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David Chapuis

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Everything posted by David Chapuis

  1. But wouldnt that be what the U.S. would do in RL. Withdraw, if necessary, and wait for the firepower. I guess I am just thinking that in any setting where modern U.S. troops are fighting a 3rd world country, the U.S. will not be in a 'fair fight'. And that doesnt mean that all the fights are 'cakewalks', but it is very different than the U.S. in WWII, Korea, or even Vietnam.
  2. Im not interested in your anatomical nicknames
  3. I definitely see how scenarios could be 'not a cake walk' for the U.S. However, (I am thinking CMx1 QBs now) it is hard for me to conceive a situation where a company sized U.S. force could get overwhelmed and destroyed by any size Syrian force.
  4. Storm over the Horizon by David Morris is a book about the battle of Khafji on the eve of GWI. The first half of the book is about an attacking Iraqi tank formation that comes in contact with a LAV company. I think it also answers the question of, "How can the game be balanced with US airpower?" In this book you see instances where the CAS took a couple hours to arrive, attacked the wrong people, or wouldnt engage because of proximity of friendly forces. Definitely gives the impression that 30 min to 1 hour engagements without CAS are normal.
  5. isnt that the house that sturmsebber posted on the general forum? What made you decide to use that house?
  6. Does the U.S. have a way of preventing like-kind attacks?
  7. (Im thinking in CMx1 terms) - that kind of makes buying a Syrian 105mm spotter seem kind of pointless. And if you get a foot mortar team, I guess you better keep him away from the rest of your troops.
  8. I read a while back (cant remember where) that the US had some sort of anti-battery system that uses the trajectory of enemy artillery and mortars to calculate firing positions. And, naturally, counter-battery fire would follow. This led to the rise of vehicle mounted mortars. So my questions are: 1)how long does it take the US to respond with this counter-battery system IRL? 2)How often do US units end up operating outside of their artillery's range? 2)Will we see Syrian mortars in Toyota pickups?
  9. People like you and your apparent friends make me sick
  10. Put me in the VERY happy line. It seems to me a lot of people are hung up on the word "Syria", but I am thinking scenarios for numerous of different modern theaters can be created - especially if/when a few modules come out.
  11. Well then shut up and leave already.
  12. Would OSHA require earplugs to operate something like that?
  13. Russian molotov coctails. It is sad when russian tank hunters are more deadly after they have gotten rid of their MC's.
  14. "Yes" would be a wonderful answer - almost as good as "Absolutely".
  15. I was listed as a ROW replacement, but never was contacted about being needed (if I was contacted, I missed the email). What is the status on replacements.
  16. Cover is important for inf - no doubt about that. But it isnt HE that kills inf in lack of cover, it is the AFV's mgs. Mgs and mortars are by far the best to keep inf from moving. For the price of one AFV, you can get typically a platoon, and sometimes two platoons of inf. So a tank heavy force will be outnumbered. If one tank can stop an inf attack of less than 100m or so, then the attack was ill-conceived to start with. (what would stop inf is not HE - it is the mgs on the AFV). The problem is that HE chuckers (150s, 105s, 75s) cannot target enough positions to keep inf from advancing close enough to KO them. To use a previous game example of the inf question - I recently finished a allied attack in moderate trees where all i picked was an US eng battalion, 4 priests, and 1 81 mm mortar. My opponent (who is a good player) picked a company plus 1 eng platoon, a tiger, two 150s, 105mm spotter, 2 75mm Paks, and 2 75mm sIGs. I won that attack basically only using inf and their support weapons. At the end of the game, my 81mm spotter still had all his ammo, and my priests had only helped me dislodge 1 mg, and 2 squads. We were playing a mirrored game, and when I was on defense, I picked a battalion of green inf (with 6 guns), a 105 mm battery, some TRPS, and ZERO tanks. He had two vet companies, some sort of IND art and 8 AFVs (4 priests - which are really nasty against green inf). The inf heavy force again prevailed - because there were just too many targets for him to be able to remove me from my position Inf wins games.
  17. IMO, you win games with inf. To take that one step further, I would also say that you should learn how to win games with only inf (and inf support weapons, ie. mortars, mgs, etc), and then you will really be deadly when you have a tank or two.
  18. ok then, I guess I will just go back to looking down on Seanachai from my lowly position of scum on the bottom of JasonC's shoes.
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