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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. "Kchhhh, chhhhh. I am your Father, young Kuni" --- Moon
  2. Because Germany had it all: fancy animal names for their tanks high tech weaponry, beautifuly desigened an the great, nordic drama with a Goetterdaemmerung at the end of it all. The great tragedy of a people which were seduced by pure evil, which came disguised as an angel from heaven. Wagner, Nibelungen, ancient Rome, there is much of it in this conflict. And last but not least: American and German are not so very different people, you feel closer to a cousin than to a complete stranger.
  3. arado234, i don't have no clue as well. But, if somehow possible, i would love to have 50 options to trigger or to set at random, because it would make my single games against the AI much more colorful. ---- Sad but true: in WW1 a german patriot suggested the use of poison gas against the Entente powers. In Nazi Germany this man would have been treated as bad as possible, because he had some ancestors which were jews. I don't want to point on the poison gas invented by a person of jewish ancestors, but at the fact, that this patriotic man wasn't there to help Germany in WW2, simply because of the evil, murderous minds which were in power in these days. This Nazi scum destroyed everything beautiful, wonderful and good in Germany, beginning with the Jews, the free minds, the science, the art. Just like cancer. Good thing, that Germany lost the war, and even better that the Allies demanded the unconditional surrender. Else we would have become sometwhat like the Japanese, sorry about losing the war, but not seeing what we did to our neighbors. ----
  4. Do yourself a favour and take a look here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1486&Itemid=362 This is much more than an update. Read it and wait with the rest of us all together in agony to learn about the release date.
  5. Good point! Think about the german jews working and fighting for their fatherland just like in WW1 might have given Germany the edge she needed. At least this is something i always feel pretty sure when i think about it.
  6. What makes you so sure that this money would have been spend into the war? Could't it as well have been spend for social services, streets, heath care, etc.? After all the USA never had introduce a "total war" production like most of the rest of the combatants in WW2. I presume that there would be a fair chance that this money would have been spend elsewhere, and not into guns and grenades.
  7. Oh yes, these are beautiful "what if" scenarios, i would love to see them in the game. The "random" trigger would be the most important of them all, at least in a game against the AI, where i would love to get tons of random events.
  8. Great Ideas, Sir Jersey, i would love to see them in the game, as they widen the possibilities and ways a game could develop.
  9. I can understand the reasoning, of course. Even though you could use the same words to explain why it might have been a good idea if Nazi Germany would have used its superior chemical weapons, like dropping them over every major english city, saving millions of german lives through a following armistice with the UK. And the Germans found out after the war that Hitler didn't used the chemicals weapons, and well, good for us, as the world would have hated us even more if we did used them. I presume that the american people might have thought so as well IF the Army had to invade Japan, loosing several hundred thousand men. Don't tell me that it is nescessary to kill non-combatants to win a war. This behaviour is always a war crime, even though you won't be charged if you WIN this war, as history has proven. True, but what does this prove? That you use all your horrible weapons as long as you are the only one who actualy can use them, and you stop as soon as your opponent has the same weapon? I know, and so do i (not meaning anything bad when arguing here). Yes, the Germans murdered, created hell on earth. But still Hitler didn't allowed the military use of them. My point was, that the explanation "the A-Bomb solves it all" is not correct. What do you think would Hitler have ordered the day after the A-Bomb hit Hamburg or Berlin? And what if Hitler hat resigned and a Nazi murderer with no trench war horror from WW1 would have given the orders? What IF Germany would have used it superior chemical weapons? It is in no SC game, and i don't need it in the game, still it would be needed to create all the "what ifs", and in my opinion it proves that your argument about "the Atomic-Bomb, our failsafe", is somewhat weak, as there would have been a counter, and this long, long before the Atomic-Bomb was ready. Problem is, that the German chemical weapons were far more dangerous / advanced than the Allied ones. Hitler would have (in my opinion as well) used the Atomic Bomb, of course. He used the V-weapons and everything else, too. Except the chemical weapons. Historians