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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. It's your turn, right? (I haven't received any emails... most unlike you... is everything OK?)
  2. I'm currently playing the second scenario in quick succession where the appearance of the reinforcements is positively lamentable. Sometimes I put the location of reinforcements down to the fact that some other commander sent them there for me, and I just picked them up. I don't mind "strange" locations, tactically. But a group of mix forces doesn't just wander up the road in full view of a massive firefight going doo-a-didee dum and unbuttoned to boot, no matter who is commanding them. "What, oh, gee, I thought that was thunder, but sheesh, look, there's a battle going on here, we better do something". One of the solid criticisms of one of the ROWIV battles was that the reinforcements arrived in view of the opposition, but that's nothing compared to the arrivals I've just had in StVith and Blenhiem Blunder. Please please please scenario designers: put the reinforcements somewhere where they can "arrive" sensibly!
  3. Thanks - that's great! I just wanted to make sure that I didn't have to submit 3 more AARs by Oct 10 to make the previous AARs eligible! Cheers, GaJ.
  4. Do us who aren't in the final round officially have to submit AARs for final round games we played? (Please say "no"!)
  5. Thanks for the answer. I have VMWare, and it didn't even occur to me to try it. VMware is pretty good at most "basic" things, but DirectX aside it is not so great at audio... kinda scratchy. I don't know know what "DirectX is geared towards drawing to a full screen means" though. Unreal is a DirectX game, isn't it? It plays happily in a window... (not that you'd want to play an FPS in a window). GaJ.
  6. Is it possible to run CMAK in a window on a PC (as opposed to full-screen)? Now that high-res screens are more widely used, this would be really nice - able to play and work and whatever at the same time... GaJ
  7. The link above is a link to the actual Mod on CMMODS (www.cmmods.com). If you aren't already registered at CMMODS, you certainly should go & get registered! I thought everyone here already was!
  8. Why will more RAM speed up "loading 3D graphics", separately from whether the frame rate is slow/jerky? Either the game is paging for graphics or its not, right? If it is, then loading has to go to the page file, and so does display... both would be slowed, right?
  9. Whoops - yes, that's an after and before shot in the picture. I thought I'd written that, but obviously not. For some reason I never have trouble with CMMODS loging... GaJ.
  10. j2d: I think that what you are doing is the only way to do it. What would be better?
  11. The only difference between 3.01 and 3.0 is that 3.01 won't bug you after you press the "I sent one" button. IF you never had a 2.x version installed then 3.0 would never stop bugging you. You ONLY need to get the new version if 3.0 was the first verison you ever had, and if you are sick of it asking you to send me a postcard Cheers, GaJ.
  12. Thanks to those who did send postcards! I got 10, and loved each one (including the e-postcard: that counts ). It makes my day when they arrrive. I have them carefully saved. I was really meaning that I've had none since I released 3.0. This bug only applies to those new users who never had McMMM installed before they installed 3.0 ... such people would have experienced the bug after they pressed "I sent one" ... McMMM would have kept hassling them to send a postcard still! But of course since I haven't got any postcards from such people, then no-one would have pressed that button yet, eh? People who had a 2.x version installed will never see this bug (unless they cleaned their registry!). Nelson: it was two pubs and one church: good ratio, eh? Cheers, GaJ.
  13. EDIT: the only reason you would need to get this new version is if McMMM keeps asking you to send a postcard after you tell it that you sent one. I just discovered a problem that would happen if you downloaded the most recent version of McMMM and had never used an older version. If V3.0 was the first you ever used, then it will always give you the "nag" to send me a postcard, even if you click "I sent one". That's not right! It's supposed to leave you in peace after you've sent me the postcard! So - after you've gotten around to sending that postcard, and you want that reminder screen to go away, you can pick up the new version at CMMODS, and it will leave you in peace! GaJ. (I guess no-one noticed this bug yet, right, since no-one sent a card yet... ) [ September 19, 2004, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  14. There's a keyboard shortcut too: Alt-M-D
  15. As requested, here is the High Contrast Sand mod... http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMAKMods.nsf/1b148631ec5fb57e85256c5f005fd053/B08BFA7EB154529885256F1400058123/$File/HIGH_CONTRAST_SAND.JPG [ October 27, 2004, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  16. Right, better do that, eh? Can you tell me a scenario on the CD that uses sand (or some other quick way to see what it's looking like). Thanks! GaJ.
  17. Nope, there is no solution at present. Write to ATI and complain!
  18. It's time for you to find a human opponent and PBEM/TCPIP. Playing the AI is like watching a movie: not the same same as the real thing at all...
  19. If you want the dust graphics to present more of a visual barrier, hit capital "i" (I). Then they truly represent to you what your tank commanders can see. I agree with the sentiment that the "high quality" dust graphics don't represent the amount of visual blockage they inflict, but that must be for playability reasons... I challenge you to leave the graphics on "fast & compatible" (which does block your sight the way the your units experience it) and be able to play... GaJ.
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