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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. If anyone wants to start a game (email), i'm available for a Z-campaign game. Just write me an email. If you want to play the japanese, please add the first turn. else i send you my japanes turn as reply. I just want to play for fun, and i don't care to win or losse, all i want to have is fun. Would be great if my opponent would feel the same way. :)
  2. This was by far the best AAR i've read about Pacific Theater by now. Thanks for sharing, JJR!
  3. Blashy: Yes, in my case you are right. But don't you think it would be better to improve the AI instead of thinking and planing how to cripple yourself to get a challenging game from a less improved AI? For starters it might help to reduce the first incomes of the allies when under human control, so that it becomes impossible to rescue american troops or planes from the Phillipines, or to defend Java against the japanese AI. The solution should always be to change and improve the AI, not to write the high book of "do it wrong to do it right", because that reads itself somewhat bizarre. And when you lead someone (or better: me) to this point, where he (still me) recongnize the bizarreness of your post, than this person (again me) might feel compelled to answer in an exaggerating kind of way. Sorry if i did hurt your feelings.
  4. Exactly my thougts! Sacrifice one unit at the start of each turn to please the mighty Sun-God. Sacrifice one unit at the end of each turn to please the mighty Moon-God. Keep your breath while you play your turn. If you can't hold out any longer press "End turn" first before you start to breathe again. Oh boy!
  5. It is not that i don't agree, but it would be a hell of work to adjust your suggestion. Example: how long would it need to surrender one island before it should loose its supply values? What would you say? One turn? Or does an island have always enough supply to survive 5 turns of surrendering? Would it have to be completly surrendered, or would Zones of control be enough? Should it affect the offensive or the defensive stats, or both? Would morale rise ("we fight till death") or fall ("we all gonna die here")? All in all it would rise many questions, but it could of course be done. On a scale from A (must have, hurry up!), B (should be done somewhere on the road) or C (nice to have) i personaly would rank it under "C", while i would give "lets engineers be able to build roads, and as a second step on a toad tile railways" a "B", while i would put "allow AI players to change playing sides whenever they want" under "A". But I guess that everyone has his own point of view here.
  6. But than there were islands with huge stockpiles of supply, who wouldn't suffer soon or much from a naval blockade again. And when you think it through, even fuel for naval units should be limited, making your japanese fleet think twice before it make its move anywhere: "is this journey worth the fuel?". I think it is nearly impossible to integrate this feature (naval blockade) as long as you want to play an beer and pretzel game. "War in the Pacific" had supply integrated, but there you had to ship manualy all your supply to each and every island, stockpiling it there. And it was a hell of work to do these shipment runs, to calculate how many transports you need when and where, to overwatch a couple of hundred supply depots ("do i have there enough to start an invasion?", "where do i need to start a depot", "what should be my hub for operation xyz"). It was fun, but you needed some love for brutal bookkeeping work. Not everyones fun, believe me.
  7. Bill101, man, you're the best! I hope you do remember for yourself that today is Christmas Eve, grant yourself some peace & rest!
  8. I obviously can't surprise you guys, dang! Great to hear that you are working on the first patch.
  9. Uhm, what are these here? Flying Dutchman? :eek: I saw them when my Japanes game against the AI ended. Shouldn't they sink with a strength value of 0? :confused:
  10. The convoy line is from Shanghai to Nagaski. Shanghai is at 8, Nagasaki at 10. No damages. Convoy map shows the China convoy line in blue Chinese cities in the east i don't control: Kashgar, Yarkand, Khota. No convoy collect from China, so i presume that there may be a little problem in the convoy routine.
  11. Just out of curiosity: what conditions have to be fulfilled before i can collect income from a japanes conquered China? I get a +0 from China in Summer, winter and spring as well. The most eastern cities are under control of the russian (about three), the rest of the cities are under my control. Harbors are working as well, no damgages there. Is there anything to collect from China? :confused:
  12. Thank you for the insights, Bill101! Btw.: what do you think about giving Destroyers a +1 supply zone of control? Wiht this ability they could solve the problem with 0-supply islands (remember my post where i "lost" my fighter on the island north of Hawaii because there was zero supply so i couldn't move or operate it away? If destroyers would give all adjactent units a supply level of one (Tokyo Express), than there would be no need to change anything on the map. In my opinion this would be a very smart, historical and enhancing gameplay option. We could keep islands with zero supply, but would enable air units to move and leave there anyway as long as the get some destroyer deliveries. Just my 2 cents, of course.
  13. Just some more thoughts after my second game: 1) Shouldn't there be (or better: wouldn't it be a good idea if there were) allied convoy lines as well in the Z-Campaign? -Australia-India (UK) -NZ-Australia (UK) -USA-Hawaii (US) -USA-Australia (US) -coastal convoy lines in front of India (UK) -coastal convoy lines in front of USA On these mentioned convoy lines there was enough naval traffic to attract subs (on the US east coast german subs attack in january 1942, this period was called the "happy time", because the coast guard wasn't prepared at all for the german subs), auxiliary cruisers or even german raiders (CA Admiral Scheer raided into the indian ocean in 1942). Even though japanese subs were ment to attack war ships, they might have had their happy time as well if they would have gotten the order to attack tradelines in 1942. 2) Diplomacy would be even better, if i every country listed in the diplomacy section would offer its own photograph. Example: click on Mongolia and get a picture of some of their leaders next click on USSR and get a picture of Molotov and Stalin, click on communist china and get Mao etc. etc. 3) When Hawaii gets under the control of the Japanese: shouldn't in this case the red arrows in front of the US coast turn grey or dissappear? 4) Shouldn't (if they aren't already, not sure about this one) the exit tiles from the red arrows in front of the US West coast put ship always at a more or less random position when they reach the target area? North of Hawaii, south of Hawaii, east ot west, but not always at the same point where i can place a trap or one spotting unit? 5) When China surrendered i was instantly at war with the USSR. In my game china surrendered early 1944. Shouldn't the USSR get less or weaker units (if this isn't already in the game) if they attack Japan in 1944 instead of August 1945? 6) I would like to suggest to implent two german sub scripts First: a german sub appears in 1942 or 1943 to operate from a western japanes base Second: if the japanes player is willing to pay somewhere in the game a certain amount of his money he could buy german techs. A german sub than enters somewhere in early 1945 an eastern ocean tile. If it can make its way to the Japanese home isles, than the japanese player receives german jet and / or rocket techs, mabye even better tank techs (double attack abiltiy?). If the sub doesn't reach Japan before may 1945 then it simply surrenders at sea to the allies, giving the allied player uranium so that he gets an atomic bomb or more atomic bombs somewhat later in the game. 7) Cough, cough!
