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David Chapuis

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Everything posted by David Chapuis

  1. Why does oconnor cost so much? Doesnt the asterisk mean I get to buy him back cheaper? [ May 20, 2006, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: David Chapuis ]
  2. I have to agree here. Poland and France are so hopeless, I wonder if it wouldnt just be better to start the game right after the fall of France. I might start doing that - that first year is boring anyway.
  3. But the game relocates axis units and disentegrates allied ones. ARRRGGGGG
  4. In a game I am playing, I sent the BEF to France, and then tried to pull them back to a port and escape. Axis persued, and I had to operate the BEF to the French city on the med. France surrendered next turn and the BEF just disappeared!!!!! I cannot even buy them back at half price, and there supply was 7 when I operated them. Surely something is wrong with this.
  5. I dont believe these statements are true. Even after dropping 2 A-bombs, the Japanese military tried to stage a "coup" (that might not be the exact term for what happened, but it is close) against the emporer to keep Japan from announcing surrender. I dont agree with this either. I believe Truman's main motivation was saving U.S. lives.
  6. Obviously, considering Hiroshima and Nagasaki were strategic bombings. </font>
  7. From a historical perspective, shouldnt the finnish troops have limited areas of operations?
  8. Whenever my M-line frogs attack german corps, i always suffer more casualties than the germans. And that is attacking against vanilla corps. Are your frogs not taking hits? And what is RRI?
  9. Also to get 40% casualties, I believe your paratroops had to load up with low supply. Not very smart.
  10. what good to partisans do. mine just get killed. and if i move them or attack with them, they just get killed faster.
  11. that didnt seem to answer the question. Is HC still planning on adding Co-play?
  12. sure, and that makes sense. But you can also build it with no sides. My question is - what specific affect does a side have on a attack?
  13. Surely that isnt correct, or what good would it do to build a fortification with no sides?
  14. Now come on. Anybody who calls himself Legend in one post and then is pious in the next post has to be at least a little bit strange. It wasnt meant to be an insult.
  15. i'm just a noob, but how can a DoW on benelux be beneficial when doing so results in the following diplomacy hits: Spain 6-12% Sweden/Swiss - 6-16% USA - 10-15%
  16. WHAT?!?!?!?!?! You've been drinking way too much Al Sharpton kool-aid?!?!?!
  17. I hope it does. And I hope that will work in conjuction with a cease-fire option. I am not sure which I hate worse - just quitting a game or being forced to play out a game to an inevitable conclusion.
  18. The manual says, "Quitting a multiplayer game displays the Game Over victory status. Once the game is over, items not previously visible under fog of war will now become visible." Does that work? It hasnt worked for me versus the AI or a game I tried in hotseat mode.
  19. Is there a way to cease-fire or surrender a game, where it doesnt just exit. The manual says something about going to a non-FOW screen, but when I quit (even in hotseat mode), it takes me to the main menu.
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