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Everything posted by tooz

  1. Bring on the new uni's! It will be a lot of fun playing some of those Romanian vs. Hungarian scenarios now with everyone decked out in new threads! Cool. Can't wait!
  2. Try to get copies (or scans if anyone has these books on them--I don't)of two books by Osprey Publishers--one is "Romanian Forces in World War II"? co-authored by Mark Axelworthy (author of the definitive books "Third Axis, Fourth Allied") and another Osprey title which I THINK is entitled "Germany's Allied Forces in WWII". Both books are rich in color plates.
  3. ...only at closing time at the local pub.
  4. Can I use that same logic with new girlfriends?
  5. What annoys me most is the graphics!!! It looks like some soldier is walking their pet poodle! Man, I sure hope the new engine makes this LOOK better.
  6. It's only CMBB and CMBO (increasngly rare) for me now. Anybody got an opinon on the soon(?) to be released "Eric Yound's Squad Assault"? It's a redo of the failed (bombed is actually a better word) GI Combat game. I like the idea of using individual soldiers, plus you will be able to mod it down to the unit shoulder patches worn by the troops. GI Combat originally came from those Close Combat guys. CC was my first foray into PC games. Then came the VERY good Talonsoft Campaign series. I still have Rising Sun loaded but can't get back into watching each unit shoot or move, one at a time. CC made me put away my cardboard games (Advanced Squad Leader), East Front/West Front/Rising Sun made me forget CC, CM made me forget EF/WF... Hmmm, will anything make me put away my CM games?
  7. Guys, look at the photo from Dandelion closely. See that ridge running down the center of the helmet? Looks a LOT like the French style "Adrian" helmet. According to my many "Editions Heimdal" books (almost all in French text), there are many, many photos of the Free French wearing their Adrian style helmets. What WE need to do is to start whining to BFC guys and see if we can get them to add French Adrian helmets into the OB. I have asked before, and with CMBO and CMBB you cannot alter the shape/design of the helmets. Additionally, I have discoverred that The First Free French Army also used a few surviving B1's and Somuas to augment their armored regiments. Again, photographic evidence form Heimdal supports this opinion. I definitely agree that uniforms for the Goumiers (Ghoumiers?) is a must in CMAK. Omitting these guys would be egregious! In fact, if it weren't for these Goumiers, Cassino would have held out even longer (the Goumiers succeeded in turning the flanks, necessitating the German pullout by traversing some mountains thought inaccessible by the Germans). Think of the mods, men, think of the mods!!! So, let's all start whining: "WE WANT FRENCH HELMETS, WE WANT FRENCH HELMETS"--and see if BFC listens. Then, instead of farting around in the desert, we can design better, more realistic Free French scenarios and place them ANYWHERE we want! Normandy, Italy--even Norway! :cool:
  8. Just give me a large enough OoB and different terrain tiles so I can play all of my CMBO favorites using CMAK quality graphics. I REALLY am NOT looking forward to orderring green Italian troops to attack a strongpoint crossing a flat, open desert. Changing all of those "sneak" orders for my Eyties will surely be a forgettable experience. What will will be able create in CMAK? There weren't too many SS troops in this theater after early '44, so will our options be limited? No King Tigers--but Ferdinands! Can we depict those rare battles where Italians fought Germans? It happened... I am looking forward to using different units and vehicles. I am excited about using Grants and Lees. Variety is everything. So, maybe charging across open desert with crap Italian TANKS might be entertaining. :confused: The most pressing question I have is: will I EVER be able to play Blitzkrieg and Pacific war CM before I die? I ain't getting any younger... It looks like we will wait two years to replay CMBO and CMBB using CMX2, so, when will we get other theaters? Please, God, let me live long enough to use B1s and Ha-Go tanks!
