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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. Yes it really took them 6 months to make - they have spent the rest of the time taking out features to make you unhappy and to amuse themselves.
  2. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
  3. I assumed that was the distance of their current target, not their maximum range.
  4. Q. Are there on map mortars?
  5. Cow Tipping is a pastime allegedly common in rural areas, in which participants sneak up on an upright sleeping cow and then push it over for amusement. Some variants of this urban legend state that the cow is then unable to get up. One popular variant relies on a supposition that cows lean into a steady wind while asleep in order to keep balance. Based on this, the cow tipper lightly pushes against one side of the cow's torso, and gradually increases the force of push. The cow, while asleep, leans into the push and remains upright. Then when the cow tipper has all of their body weight on the cow, they jump to the side. The cow, still leaning into the ‘wind’, tips over in that direction.
  6. Too right...I feel for them!
  7. No evidence of on map mortars in the game yet that I've seen - hope I'm wrong. [ July 30, 2006, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  8. This forum swings from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye
  9. Motion capture of chickens must be quite tricky. Let's hope no animals were harmed in the making of this game.
  10. You're implying damage on cows is displayed...excellent.
  11. Never in the field of human forums as it taken so many words to make one point....again and again.
  12. I knew a Cow Grog would be along soon with a disturbing level of information
  13. Can I use them for camouflage then? :mad: If I cannot build an emplacement of dead cows I will NOT be purchasing this game :mad:
  14. Good point...does the dead cow provide cover?
  15. Hmmmmmmmm.......Peppered Steaks
  16. Screenshots look great - looking forward to this one. One question - all the armour appears to be buttoned up in every screen - do we ever see the TC's popping out?
  17. Agreed with CMC - this new one, however, appears ready to roll - I want to believe :
  18. Melons...wet triangles...god grief what kind of forum is this?
  19. Thats enough *shrugging* now. If you want to *shrug* feel free - but do we really need to know? :mad:
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