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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Got it, I'm on it! Got the beer chillin' and my girl's temperature heated up (NOT good). In your opening sitrep, check for Russian reserves, correct the spelling of "...proppelled[sic]". Damn, look at all of that open ground. :eek: My Russkies are bound to be spinning and sneaking soon. My hats off to the modders, my Russians airborne guys look dapper--my first time playing these guys since the latest mod. Map looks good. More later.
  2. Mike thanks for the response. I think I may have found the problem--I have no bmp #13748, 13750, and 13752. I redownloaded the same mod and now just have the interior walls in white. :mad: But I am sure this is something I did wrong and NOT the modder's fault. The price of ignorance is always too high. Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. Anyone have a saved (original bmp) file for the SPW 251/10? Maybe if I just redownload those files all will work out. Hope so. Otherwise I will always use these ht's as scouts--the white won't show up too much when they're burning. Andrew, I sure hope BFC will ask you for opinions about their bmp's for the upcoming CMAK (no offense BFC boys). IMHO all I have to see is your name listed as the modder and I know the mod rocks! I'd send you money, but then there would less for me.
  3. If you want feedback on play vs AI AND have 1.02v (I'm not "on the patch") send it to me and I'll get right on it. :cool:
  4. No problem. I have plenty of time any plenty of battles/ops being playtested now (I have a lot of time and a girl that "tolerates" my hobby). Good luck, I'll look for the finished version at the Depot. Keep me in mind for future testing.
  5. Stoffel, I can offer feedback on play vs the AI (only, it's a long story ). If feedback on this helps, send me a ZIP file (only!) and note that I still have the 1.02v patch. I playtest battles and ops, not a patch!
  6. Andrew--great, great job as usual. Can't wait to see your Romanians! I have two questions and figure you are the man to ask. First: The Romanians wore French Style "Adrian" helmets along with the Dutch "Stahlhelms". You can see this in the famous color photo of the Romanians posing in a trench line before Sevastopol. One of them is wearing the "Adrian" helmet. This color photo appears in many books and magazines. Is there ANY way to have infantry wearing more than one style helmet? If so, then the Finns would also benefit from this. In additon to their WW1 German Stahlhelm they also produced their own helmet which resembles the Russian style helmet. You can notice this also in many photos of the Finns in the Continuation War. Is there any way this can be down? Second question: Anyone know the bmp numbers for the SPW 251/10 (early)? I downloaded a mod, and now have one third of my halftrack in white!!! I tried to redownload this same mod and got the same result. THIS never happens with YOUR mods Andy! If I can't figure out what went wrong can I just delete these bmp's, then redownload a different mod and have this new mod write itself in to its bmp "slot"? Any help on this would GREATLY be appreciated.
  7. Frenchy, NOTHING is worse than NO response. :mad: I am playtesting a few things right now, but should have time for some feedback. Note that I am NOT on the 1.03 patch yet. So, I'd need a version 1.02. I can only provide feedback on play vs AI. If this will help you, send me a ZIP file (other files won't work for some strange reason). :confused:
  8. Parakalo! Panzerman. My purpose for this thread was to elicit some response and support for the Greeks. The fear of Greek voices for the WAV files is specious. How many NEW WAV files are actually going to be included in CMAK? Look at CMBB. There are Russian, Italian, Finnish,Hungarian and Romanian new WAV files created. Now ask yourself this, how many NEW languages are required for CMAK that are NOT already available? Where's the problem? Are they going to have new WAV files JUST FOR ACCENTS? With apologies to the 'stralians I don't give a tinkard's cuss if we don't hear "let's piss off! Fair Dinkum?" shouts from the 'stralian troops. So, what's the problem? Use Italian WAV files for the Italians and their colonial troops, French for Vichy, Free and colonial (Spahi's, Goumiers, et. al), and English for the Commonwealth. The Indian troops also could just use English (I dread hearing a Sikh Jemadar sounding like that charecter from the Simpsons). :mad: I am certain BFC will not go into dialects--there are TOO many. Besides, many of these "Indian troops" are really Pakistani (the Baluchs, for example). So the excuse of WAV files does not make sense. Most of the bmps required are already available. Let's face it, is everyone going to play desert battles? I doubt it. Don't be surprised if you see a lot of CMBO scenarios revised under the CMAK format. Instead of scenario retreads, let's create boundless opportunities for new and unique scenarios. Omitting the Greeks is, IMHO an egregious omission. Maybe a few free bottles of Ouzo for the BFC boys will help persuade them? Kali nikto! :cool:
  9. Quick question(s)...Will the Greek Army be included in CMAK? :confused: They fought in Crete. I think having these guys inserted into the nationality mix shouldn't be too difficult--they didn't have too much in terms of weaponry. It would also make some interesting scenarios vs the Italians.
