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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. SeaMonkey, that is exactly why this option belongs into a WW1 game, not into a WW2. There was no german chivalrous method against the socalled "Subhumans".
  2. Problem would be that there would have been no WW2 without the whole Nazi crap idology, no german attack on russia, no freeing the poor ukrainians. Your suggested yes / no descision would fit much better into a WW1 scenario.
  3. Back on topic: Chargin Smith is absolutly right. As this request was made often over the last years i hope that we will get a better end. Give us a score or a photo or an animation, and while you're at it, give us more statistcs. Here is pretty much room for improvement (the end game and after the game has ended), and anyone who plays often or only against the AI can do nothing but agree with Chargin Smith. OT: only Becks will work for me, hehe
  4. I would prefer acurate game mechanics. Honestly, when i was younger i wanted those symbols as well. But than i thought about it a bit and finaly changed my mind. I play the Axis side, but not the Nazi side. I want to win with the Axis power, but not with or for the evil idology of the Nazis. I don't want to use a game where i take up those symbols which stand for the Holocaust. I can live and play with the symbols of the german army, but not with the symbols of the NSDAP. I play to fight a war, not to fulfill the disgusting aims of the Hitlers party. Of course, Hitler enforced his Nazi symbols to the Wehrmacht, but nevertheless i would always prefer the Balkenkreuz, which was used before and after Hitler. Where shall acuracy start, and where shall it end? And do you want a game about WW2, or do you want to play a game, in which you try to let the nazis win? Without Nazi symbols you can play and enjoy the game, without having to think about why exactly you know out of the blue are trying to help the most evil ideas the world has ever known toward victory. We don't need swastikas in the game, what good would they bring which we can't achieve with the Balkencross (iron cross)? Finaly: I play gamed like SC / SC2 not because of the fancy graphics -and i doubt anyone does- but because of the game mechanics. So why this fanatical swastika fetish?
  5. Probably part of the "SC Global War - Warmaster Gold deluxe" upgrade
  6. Those screens are probably old historical pictures, not "new" in-game graphics. No need to show Nazy Symbols in the game. as the game is not a nazi-simulator but a game about a military struggle.
  7. @ swiss guy: ask you parents or a relativ to pay for you via paypal @crispy: no mastercard gift card in europe, at least not easy to get (if at all available)
  8. "de-entrenchment" müsste man im Kontext lesen können, um hier eine passende Übersetzung zu finden. Aber das wird schon, gell? Anyway: I couldn't care less if the translation sucks, as i disgust dubbed movies or games, not at least because many translations get censored to fit into the german laws and markets.
  9. The UK without indian tea? That would have been the end of the english empire.
  10. Some valid points and / or great ideas here. Would be nice if some points would be considered.
  11. Well, maybe i am wrong, but at least the minors units always look one level less improved than a major units, even if both have the same tech lvl.
  12. @ Kuni :D:D Les his addition to SC2 Global Conflict would probably be a single sentence, something like "over there at Matrix Games everything is soooo much better as at Battlefront.com., so lets leave every thing here and join the Matrix Crowd".
  13. well, i am from germany and i disgust playing english games in german language. It is simply as bad as watching a dubbed movie. yikes.
  14. Hubert, all those new features sound fantastic. You are one of the greatest PC war game pioneers, chapeau!
  15. When i read this i truly wonder if you ever played a WaW / PDE / PT game at all. This is already and for quite a time part of the game, minors always stay one tech behind of the major power they belong to, and their upgrades are pretty expensive.
  16. Probably Nupremal & jon_j_rambo would be a good beta tester team after they have played and improved together Nupremals mod. Worth a thought, isn't it?
  17. 1) yes 2) yes 3) no, probably more work than fun My all time favourita board game, Ted Racers "The Great war in europe" (WW1, 1000+ counters) had a smooth solution: two big maps While player one plans his moves on map 1, player two does the same on map number 2. If you would divide the world into two big maps which are connected through arrows or operational movement, than in a H2H game you would never be bored...
  18. A crispy credit card and a mind that works like "hey, i don't need my money, you take it!" is what i got. I don't need a bigger ETO scenario, but an ultra big world campaign (mapsize). If still possible with a bigger map than the one we can see on the first two screenshots. And it would be nice if the concept of two (or even more) strength points (the carriers) introduced in PT would be widened out about a lot more units.
  19. Hubert, when i wrote my entry i had completly forgot your injury, so sorry for the one ot the other probably a little bit unfair sentence!
  20. Conquer minor countries. Minimize your own losses. Think about what you want to buy and when it might be the best time to buy it. Example: if you research a good production tech, than every unit you can buy gets cheaper and cheaper (every tech advance saves money). So it might be a good idea to reserch this tech before you spend all your money on expensive units. Think about every operational movement and / or sea transport or amphib, as they all cost some money as well. Maybe your tanks can reach the next border on their own tracks instead through OP movement? Think about which units you reinforce. If you don't use your fleet, than the repairs might not be nescessary. A near dead corps might be still strong enough to secure a city or resource if no enemy is in sight. And don't buy units you don't need. As fancy a german or russian battleship or carrier might be, as long as you need an army to invade russia or germany, you might consider to buy troops first.
  21. Gunhawk, honestly, buy both. The SC2+WAW bundle and the Pacific Theater game. And if you have some more money to spend, than you should definetly buy the Patton drives east Expansion which offers even more great european campaigns. All of these games are great, you can't make any mistake no matter which one you buy. SC2 is a good game about WW2 in Europe. WAW introduced many great ideas and new scenarios. PDE brought even more great ideas and fantastic "what if" scenarios PT covers the Pacific Theater of WW2, and is in my eyes the first "great" game about this theater of war which is easy to learn, hard to master and with great replayability. All of them offer a very good quality and a devoted team which make the game better and better.
  22. Thanks for the answers, gentlemen. Bill, Manchuria wasn't empty, and i hadn't received the message to improve the defences (there is always one in the later game). If the allied ai used diplo chits, well, i don't know, as it is impossible to change the playing side, which i personaly consider a major letdown or mistake. The reasons are obvious and plenty, as you can't even end a game and get a look about what was going on on the other side, you just have to leave the game with no info at all. And you can't give the loosing AI your side, the winning side, while trying to win with the loosing side. But i wrote all this over and over here in the forum before, and all in absolut vain. Spoken in the wind. I have a saved game file if you are interested to take a look. January 6th, USSR at 85%, Manchurai always manned with troops. I think it is a good idea to remove the diplo out of this scenario. It might be a nice toy in a scenario beginning in the late 1920ies, early 1930ies. All in all Russia should attack if Japan gets weak, not the other way round.
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