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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Tom, I also can no longer access your fine webpage--I keep receiving a "Webpage not found" message. :mad: This sucks because I have always enjoyed your page. Regardless, if you can zip me a file of your op, I will provide some feedback. Thanks.
  2. Advanced Squad leader (ASL) made me sell all of my other WWII boardgames. CMBO made me shelve and store all of my PC wargames. CMBB has caused CMBO to gather dust in my bookcase. The same applies for websites. Every time I switch on the computer I check mail, read the news, check my Philly teams scores, then go CM surfing. It's always the same sequence: First: Check The Scenario Depot. I think I now have loaded more battles and ops than I can play in the next two years, but still I download every new scenario that catches my eye. Second: Check the CM Mod Database for mods I sometimes never knew I needed until I see the new versions. Third: Check in with the Proving Grounds. IMHO this is the best new CM website. It's primary appeal is that now scenario designers just need to send their designs here without looking for playtesters. Then they post the revised, playtested versions. Those "that make the grade" are "promoted" the Scenario Depot. Fourth: Check in with the good ole boys at "Boots and Tracks". Though not as prolific as the other two sites listed above, they emphasize quality and not quantity. Fifth (and last): Head for the BFC Forum. Sixth: Lift my head from the computer and see my girl glaring at me. Then she poses the one question that seems to answer this thread's question: "How many game websites do you need to look at?" That's my hint that it is time to get off the computer and get back to the real world. Maybe this too, happens to website designers?
  3. Ho-hum, just another GREAT MOD!!! It just so happens that I am playing a battle now with these Stugs and the new version looks great. I went for the "fully loaded" model--with the tracks and markings. Cool eye candy! :cool: I also love this growing trend of modders refining other modders' versions. Twice the brainpower yields twice the quality! Sadly, I think I have modded every tank in my arsenal, what's left? :confused:
  4. Beautiful mod! Now, will someone please tell me which scenario (any?) uses these tanks. I can't find any, and I don't do quick battles.
  5. Quick observation: if you write the number 105 with the 5 looking like an S then the mirrored image gives you the number 201. There are other combinations that will also work. Of course you will end up with a tank with two different numbers, but with the unavoidable mirror effect this is what you have anyway. I'd rather have my tank with two different numbers than to look at the one side with their backward numbers. "Normal" looking numbers are more pleasing to the eye. In addition, it will give us all a break from the 808, 818, and 101 numbered tanks. Placing the numbers on the rear of the turret is also one option, but ahistorical. Modders and modsluts, what do you think?
  6. Looks great, got my credit card out and waiting... As always, we want more! Any chance on showing us demos on the OTHER combatants that will(?) make their appearance in CMAK? For example: Colonial(Italian),Indian, Free French, Ghoumier, Anzac, et al. Has BFC anounced a decision on the Greeks? Yes? NO? :confused: Consider this as one last plea for the inclusions of the Greeks.
  7. I got a little time (some feedback is better than no feedback), so send it to me and I'll give it a quick play and respond with my thoughts. Note that I can only playtest this against the AI (too many PBEMs in progress!).
  8. Anyone working on Russian winter mods? Particularly early war BTs and T-26s, BAs etc. I guess the Russian stuff gets modded last, seeing how many different mods of German AFVs that are now available. The T-34s, ISUs, SUs et al. have been covered but there is a shortage of guns, tankettes and other early war tin cans. Anybody doing anything here or would others like to chip in with their winter requests?
