hopefully not giving anything away!)
  9. Funnily enough, I enjoyed the challenge of setting it up, I just hated how wrong it all went (Getting close to the line of FOW, I know, but hopefully not giving anything away!)
  10. Funnily enough, I enjoyed the challenge of setting it up, I just hated how wrong it all went (Getting close to the line of FOW, I know, but hopefully not giving anything away!)
  11. Is the ADM still around? I get the feeling he's having a well deserved rest after the V2 work (I certainly haven't heard any feedback on some suggestions/problems I reported recently).
  12. I can relate to your "lame" opponent in Honour! Man its hard to keep going when you're getting whipped in the fog!
  13. I can relate to your "lame" opponent in Honour! Man its hard to keep going when you're getting whipped in the fog!
  14. I can relate to your "lame" opponent in Honour! Man its hard to keep going when you're getting whipped in the fog!
  15. Whoa - I thought I better put on record a rare time when I agree with Seanachai!
  16. Fair enough - rush to get the score, I can understand that now. Funny how you just leap to wrong conclusions! And here I was patiently waiting to hear the results! Glad I know now to stop holding my breath Cheers, GaJ.
  17. Fair enough - rush to get the score, I can understand that now. Funny how you just leap to wrong conclusions! And here I was patiently waiting to hear the results! Glad I know now to stop holding my breath Cheers, GaJ.
  18. Fair enough - rush to get the score, I can understand that now. Funny how you just leap to wrong conclusions! And here I was patiently waiting to hear the results! Glad I know now to stop holding my breath Cheers, GaJ.
  19. Form me, the idea of waiting till the final AARs come and including them in the judging is a complete suprise and rather a large disappointment Not the least because the previous ones are now on display, but also because we were pressured into finishing those in expectation that they were going to be judged (I thought). Otherwise, why the rush back then. The people on the finals have the fun of that. Good for them. Do they need another to at the AARs as well? Meanwhile, why not let the rest of us have the AARs we did judged and posted!
  20. Form me, the idea of waiting till the final AARs come and including them in the judging is a complete suprise and rather a large disappointment Not the least because the previous ones are now on display, but also because we were pressured into finishing those in expectation that they were going to be judged (I thought). Otherwise, why the rush back then. The people on the finals have the fun of that. Good for them. Do they need another to at the AARs as well? Meanwhile, why not let the rest of us have the AARs we did judged and posted!
  21. Form me, the idea of waiting till the final AARs come and including them in the judging is a complete suprise and rather a large disappointment Not the least because the previous ones are now on display, but also because we were pressured into finishing those in expectation that they were going to be judged (I thought). Otherwise, why the rush back then. The people on the finals have the fun of that. Good for them. Do they need another to at the AARs as well? Meanwhile, why not let the rest of us have the AARs we did judged and posted!
  22. I wonder if he meant camera angle or unit scale? (Some people answered one, some the other, some both!) I'm usually flicking between all the camera angles from 1-5. 1 for hull down/LOS for a unit, and 2-5 depending on the scale of the battle. Occasionally I use 6 to position something. At the beginning of the game I'd use higher to see the whole map. I usually am at +2 or +3 scale ... about the only time I use normal scale is if a unit is getting in the way of a plot marker, so I can't click on it!
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