  9. Gordon, thanks dude. The mods came out GREAT!!! Can't wait to use them.
  10. Oh yeah, a RHINO! Nothing like showing everyone how stupid I am. Regardless, will SOMEONE GIVE ME A 1SU 152 MOD THAT IS AT LEAST AS COOL AS GORDON'S? Wah! I want one, I want one! (If I was mature for 46 years old do you think I'd be playing computer games all of the time?)Well, gotta run and buy some Chapstick, I'll need it for all of that butt-kissing I'm gonna do...
  11. Ahh! That's MUCH better! Sometimes I think all of those years spent reading the tiny print on all of those cardboard boardgame counters ruined my eyes! Then again, looking at computer monitors isn't the best thing for your eyes either. I love the site, and the idea. I ran a short-lived thread a few weeks back called "mod talk" and got a decent amount of replies. Now all modders have a home--a place we can go to just talk mods. It's rare to find any CM gamer (outside of a few BFC boys) that are not interested in mods. What I like to see is some coordination and cooperation amongst all of the modders. HOW MANY KING TIGER AND TIGER 1's DO WE FREAKING NEED? :mad: Can we have something else now? Even "boring" mods--dirty Soviet trucks for example, would be welcomed in my eyes. Anyone else out there with a mod "wish list"? :confused: Here's your outlet. Now I have two cool forums to surf. Good job Gautrek!
  12. Oops!!! Was it YOUR IS-2 or MikeyD's??? Damn if I can remember. I can't even play the sychophant role right. So, apologiies to MikeyD if if was his mod (both are similar--his has the bear decal right?)but damn Gord, your mods are smoking! Let me know if you can release the ISU 152 to CMMODs. I sure would appreciate it.
  13. Gordon, I am having way too many problems with CMMOS :mad: My fault, I just can't get it to obey my computer commands. So, I'm pretty much a CMMOD database user. I think they are just fine. Any way I can beg you to issue your ISU 152's for CMMOD database? :confused: I could mail you money, but what the hell would you do with Chinese Renmin bi? Your IS-2's worked out great. these are, IMHO easily the best mods I have seen so far. I can't pay (bribe) you, so will a little butt kissing work?
  14. I am having a few problems with your forum. Will I have to log in EVERYtime I add a reply--especially withing a few minutes of a previous posting? I love the idea, but is anyone else having problems with your green background? I guess it is true that you can go blind by ...er, never mind! Looks like a great outlet for modders and/or mod maniacs.
  15. Thanks for the tips guys. I appreciate the help. I have always thought that diversity is the strength of any great game. I am trying now to figure out what vehicles have I NEVER used. What strikes me as a glaring omission is that many tanks that should be used more often are not. For example, that strange crappy twin turreted T-26 (Model A I think)tank SHOULD appear with more frequency. A few years ago while doing research for the ASL boardgame system (I no longer play with cardboard ) I had discovered that more than 1200 of these tanks were produced, and approximately 90% many of these were destroyed within the first six months of the war. Yep, they suck, BUT they were used--OFTEN as command vehicles. Yet, outside of "Totemkopf Attack" where can I find this crap tin? I would like to encourage any scenario designer that does an early Barbarossa scenario that uses the 45 gun T-26 SHOULD throw a few of these twin turreted sardine cans in the OB mix as well. The Russians used them, we CMers (is that a term?) rarely do. Unfortunately, without the Grant/Lee tanks (I know, I know, couldn't do the multiple turrets :mad: ) many battles cannot faithfully be recreated. Where are all of those Churchills that fought as elements of the heavy tank brgade in all of those Kursk scenarios? Stalingrad area saw many, many units equipped with Stuarts. Yet, any scenario have these? Also the 40mm and 57mm Valentines, and Bren carriers are too infrequent in CMBB. Thanks for the heads up on the previous posts, if anybody has more info on the tanks I just mentioned. I would appreciate it. Sarge, I'm heading for the wall now, going to take a little stroll...
  16. Flesh, my hero! How long did it take you to do That? It took me an hourt just to print out all 224 (I think, I lost count after 200) pages. I better run out and get another ink cartidge. Hey, excellent stuff--EXACTLY what I was looking for. Now I can organize my many, many folders. Outstanding!