  14. After playing 2 games i think that there could be a very elegant solution: if destroyers would recieve a "+1 supply" zone of control, than everything would be just fine. If a player gets stuck in a 0 supply tile he could start his personal Tokyo express. Think about it. Destroyers did play such a role in WW2, providing minimal supply to any needy friendly unit they could reach. This enhancement could give some more history flavor to the game, solve the problem with islands without any supply and make destroyers even more useful.
  15. I always feel a bit dissapointed when a SC2 game ends. Why? Because after a dozen of hours all i get are 3-4 meagre statistics and the research table. I don't want no fancy musics, or more text messages or movies (even though i would welcome them), but where are my statistics, where is my possibilty to look back on the war i just fought through? I sat on my chair in front of my monitor for many hours, invested much time into the game, and when i played it through there is no end waiting for me which is worthy of all those hours playtime (even tough playing the game is much fun, of course). Am i really the only one who would like to get a tiny bit more? Example: how many BBs have i, how many have i lost, how many has my enemy or how many has he lost, how many CVs have i, how many have i lost, how many has my enemy... I just won a game against the Japanese AI. When i won, i got an "Allied Major Victory" message. Next thing: all the Japanese Units have dissapeared (because Japan surrendered). BUT I would have LOVED it to get an opportunity to see how many units Japan had left and where they were placed when Japan surrendered. But they were gone. I felt a bit as if someone just have had stolen my golden crown for winning the game. There isn't any need to cash in the losing sides surrendered units, because I don't need the money anymore when i have won the game! What i truly need when i won a game is the joy to look about the complete map with all units which remained until the end of the war. All of them, not only mine, which i know pretty well after dozens of hours playtime. Don't we all agree about this? :confused: Can't the final surrender automatism (cash in units, remove them from the map) be stopped when i won through this specific surrender? :confused: I would like to add that i still hope and pray for an option to choose & change sides after a game has been started. This is one of the best ways to enhance games against the AI. Don't get me wrong. I love the SC2 games, all of them. And Pacific Theater is the best of them, no doubt about it. Nevertheless: i still feel the need to adress the "more statistics", "change sides whenever you want" and "please more possiblities to look and / or to look back after the game has been won or lost" topics once again.
  16. @ thetwo: Excellent post, by far one of the best posts i've ever read here about pre-WWII Germany. One could add that Hitler would have fallen the second France would have reacted by force against the re-occupation of the Rhineland. The Wehrmacht would have acted against him, actualy they hoped to do so, and were bitter disappointed when the French did nothing.
  17. Pruharharhar! :D:D Yes, devilish little baby, this game, it is indeed!
  18. Few surprises is the understatement of the year! The AI is full of them, truly excellent! I'M LOVING IT! Thanks for the hint regarding the map tiles, this helps.
  19. I never heard of this before, and i never endured such a problem, and i did played my part of SC games in the last couple of years, and no such error, never. Give us a "sleep" key, and a "p" for previous unit, please, oh mighy Lords of the programm code. And while you at it: please allow players to read the last game messages after they disapeared from the screen. We are all human beeings (need to eat, to drink, to ...) and it CAN happen that you just missed an important message while you went to the fridge...
  20. I would never turn on a grid, because it is always butt ugly :eek: compared with a map without it. And without a grid overlay you can't see or know if a tile can be entered or not without entering it. So this is a tricky kind of something for everyone who don't activate a grid overlay. :(
  21. "Next unit" at the end of the turn, frightend to forget the one important unit. Sleep mode would be fine, and a "previous" unit button as well (or have i simply missed that one?).
  22. Hello Bill101. You did a great job designing the map of the main campaign, honestly. Having said that, would you mind if i would ask for a slight change? Please show the two arrow symbol wherever it is possible to cross the ocean without the help of transport or amphib shipment first. If you can't imagine that Ceylon might be reached on foot (speaking of myself, of course), than the sudden appearance of a dozen indian units knocking at the city walls can be quite a shock for peaceful mind such as myself. I think there are a couple of other islands which can be reached whithout using naval movement. On one occasion i let my unit sit for some months on such an island because i didn't wanted to spend the money for the naval transports, when from the adjactent island next to mine the AI walked a unit over water (which would have been ok if this would have been a game settled in a timeline like the year 30 anno domini.) What do you think about the arrow-symbol suggestion? Maybe you decided against any sign for a reason? It would be nice to learn more about it. Keep up the good work!
  23. Oh, nearly forgot this: What a great scenario, how many surprises, what a good feeling playing this game: splendid work, Bill101 & Hubert!
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