believe that this has something to do with his personal trench warfare experience in WW1 and the believe, that the Allied had the same potent weapon as well (which they didn't). Again, i just brought this whole point only to show you that your Atomic Bomb argument stands on wooden feet. As i already said: what if Hitler decided to use the chemical weapons, and what if he had used them against large military or civilian targets. What if the panzer reserves would have beend freed to be use in the beginning of D-Day, bringing the whole fight a possible new outcome, what if Midway went terrible wrong, cutting down the american abilities to do anything big in the pacific for a year while letting the japanese have their elite carrier force for one more year etc. etc. etc. Military history shows us many, many incidents where one simple, stupid mistake or even simply bad weather decided the fate of a battle and / or an entire war. At least the 3rd Reich (and obviously many other bad countries) believed that the democracies were soft and couldn't stand much losses. If i look on todays Germany, where we have a huge discussion about when and how fast we can pull our 4000 troops out of Afghanistan, and what it is what we do there (god forbids that someone dares to call it a war, don't use this dirty word), than i would have to agree, sad but true. What if Germany had created a pre-European Union under german dominance, giving Vichy France completly control over France, same maybe with the Benelux, Denmark and Norway. Do you really believe that the USA would have demanded unconditional surrender and would have fought all the way to free Poland and some other eastern european countries? I at least have some heavy doubts about it.
  10. Hitler and the Nazi believed that they were a superior master race while the slavic people should serve them as slaves. One or more military commander (HQs) could be pulled permanent out of the game if the player treated the conquered countries fair. And with every "good" behaviour there could be chance of a german civil war (Nazis against german military resistance). Result could be morale loss of the german units and / or strength point losses.
  11. Well, i would love to use your crystal ball, where can someone get another piece of such unbelievable witchcraft? Sorry arado234, but i disagree. And when it come to the Atomic Bomb, than the only sure thing we know is the the americans were ruthless enough to use it while Hitler didn't use "his Atomic Bomb", which could have been the chemical weapons like nerve agents like Tabun, Sarin or Soman. Think about it, it would have been possible to use these nerve agents. German Subs were patrolling the western american ports, german test flights made it to the US western coast and back. You need not much imagination to see that it could have been possible to shell cities like New York with nerve agents, or to bomb them with experimantal long range bombers or to send some long range V2. Same goes for every european city. The thing is that Hitler didn't used these weapons of mass destructions while Truman did. I say: lucky for all of us. But your conclusion (see above) is terrible wrong when you get your self-assurance only from the fact that the USA had the Atomic Bomb while the Axis didn't. And numbers are absolutly overrated as well. Even a succesful war of attrition has first to be won at the home front. If the USA had suffered losses like the USSR, what do you think would have happened? No one can be certain about these things, maybe a truce might have become an option with the isolationist gaining the upper hand again. Roossevelt became president because he promised to keep the USA out of the war. He didn't, and IF he had lost millions of young men, what do you think would have happened at the next election when there would have been some kind of negotiable peace treaty in sight? If i mention the Vietnam war, than this should be explanation enough, shouldn't it?
  12. Snowstorm, i made my point not clear enough, want i ment was disipline, spirit, a "higher" goal to achieve, morale, tactics. These are all as important as pure tech and numbers.
  13. Sounds so good, still so wrong. If this logic would be correct, Israel would have had never any chance against her arab neighbors, not in 1949, not in 1956, not, not, ... Or think about the spanish conqistadors in middle and south america. Numbers are good, but not nescessarely descisive.
  14. Logistic problems: As far as i remember the Wehrmacht DID have had winter cloth for their soldiers in stock, but wasn't able to bring them to the eastern front lines due to limited transport capacity (rail tracks had to be repaired AND changed in track gauge, no highways or big streets but mostly and to bad dirt strips in russia etc.).
  15. Wow, thanks for your great efforts here, SirJersey! Only thing left to do is to drive the herd over to this talking grounds, should get pretty interesting if we could manage this (yeeha, this way, Blitzen, Thunder, Rudolph!).