  17. I don't have Waltzing Matilda, Der Kessel died and took their scenarios with them. Any other site to find this? I tried the depot--no luck. Anybody willing to email me a zip of this scenario? If so, I'm stll on the 1.02v. I ain't on the patch!
  18. Cool, thanks for the tip. STILL NO T-34/57s!!! :mad:
  19. Flesh! Please email me a copy as an attachment! Be my hero!
  20. Serge. Yep! I can buy it in Suzhou (which is in the Jiangsu Province where I teach. It's north of Shanghai)! :cool: Getting sick of stout eh? I am drinking a lot of beer these days, I am doing extensive research in finding out whether or not drinking beer prevents SARS. Works so far.
  21. Okay, so which scenarios use those uncommon AFVs such as T-34/57s, Stuh42, STG 33s, captured vehicles (all nations) and lend lease? I have found a few using Shermans, Panthers (for the Russian)French for the Romanians and Germans, but where can I use my new whitewashed snow Matilda, Valentines, Bren carriers and other captured German armor? ANY info on ANY rare vehicle listed above--or any others you can think of--appreciated. As far as I can tell, NO scenario uses the T-34/57. Nah, I don't do quick battles. There are TOO many great battles and ops out there already (thanks guys) instead of doing my own weird hypothetical situations.
  22. Best place for Beer: Belgium (see Hoegaarden and Stella Artois). Worst place for beer: Anywhere that sells American or Australian beer. CMMODdatabase is THE place for me. I STILL can't get CMMOS to work! :mad: Oh yeah, I AM an American and my beer belly is proof positive that I have done years of extensive research on beer. (burp)
  23. Sounds great guys, maybe BFC can do this for the CMX2 engine?
  24. Thanks Mike and Merater for the feedback. I hope the new engine allows for two sided bmps, this would enable mooders to get more fancy (more is ALWAYS better). I wish there was a way the tanks could be numbered INDIVIDUALLY but I assume if that was possible it would be in the game now. Mike, what am I doing wrong with your GD uni's, I DLed, copied and all, but the ALL of my '41 Germans were "promoted" and put on the GD uni's. :confused: I reverted back but kept the files. I also noted that in "Schreiber's stand (great scenario)that these guys were NOT decked out in the GD uniform. :confused: I experiment, fail, retry, then succeed. Any tips here on why I am having my GD problems would be appreciated. Great site too, by the way. I found the mods I listed above, got 'em and they look great. Last question, anyone know of any scenarios that use those rare T-34/57s? I've never used these guys yet. I only mod those vehicles I use. When I see ANY original BFC AFVs (no offense BFC) I head for CMMODdatabase. Cozog rules!
  25. Now that 75% of my bmp's have been modded, I was wondering if anyone has been intrepid enough to produce a comprehensive list describing each series of bmp's. For example, if I wanted to fool around with my uniforms for the Wehrmacht in 45'and re-mod them, and instead of scrolling through my files to see who wears what and is placed in which bmp's is there a descriptive list? For example: Pz 38(t) early would read 12122-12130 [sic] and 151.. for the late model. Sure would come in handy. Is there a site for mod feedback? I find it interesting how we playtest and review battles and ops but not mods. I have some mods that, although cool, have glaring errors. One that sticks out are my soviet slogans on my turrets. I have slogans on one side (the left) that are BACKWARDS! :mad: However, they still are too cool to change and I live with it--I always keep a right side camera angle. I am just hoping that we could provide effective feedback for the mod designers (my heroes all) in order to help them deliver a polished product just as we do with battle/op designers. With this feedback perhaps we can make requests? I am still searching for a dusty 251/1,camo MkIVH, and winter MkIVG, et al. What do you think? I am a MOD MANIAC now (modders--it's ALL YOUR FAULT! ) and need some better organization. Am I alone in this? I have had too many problems operating CMMOS (which is due to my severe lack of computer skills and NOT a critique in any way) so this is not the answer I am looking for. I am just looking for a thread where all we talk about are mods and bmps. Anyone? :confused:
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