  9. In the book: "Soviet Blitzkrieg" by Walter Dunn, the author deals with this vehicle. Note that my book is NOT with me (being stored back in the 'states) so I cannot give you page references, only drawing upon memory. What stood out most was his reference to the usage of SU76(i) during Operation Bagration. The author states that these were used in some numbers. This was the first detailed (more than one paragraph) info I had ever stumbled across regarding this obscure AFV. In my SL/ASL days this was the only AFV that I NEVER got to use in twenty-two years of playing that excellent game (I have since given up "pushing cardboard", now I solely play PC games). Consequently, uncovering ANY info about the SU 76(i)gets my attention. Conversely, the very good website linked above does not mention this at all. Once again, different sources give out different--and often--conflicting info. Irrespective of its usage, what stands out most about the SU 76(i) in CM is: 1) its absence--anyone have a scenario with it? 2) CM gave it scant attention and just used the captured Stug bmps. :mad: The info screen does depict this as a SU 76(i) however. Thus armed with the excellent photos from the weblink already mentioned, THIS AFV could use a total redo, but, since it is so rare is it worth the effort? Maybe, after all, a few modders modded the T-34/57 am I am STILL looking for a scenario that has this tank. I guess I am fixated on this AFV because I have NEVER used one in any wargame.
  10. Outstanding! But now I will have to hold off on using those great new big German buildings (thanks Juju!) until I can download these great new small buildings, I'm just leery of seeing the big buildings with the German propaganda poster across the street from the small building with the Russian propaganda poster! So, how long will we have to wait? It's all about eye-candy, and thanks to you modders, this game not only plays the best--it LOOKS the best.
  11. Hey, if you can make the mods for the SCW I'll download EVERYTHING and enjoy the hell out of it. Great for early war tin can vs tin can battles. Lou2000 QUOTE]...I've been thinking about for a mod [sic] is a Manchuria Campaign Mod...Russia vs. Japan in '45.
  12. M11/39: More on the M11: M11/39 In 1937 prototype was built. Started with 6 road wheels and was similar to American M3 Lee except had 37 mm in sponson. Eventually had 8 road wheels. Had no radio. Riveted construction. Had 2 Breda 8 mm MGs in the turret and a 37 mm mounted on the right side of the hull. Was intended to be main tank of armored divisions. Each battalion would have 31 tanks. 70 were sent to Africa and joined the 4th Tank Regiment. First action Sidi Azeis, Aug. 5, 1940. Five were captured by the 6th Australian Division and used against the Italians at Tobruk in January 1941. I can't get images to reproduce on this page for some reason, so, for those who are curious enough, take a lok at these tin cans we will soon laugh at (if your opponent has them) or curse them (if YOU have them).
  13. See my earlier post. Try to visualize a CV33 with a large bucket upside down on the top. Now poke a MG through it and you have your M11. I believe the nomenclature was M11/37 and M11/39--not certain--don't have my books with me.
  14. Most of the books posted on the BFC list are new but there are a few old books to look for in used bookstores. My favorite was "Hollow Legions" by Mario Cervi. "Eritrea '41" by Arthur Swinson is a hard to find book, but then again, I understand that CMAK will NOT focus on this theater. BFC might not, but sure as hell us gamers WILL. "Tobruk", and "El Alamein" by Fred Majdalany are also good. Sadly there does not seem to be many first-person accounts of fighting in the desert by an Italian author. None that I have found, that is. Nothing beats the Australian, New Zealand, and even Indian official publications on this theater for detailed after action reports, albeit these are hard to locate. Instead of going to Barnes & Noble and Borders and shelling out a lot of money I strongly urge you to try the used book stores. There are also huge book fairs that go around the country. My favorite is the annual Mother's Day Book Fair in Timonium, MD, just north of Baltimore. Fairs such as these are a WWII lovers paradise. Happy hunting.
  15. If you are loking forward to crappy multi-turreted tanks then you should be happy with CMAK. The Italian main battle tank before the M13,M14 and M15 was a tin can known as the M11/39. This is SLIGHTLY better than the CVs but it was slow, had a low velocity 37mm gun set in the hull along with a breda MG in a one man turret. Almost all of these tanks were lost during Wavell's counteroffensive in '40. Consequently many were captured and used by the Australian 9th(?) Infantry Division and there are photos of these tanks with large kangaroos painted on their turrets (get ready, modders). So, although amusing to use in CMAK, these things will survive as long as trucks do in battle. I am not computer savvy enough to attach links and photos to my posts but there are plenty of photos available--I THINK Actung! Panzer has them in their vast index. Not having the T-35 was also disappointing for me as well, but the one GLARING absence is the T-28s. These were the main battle tank before the T-34s went into full scale production. Without these T-28s I feel scenario designers are handcuffed when designing Winter War and '41 battles. I believe the T-28s lasted in service until late '42. So, I guess we all have to wait until CMx2 for these Russian tanks. But I'm not getting any younger...