  10. Fitz, I just finished some 'testing for Sgt Goody (he has an awesome, awesome game) and now have time to try my luck as the Eyties. I will need you to send me this op in a zip file though. The sooner I get it, the sooner I can start.
  11. Sergei, if you want feedback about play vs the AI, send me the scenario (zip file please) and I'll give you some feedback. My snail-paced ISP prevents me from PBEM (but this may cahnge soon with DSL coming).
  12. Hate to brag, but...I scored a tactical victory after four scenarios. :cool: I have the 1.02 version. Personally, I think this baby is one of the best I have played. I actually regretted winning after the fourth scenario--I wanted to play MORE! I never did get those promised Brumbars... :mad: Suggestion: place your Tigers on both flanks, keep your softer vehicles back until the Russians reveal themselves. Your Tigers will start shaking a bit, and will get a splitting headache from all of those shots bouncing off the tank. Try walking in front of your slowly moving Tigers with infantry to detect the minefields. Don't sweat losing too many tanks to mines, they seem to get repaired in time for the next battle anyway. By placing your Tigers wide on the flank you only offer one side target to the Russian gunners. A "gamey" tactic? Maybe, sure worked though. Make full use of your TRP's, remember, even if you can't see the target hex with your spotters these barrages will hit the mark. These babies helped win the game for me. Artillery is your best weapon against all of those ATG's. You should have seen all of those Russian hulks after scenario four. Absolutely the coolest site I have ever seen. Now if I could only learn how to take a screenshot. Great, GREAT game. This is now my favorite! Great job Sargent Goody!
  13. "Step-by-step" instuctions? :eek: Cool. Please make these as "moron proof" as you can, and I shall owe you an eternal debt of gratitude. I often go back to CMBO to take a break from CMBB but since I cannot seem to get the computer to follow the rules as they are outlined, I find the lack of modded tanks dampen the fun a bit. This is especially true with the snow scenarios. I badly need a winter camo'd Pershing. The CMMOD database and Third Party site can't help me. I cannot seem to access the Warfare HQ sites and others listed. :mad:
  14. When will this be available and and will this be available on the CMMOD database site? Can't wait to download it. Great stuff.
  15. Well, are we going to have gliders and paradrops in the game? Without these, how can you recreate the Crete assault? Corinth Canal? Gavin in Sicly? Then how about assault landing craft--the real ones(LCVP's, LCA's, etc.) and not those transparent bath tubs we use to cross rivers. Motorcycles, sidecars, cavalry? In order for a scenario designer to invent unique, interesting scenarios we will first need more tools to work with, correct? Get these in the game and a whole new field of scenarios become possible. CMBB has shown how little excitement is provided by watching green Russians try to cross open ground. All my squads do is spin around in circles like a cockroach when the light is turned on. What do you think is going to happen in the desert? Where will squads crawl towards? Cactus? CMAK MUST provide that which has been missing from this terrific CM system. Sun blindness? Heat haze? I know that dust will be included--now we can have some VERY DUSTY mods Modders can go crazy with all of the different uniforms worn in this theater. Have you seen photos of the French Goumiers? Pretty cool looking with their long swords (like the Ghurkas, only without the dramatic "head-lopping curve). Speaking of the French, can we have Vichy French fighting Free French? It happened, can we recreate this? Then there are the colonial troops. Are these going to be "soldiers of color"? Many of the Libyans and Eritreans/Somailians went into the battle with flimsy sandals, most had no helmets. I don't want to see "white" Ghurkas, Goumiers, Libyans, et al. Finally(!)how will CMAK portray mountains? Mountains, NOT hills. If you want better scenarios, give us better tools.
