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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. The main reason the scenes look too "clean" is actually the lack of wires, both on poles in the streets and hung on buildings. As per the photo above where someone put an arrow to the sign. Having signs will be nice, but wires and pipes are the visual mess, I think....
  2. I while back I drew your attention to scenario balance tables: CMAK CMBB CMBO It turns out that people using Internet Explorer might not have been able to see the results distribution graphs (each scenario name is a link to a distribiution graph). I think that this is fixed now. GaJ
  3. It's entirely an academic discusison, since BTS have consistently said they're not doing this because they don't have the resources. Since CMx2 is getting later, that only means their resources are even more stretched, which makes it even more unlikely...
  4. Note that if it's still under playtest then it should be at The Proving Grounds, where there are lots of mad keen playtesters, not at The Scenario Depot, which is where scenarios are expected to be finished... GaJ
  5. So I made a typo M for G... sue me My Firefox never grows past a few hundred M. I don't know what forums you are looking at! Anyhow, my comment was specific in refering to someone who only would play CM. I know that there are other games out there much more hungry, though I don't know why you would play them But I felt it worthwhile counterpointing the comment that "You must have 2G" with my own experience that 1G is adequate if CM is all you are playing. Someone out there might be saved the cost of an extra 1G for another 6m or so till 2G is really needed Cheers, GaJ [ January 13, 2007, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  6. You are too far away to spot them. You need to read JasonC's article on 'advancing under fire". You won't loose half your men from being shot at at that range. A summary of JC's article is "advance men in a 'taking turns' way, so that each squad gets a chance to recover while the next is advancing a little way". Start the first squad at the beginning of the turn, the next say 20s later, the next 20s after that, etc and make sure they don't get ordered to go too far in one burst. GaJ (And I did already mention that area fire at sound contacts will not work).
  7. If the only game you play is CMx1, you definitely don't need 2M of memory. I use my Dell 9300 for work and play, including using VMware to run Linux simultaneously with XP, and it all works fine with 1M. The only app that tops the memory out is VMware: that would benefit from more, but even then it still performs OK. You'll enjoy your extra memory, beceause you'll be able to be careless about leaving lots of idle apps open, but to say that it is a must is an overstatement, unless you do more with your machine than I do with mine. GaJ
  8. But meanwhile, you need to advance a recon unit (small unit of troops) first, ahead of your main force, which will persuade the MG to fire. It is no use area firing on sound contacts: their location is too uncertain. Make sure you have enough eyes looking at the defensive position while the recon unit(s) press forwards. You will eventually spot the MG and can supress it with mortar fire. JasonC has an article specifically about advancing troops under MG fire, which you will have to do if your whole force is too far away to spot the MG properly. GaJ
  9. (doh! I thought I lost my tombstones, but I found them again ) GaJ
  10. Thanks for the acknowledgement in the mod name, Rocket-Man ... appreciated!
  11. Rocket-man - that's a great thing you've done with those 45 degree lines! Eric, you don't need to use CMMOS, but you might find it helpful to use McMMM, which you can download from CMMODS . GaJ
  12. Yeah, looks like that whole steppe vs open ground thing got me confused! I should put those CMAK ones into the CMBB section and name them properly
  13. http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMBBMods.nsf/c6f37961edc1cc1785256c6100065918/b81369f385cfd24a85256dc3002a069a!OpenDocument http://www.gregories.net/McMMM/McMMM.htm :cool: Dang, I just couldn't resist! GaJ
  14. I found the hardest thing to be actually finding the darn BMPs for each terrain. If there's a list of terrain and corresponding BMP numbers that someone has, then I can do the mod quickly! (Are there CMBB grids, which would tell us the BMP numbers?) GaJ
  15. I did a few CMBB "high contrast" ones I'm pretty sure. If you can point me at terrain that I haven't done, I'll be happy to do it. I don't play CMBB that much, so I don't really notice what's missing. GaJ Edit: I went and had a look: steppe is there, but that seems to be all. What's the best ones to do? [ December 08, 2006, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  16. It would be straightforward, though tedious, to add the grid to the high contrast tiles. Download them, open your image editor, and draw the lines in GaJ
  17. I get this: Error: Selector expected. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. Source File: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/chat.html Line: 30 Error: Unexpected end of file while searching for closing } of invalid rule set. Source File: http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/chat.html Line: 31 in my java console
  18. Doesn't work for me either. You should ask at TPG home, GJK is pretty responsive... http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/index.html
  19. Because during setup the players can move their forces (unless you padlock them all) and can see any enemy forces that would be in LOS. Also, movement can be important. In this case, the German arriving tank column was shrouded in dust from the leaders... its much more suprising and effective watching a movie than getting a setup... GaJ
  20. You are KIDDING!?!? :eek: :confused: :confused: :eek: :confused: You mean nobody had a useful copy!? You'll just have to make another one! ... anyhow, Chevy, these are the right people to talk to about how it was done. The basic idea is that you design the scenario so that the forces are set up for the suprise, then *you* play it to the point where the suprise happens (by playing each side hotseat), then the first player gets a movie file that you send them watching the suprise unfold and has to deal with it .... might sound contrived, but the effect was fantastic I can tell you as one of those who got the suprise... GaJ [ November 24, 2006, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  21. See "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" from the ROW tournament for how to simulate suprise. Fantastic (if unconventional). GaJ
  22. I'd wander on over to The Proving Grounds, which is where all the scenario creators hang out, and ask them there. Cheers, GaJ
  23. I would strongly recommend posting it at The Scenario Depot, if the scenario comes from there. That is definitely the right place for it, and you can be sure that many interested people will read it... plus the scenario author gets that valuable feedback. You could post it here as well, or a link from here. GaJ
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