  16. So, anyone using the "Happy face Sturmtiger mod"?
  17. Hey MikeyD, do that and I will actually play a CMBO battle for the first time since winter. The one difference between BO and BB that sticks out most--and bothers me most--is the 2-D flat rubble. I'd love to have it also. Can't...wait...until...CMAK...must...play...Western Europe...
  18. Good job! They look great--and I LOVE the options! Dirty and winter versions coming soon? Hmm, I'll wait for the dirty--got to have the dirt--before I D/L them. The winter mods will also be eagerly anticipated.
  19. If it weren't for the B&W photo, I might have thought this was similar to the "Austin Powers Carrier" Mod in CMBO. :eek: Because of the photo, it's real, but unique. I would say tone down the colors, because camo is suppose to divert the eye and not attract it. This photo also raises the question of adding the tarp (?) cover to the base of the gun--as seen in the photo. This would be a cool feature but I'm guessing this can't be done (unless totally reworked?). I guess what bothers me most is that this psychedelic pattern reminds me of my college days. I never said "groovy" in my day but I will confess to "far out". :cool:
  20. Thanks again for all of your time and work. I have already begun to use it in battle. It's cool. The whitewash looks hasty enough and the AFV stands out well in the white snowy background. Outstanding!
  21. IS-2 for my tank, ISU 122 for my tank destroyer. Big guns that rubble any building and can knock out the heaviest German armor. Now that these have received terrific makeover mods (thanks guys) they also LOOK GOOD too (I love the Rhino on my Stalins and the cross on top of the ISU). :cool:
  22. I have been keeping an eye on the upcoming (release date is within a few weeks) of Eric Young's "Squad Assault". It has the theme you are looking for but I am wary of its quality. This game is based on the good idea-bad end-result game "GI Combat" that originally was began by Talonsoft. The finished product was widely panned. Don't be surprised if this thread gets moved to the General Forum. Scroll through this forum and you will find other references to this game. Or, better yet, check it out for yourself at the Matrix Games website. On their forum you may find one or two familiar names from the BFC Forum--and consequently notice how much better and active the BFC Forum is by comparison. I also have been looking forward to a non-gameboy video game PC game where you control individual soldiers in a squad/platoon. I guess I will give it a go, although I do not like the fact that NO demo will be available. Time will tell if the game is good. Personally, I'd rather BFC concentrate on completing the CM series--including ALL theaters before diverting their attention and efforts to other product lines. Please God, let me have ONE complete game system before I die! I am an old SL/ASL player that has given up pushing cardboard (PC games like CMBO and CMBB have spoiled me with their graphics) and consequently won't care when their line is FINALLY completed. How can I go back to pushing (and picking back up when they fall over :mad: )around stacks of mono-colored flat pieces of cardboard when you have 3-D? So, in a few months you can look for my posts at the Matrix Games Forum and see if I liked their final product. I liked the Close Combat system in its day, but without the ground view 3-D offered by games such as BO and BB how can I go back to their antiquated system? Oh yeah, I have three of their five games for sale, cheap. I'll never use them again. Eric Young was a member of that team, and I do like his attitude and style. Plus that game system--like CM, will be mod friendly. I can suggest this game, but not as yet recommend.
  23. Face it, it's a bug. I doubt BFC designers spent time ruminating about all of these possibilities. "let's see, if we put barbed wire here in the woods, then this accurately depicts..." Nope, I'm certain this ISN'T the case. It's a bug, but the bug doesn't BUG me.
  24. Merci beaucoup mon ami! C'est formidable. Now I can enjoy these stugs immediately! Looking forward to the winterized Stug.
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