  16. I don't know such a campaign, but as far as i know Hitler urged to start the war as soon as possible, in fact he was mad a Mussolini who brought the Munich treaty instead of War in 1938. Each year on top of 1939 would have made germany weaker and her heighbors stronger. And one more thing: Germany was broke, because it spend money for all those precious tanks and weapon. But this money was only printed, never earned. Only through the plunder of her neighbors Germany was able to continue to fight. There is a briliant campaign in Patton drives east, in which Germany had "won" the contintal war, with new borders and german fortication near the Urals. The year si 1945 (if i remember correctly). The Allies start the game with a huge landing operation against occupied England while the Germans have ther Plan Z dream build and afloat. Not exactly the campaing you were looking for, but at least a near miss (and believe me: a fresh and entertaining new campaign).
  17. Hubert needs only a tiiiiii - ny bit more time to create his global game... Gary Larson
  18. Agreed! Unfortunatly Global Gonflict will have smaler maps of each theater of conflict (even though the overal map will be probably larger than anything else before). Best would be an update which offers the western map of WAW (or even bigger), the eastern Map of PTE (or even bigger) and a southern Map of the same size to include the rest of the world. Too late, dear friend, too late.
  19. Furchtbares Zeugs, das. Es nervt halt, dass man das Programm mittels Task-Manager "hart" beenden muss, wenn beispielsweise Besuch klingelt oder das Telefon schellt, und man dann gerne mal den Rechner runterfahren möchte OHNE noch 15 Minuten auf die AI warten zu müssen, da diese noch umbedingt erst Ihren Zug berechnen und ausführen will, bevor sie mich wieder an die Menüpunkte zum Beenden des Spieles heranlässt. When i got a visit or need to turn of my PC, it is simply awful that i have to wait for the AI because it has to plan and play its turn. If i want to end the game, i don't want to use the Task Manager of Windows to do so, i want an in-game function.
  20. Is there a key which i can press to end the AI turn?, or better, to end the game (back to main menu or back to Windows)? :confused: An AI turn may last 5, 10 or more minutes (at least it feals this way). Often i want to end the game before i am finaly "allowed" to comunicate with the game again. "ALT + X" or "ALT + Q" maybe? If not in the game, this would be very much needed (at least in Global Conflict).
  21. Frohe Weihnachten aka Merry Christmas to everone!
  22. Oh, i remember that "hitler's order to stand" well enough. It was a nice idea, but the game designer never thought it through, as i got those order even when i was advancing (from the Caucasus towards the west, after winning in Africa). I wanted to advance, but the game only saw the direction and ordered to stop the unit, while e retreat toward the east was always possible...
  23. Nice summary, thank you for that! What we need a game designers who are willing and able to introduce these kind of allied behaviour into a game. I strongly suggest to introduce more random events into the game. It would be so easy to do. Again i have to mention my all time favourite board game "the great war in europe" by Ted Raicer. In this game there is a chit pool. The chits are some minor and some major incidents, and some blanks as well. Example: you could draw a +1 dice roll for you next land attack (flamethrowers etc.), a neutral entry, and even some pretty bad things (like "the Tzar takes command" as the russian player). Nice thing was, that you had to pay a specific amount of income to get the ability to draw out of the chit pool. You could save your income and therefor not draw out of your chit pool. But than you opponent had the choice to pay to draw out of your chit pool as well. If he draw a "bad" incident, it had to be played. It it was a good one, than this incident would be displaced and would be out of the game for you.. Another nice thing in this game was that the east front and the west front were played on two different maps. One player planned his turn in the east, while the other played planned his turn in the west. This way you are always doing something, and were never forced to wait for your opponent to make his turn. This could work so very well in the Global SC. I play my turn in Europe while my opponnent plays his turn in the Pacific. When we are both ready, the wach what the other player did, and than whe change side...
  24. And with their prayers being answered, SaeMonkey and SirJersey had finaly conjured the four apocalyptical riders upon the earth...
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