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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. There are so many good players in Europe, and you are already two top players with you and zapp it would not be fair for the north american team if i would join....they have only rambo and maybe avatar but nothing else....the golden times are over [ April 19, 2004, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  2. I fear this team will be a one man show.....who else other than Rambo can play SC overseas?? Not very polite of myself but i m on a smacktour LOL ....just kidding....nice pictures here LOL
  3. I have a new name for you zapp smacksweden ROFL Blashy offered you peace and wanted to play you dude...did you forget that? ...and you come along with this swedensmack... Man i think i played to much today 5 games is to much for my brain it seems Dragonsmack from Smackdragon ROFL
  4. Zapp why you dont have the patience to wait and to improve your relationship with Terif? You cant expect from someone where you had half a year smack and worldwar you play rite now after a peaceproposal. A destroyed good relationship will need time to reestablish. Ok i had also my dispute with Kuni but it was never so intense like your battle which was lasting a couple of months. I would play Kuni everytime he want me to play. In one point Terif is rite you have the same chances to win like me..and this is nearly to zero pct.....as you are nothing better than me accept this. Annother point i dont wanna hear everytime is "why you dont beat TERIF" and what i do wrong or not....please stop that nonsense. Should i ever beat Terif i will let you know...hopefully you are still alive then.
  5. If you need the german translation for Dummkopf just ask me. [ April 16, 2004, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  6. I just make a teamevent on myself in the Panzerliga....if there is enough time left i will help out the Euros.
  7. @Wehrmacht what about trying the search hmmm? What about this one? http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003171#000000
  8. Never talked about elimination of luck faktor as its a part of every game and also of real live But for those who want more luck i would suggest monopoly or back gammon or some kind of card game.
  9. There are many other top players you dont know arround which stopped playing before you and me learned the game. The problem is not that you will loose ag a weaker player but the problem is that it can ruin a game between two top players.
  10. Hm a poll would show you at least a 75/25 in favour to reduce the luck faktor. I´m pretty sure about this.
  11. when you speak from a mixed i rather believe its a Jimmy Conners/Martina Navratilova "mixed double"....LOL so who is playing the female part in your game..? you or Kuni?
  12. @Exel The majority of the players were not very happy with this system....and this is not the opionion of ppl played just 10 - 30 online games but rather 150 - 200 games. If i wanna play a luck game i play risk or gamble on a slot machine...but SC is a strategy game dont forget that.
  13. I did not say that the system in SC1 is bad...but maybe one can improve it a little bit in order to reduce the luck factor.
  14. So we will need not only a single ladder but also one for "mixed partners".. lol
  15. @Zapp pahhhh you and not picking the phone....i cant believe!!!!!! LOL @Kuni no comment you can imagine what i wanna say now ......LOL
  16. Zapp imagine....6 players....rambo germany....you gbp moving poland....me france....and some other players waiting for action... Turn 1 no polish breakthrough.....for rambo....his comments.....bull****...****ing rolls.....i surrender ....all others oh nooooooooo ok another attempt.. Dragon this time germany, Rambo GBP, Zapp France and some other players.... after loosing his 3rd AF in france dragon kicks his keyboard and surrenders ....the spectator masses.....man!!!!!!!! After several attempts all spectaors leave the scene and only two players are left.....Zapp and Dragon start a game of the good old SC1.
  17. Hubert, Is the tech progress still a matter of luck or did you implement another solution.....f.e. buying of tech or something else. The tech gamble was one thing which sucks most in SC1. Is there any new tech?
  18. Try to improve your statistic in postings not in locked treads. ....wellcome back....
  19. Brian, i dont think that you will have enough time to take Lativian countries, Hungary or Rumania. What you need is a quick breaktrough in the West. Dont waste your power units in the east. The plunder you gain in Poland,Denmarc and LC should be enough. The question for allies is if they have enough time for irland,norway or portugal.......they need their full power very early in france.... a lot of open questins...anyway...
  20. Nope axis cant hold out....its not realistic therefore i surrender. Congratulations FF. Cheers Dragonheart
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