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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Great suggestions, Desert Dave, i like them all very much.
  2. Desert Dave, Sir Jersey, SeaMonkey: Gentlemen, when i read all your recent posts i just felt as if i've opened an old and long lost little treasure chest full of gems and incence. Thank you, gentlemen!
  3. Usually you do loose some strength point with most invasions, so that should cover it. Even though the defence of Wake was a brave one
  4. Don't manage great things with Japan. Sad, but true.
  5. I only found this one (after a short google search): That one would be standing in Pirmasens (quote wikipedia: "Pirmasens...It is famous for the manufacture of shoes...")
  6. I absolutly share your enthusiasm, and would welcome your deep water tile suggestion as well as the one the two tile spotting range absorbation.
  7. Snowstorm, i am far away from being a forum user you can truly call a veteran, at least not when mentioned in one line with Desert Dave, Kuniworth and Sea Monkey (and many other great guys), but thanks anyway. But because it was so nice from you to ask about my background, i am glad to answer anyway: I live in Germany, in Bremen, and am working in Hamburg, for a company which primary activities consist of rail tank cars operating leasing, where i purchase spare parts, coordinate the shipment of spareparts and, yes, am in control of inventories. My computer wargame history began more or less with SSIs "Storm accross europe", followed by all the better ones of SSIs titles (Gary Grigsbys, Clash of Steel, the 5-star General series) and some of SSGs games ("The Complete Carriers at War", just as an example). Some years after SSI went down i discovered Huberts first master piece: Strategic Command (1). And since then i visit this forum more or less constantly. I will go slow with any more suggestions to improve the game, as i would like to play the new Global game first (and hopefully soon, come on guys, sell it to us!), where plenty of good improvements will already be included. I hope of course that we will a) somwhere down the road will get a decent WW1 game which offers a global map as well c) where you are allowed to stack units d) on a hex map e) or better: Ted Raicers "The Great War in Europe" as a computer game (with the additional "The Great War in the Near East" enhancement), as this is the best board war game i have ever played ;)
  8. DesertDave! So it is true, the dead will rise from their graves! Or better: where have you been, and welcome back!
  9. I suggest optional upgrades, each campaign for a few bucks, and a free one if you have bought one or more of the first SC games. After all every campaing would need pretty much work to build it into Global map and Global AI.
  10. Hello calvin9, and welcome to the SC Forum. You did everything fine and without any mistake. Pacific Theater is the most advanced SC game engine, and it offers the biggest maps. I presume that this is the reason why you have longer intervalls of watching the AI planning its moves. The best solution to enhance the speed is probably a faster computer. If it comforts you: i have to wait longer as well. The next SC (World Map) will offer probably a faster AI. On the other hand it will offer bigger maps as well, so the result might be at least not faster computer turns. Have you installed the latest patch? Do you use an ATI graphic card and a 32bit colors resolution? Than you could switch to 16bit colors, that might help a bit.
  11. That is what convoy lines are made for, because you always give "money", never people to your allies. It would be nice to have the possibility to send money everywhere, to get a dozen more convoy lines (sea and land).
  12. Sorry, but i totaly disagree. "Clear" Terrain in SC / SC2 has nothing to do with an open field. I know personly dozens of tiles from the SC2 map which are far away from "clear terrain", even though it appears so in / on the SC map. For you suggestions we would need at least a dozen more terrain types than we already have, probably even more.
  13. I hope that only units with amphib abiltity / tech are able to invade this way. Regular units, if allowed as well, would need the abiltity to leave an island which has no harbor tile attached. Btw.: your comments hit the point, i absolutly agree with you.
  14. When will the game end? I have conquered everything, but still no game over screen. Human Allies against NK / Chinese AI. Or is it nescessary that the blue UN forces occupy Seoul and Pjoengjang?
  15. Hubert, thank you so very much! Great new feature, thank you so very much for implenting all this good, useful and long awaited new features. I CAN'T AWAIT THE RELEASE OF YOUR NEW GAME!!!! Make it expensive, you have earned it!
  16. teutonkopf, uhm, there is no such german word as "hunden". A dog is a "Hund", while dogs are "hunde". There is a german movie / book about Stalingrad: "Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben?" = "(you( dogs, do you want to live forever?" And the Skull would be a "Totenkopf". "Toeten" would be "to kill" or "to slay" Btw.: my "mixture" could be called "one half Bremen and one quarter East Prussian and one quarter Silesian".
  17. Wushuki, you made some excellent points. Naval battles and invasions always were somehow the week spot of any SC version, and remained it till today. But i wouldn't agree with your last sentence, as i enjoy PT very much. Maybe in SC3 Hubert dares to rethink the naval war concept. Until than i enjoy what we got served.
  18. If you can call it a failing, than i would mention that there is only one great campaign: Operation Z, beginning with Pearl Harbor 1941. While every other SC2 release had several campaigns, PT offers only one. Operation Z is fun to play, of course, but in the end this campaing burns out much, much sooner than other SC2 campaings as you have only this one. The AI is good as usual when it acts in the more classical landwar, but pretty limited when it comes to great scale naval invasions and how to win them. At least that is my experience. A problem that wasn't never solved in any SC game. In a game against the AI this wouldn't have to be a problem if the human player would be allowed to switch the playing side, as he could take over to play a good invasion while the AI could play his former side for the time being. But it is not possible to change sides in the game. So no easy help here. If you like SC / SC2, than you should buy PT, because it brings a fresh theater of operations, the pacific war, with some good ideas and improvements. The best improvement is that carriers have two strengths bars: one for the hull / the ship, and one for the planes. This improvement is excellent, even though strangely enough limited only to the carriers. There are several scenarios coming with game, but i never loved any SC scenario, as they lack a linked campaign mode a la Panzer General and the other good Panzer General features as well. So in short: pro: good new feature: the carriers have two different "lifes" / strength bars fresh theater of operations and one very good campaign the AI knows how to fight a good landwar contra: only carriers got the good new feature only one campaign the AI still has problems to get a good naval invasion done.
  19. I have nothing special in mind, but as you are playing a bit more often i would like you to choose which campaign we gonna play ( ii imagine it might be a bit boring for you if you have to play one campaign or one side to often in a row). Just decide which one you want and which side you want to play (a mirrored play would be good as well, of course). Either i start and send you the turn (after you told me which campaign to choose) or you start a campaign with the side of your choosing.
  20. I would like to play, and if you like we could do an AAR (here or at buntaland / http://s15.invisionfree.com/Buntaland/index.php?)
  21. Didz, don't forget that a sub with full strength (10+) and full supply hurts convoy lines more than a sub with strength 5 and low supply. This makes a HUGE difference.
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