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David Chapuis

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Everything posted by David Chapuis

  1. The sIG does have a huge ammo load, but in my experiences that advantage is very seldom exploited. Their lack of mobility is what makes them appropriately valued. I dont really disagree with your tactics - just that you think the 150 is under-valued. Once you clear a key-holed location, to continue expending ammo does not necessarily increase the value of the gun. Key-holed or not, if you can fire 10 shells from a 150 sIG on enemy units, your opponent has made a mistake. This is not true for the 75mm. When the 150's extreme lack of mobility is compared to a 75mm gun, its value seem appropriate to me. Or you can compare to an SP's mobility and reduced ammo load. And I dont consider the SP ammo load numbers too small. The 150's usually have 7-10 turns worth of HE, which on a 30 - 35 turn battle is plenty. Two rounds of HE into one spot, and it is time to manuever those boys. By the time you relocate and repeat 3 times, the game will be over.
  2. I more or less disagree with that. It is an extremely powerful weapon, but the sIG is easy enough to kill once spotted. Unless it is keyholed, in which case its usefulness is drastically reduced. I'd take a pair of 75's over a 150, unless I knew my opponent had no mortars. But, like you say, maybe I dont know how to use them right.
  3. Personally, I prefer 150 SP's. The 150mm stationary guns just take too long to move and will certainly become a target. Whereas the 75mm IGs can move very quickly for a gun, and theyl deliver a good enough punch to break a squad. They also can double as tank killers on a limited basis.
  4. Doesn't the PzIIIJ have the 50+20 frontal armor (I'm not at my computer otherwise I would look)? If so, those are superior to the regular T-34.
  5. and (since it is a campaign) you do know you can import units from the previous battle
  6. You are just seeing the center of the entire map. I had two more platoons on the left, and a platoon and a tiger on the right My right platoon was able to crack his line and push the flank. But it wasnt really feasible to push hard on the left.
  7. sorry, not good with counters. I had one plat on the left providing cover fire. One on the left in the back that was going to be a reserve (in the blue), and a platoon on the right that was going to try to advance past the flag (the yellow) the second mg (on the left) was pinned by 81mm mortar. and the shrek got killed by it.
  8. I am also quite curious about 'tactics unfailingly successful in the East were suicidal in Normandy.' Steve mentioned outmaneuvering Russian artillery, but not being about to do that in the west. What other tactics failed in the west that were successful in the east? Were German shock tactics still over-runnnig Russians wholesale in 43 & early 44?
  9. In another thread, Dandelion wrote: This paragraph caught my attention, especially the bold section. Would you (or anybody else) care to elaborate?
  10. BigDuke, I got weary of reading all of your puffy-headed tangents, and I wasnt even in a conversation with you. I'm surprised Abbott lasted as long as he did. Your posts have about the same variance as an Iraqi terrorist firing blindly with an AK on full-auto.
  11. IMO, the most important thing to try to figure out is not how to advance over open ground through fire, but how to find the route over open ground where you are not getting fired upon. Personally, I find it difficult for two reasons: 1) You have to find the route. It is not always through the best cover. And it will change based on enemy location. 2) (Which is usually the most difficult) I have to convince myself to use the safe route. You would think this is a no-brainer, but ofter the safe route requires pulling men back, and adjusting them quite a bit. Attached are some screen shots to help explain: In this first screen shot, this is the point where I realized I had to look for a different route in order to seize that building with the flag. The route I took was over twice as long all of it over open ground. However, I could run through a small valley and behind a building. The shortest route (in yellow) would have left my men under way to much fire. There is something about CM that is painful to me to even consider moving my men backwards. However, in cases like this I just had to do it with my blue platoon. In this second shot, you can see only one of those brit squads can fire on my men. You cant tell from the pic, but two squads already were in the building, and this squad and the HQ will make it to hide just behind the building. Also, this was mentioned in another thread, but for open ground, 'run' is usually better than advance. if your mgs and mortars are more than just rarely coming under fire, I would say you are not moving them correctly. [ July 04, 2005, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: David Chapuis ]
  12. Run?! In the open?! That's guarenteed suicide if you come under fire. Run is the single worst mode to be in under fire </font>
  13. Is it just my imagination, or do casualties occur faster in night battles than daylight battles. I suppose it could be the reduced LOS causes casualties faster, but I have played in rain and fog (which is about the same LOS as night) and the squads doesnt seem to go to eliminated as fast as they are in this night battle I am playing. Am I imagining things?
  14. I'm curious. How do heavy weapons platoons deploy in real life? I wouldnt think all the MGs stay together in a company. So if I am correct, perhaps give a bonus to any line companies that are close enough to be supported by the Heavy Weapons Company MGs?
  15. You must have forgot to mention that to BFC before they released their final CMBB patch. Surely that is more important that sten guns. </font>
  16. where can we download the scenarios? And which ones (if any) are pretty evenly matched?
  17. You must have forgot to mention that to BFC before they released their final CMBB patch. Surely that is more important that sten guns.
  18. [Episode III Darth Vader Mode] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! [/Episode III Darth Vader Mode]
  19. Is there a way to get a scenario map into an operation? I cant figure it out.
  20. A threat? How about, "We'll break every bone in your body! :mad: " Will that do? Michael </font>
  21. What does the replacement list look like? I'm somewhere on it, and can jump in and finish some games quickly.
  22. Being exposed because of the better view angle top-down, no? Again, that is a LOS advantage! I know what you guys mean, but I since the Artist asked vey precisly to NOT inlcude LOS in the efficiency comparision I won´t use any advantages that derrive from the vision advantage. [/QB]</font>
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