  16. Send me the 1.02 version. I'm sitting tight until the 1.03 goes public. I'd rather test scenarios/operations than a patch.
  17. Thank you and your husband, Rachel for the tip. I found the "3rd Party Mod" site that has my wanted winter mods. But, since I have CMMOS installed I still would like to use it. I could spend more time learning the computer, but that time is better spent playing CM!
  18. oops, faile dto mention that I do NOT have the Beta 1.03 patch installed. Will this still work with 1.02? Love to try it.
  19. Send me your operation--I prefer operations to scenarios anyway. I have the time, and a wife that tolerates my mania. You should be able to get a map from some of the Kursk websites, I don't have their address with me(I am currently working in China and there are many sites I cannot get via their ISPs. :confused: :mad: Maybe other gamers here on the forum can direct to these sites. There is also a good Osprey Battle Series book on Kirsk with maps that can help you. Looking forward to seeing the operation.
  20. There are also several websites out there about Hungary and WWII. Unfortunately, most of these are in Hungarian. I remember stumbling upon a few via the Actung Panzer! weblinks page. Give that a try. As for the city itself, try Lonely Planet Travel Guide, Fodor's, or just search Budapest on the net. You will find many English speakers there as well, except for those that work with public transportation. The subway system is very reliable, but, back in '96 few signs were in English. Remember that my info is now seven years old, so, I am sure much has changed.
  21. I was in Budapest back in '96. Great town, mediocre food, decent beer, but BEAUTIFUL tall girls everywhere (don't tell the missus). The museum was being renovated while I was there. :mad: If my memory serves it is on the Buda side of the Danube. There is a large monument dedicated to the Russian "liberators". Find that and you'll know you are close. One "must see" is Gellert Hill, and the Citadel that is perched on top. This is on ther "Pest" side of the river. It provides you with a spectacular view of the city. You can also see why the Germans made their last stand there.You will also see the many bridges that had to be rebuilt after the war. Note that there are at least three train stations in the city. The Romanians and Hungarians had a ferocious fight to the one "Budapest Kaleda (I THINK that it is what it was called, or something similar). :confused: If you have time, you should also think about Bucharest, Romania. This city is not nearly as scenic but it actually has a BETTER museum. You can check out the T-4, R-35, and Tacam-to name a few on display outside still in their Romanian markings. Good photos for future mods. I did NOT recall seeing any tank statues in Budapest. I hope this helps a bit.
  22. Thanks for the sympathy,Lee. I have been using CMMOD Database--real cool, but they just don't have much of a selection for CMBO. In fact, there are absolutely NO US armor mods available. I have tried Tom's CMHQ but that site also is limited. So, any OTHER CMBO mod sites with CMBO mods available? :confused:
  23. Can anyone out there help out a fellow CM gamer? I have been afflicted with mod mania. I can't get enough! What I love about the CM line is that you can change almost everything to suit your taste. However, I am a cyber neophyte and I cannot seem to decypher the very basic download instructions for CMMOS. Does anyone have enough time to spend giving me detailed, step by step instructions? Remember, talk to me like I am an idiot (you won't be far off the mark I have the rule sets, but every time I want to move the file my Winzip unzips it--which is what I SHOULDN'T do. So, how do I circumvent the Winzip stuff and get those cool winter tank mods into CMMOS? :confused:
  24. Oh yeah, I forgot about the D1s. I wonder how CMAK will handle Vichy French vs Free French (some of this fighting took place in Syria). So many questions...
  25. Anyone have a quick list of scenarios that use these Shermans? :eek:
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