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Everything posted by Salkin

  1. http://www.gamezone.com/gzreviews/r21853.htm Hmm...he's not extatic about the game but he likes it . The "average" graphics was the major downer for him as I see it. //Salkin
  2. Hey !! Having no friends is what makes me special (or that's what my mom says anyway) . Are some of these scenarios just fun "beer and pretzels" scenarios or do you have to come up with super clever sollutions on each and every scenario ? //Salkin (hmm, I think I have a friend around here somewhere...let's have a look...)
  3. Hey !! Having no friends is what makes me special (or that's what my mom says anyway) . Are some of these scenarios just fun "beer and pretzels" scenarios or do you have to come up with super clever sollutions on each and every scenario ? //Salkin (hmm, I think I have a friend around here somewhere...let's have a look...)
  4. Hey !! Having no friends is what makes me special (or that's what my mom says anyway) . Are some of these scenarios just fun "beer and pretzels" scenarios or do you have to come up with super clever sollutions on each and every scenario ? //Salkin (hmm, I think I have a friend around here somewhere...let's have a look...)
  5. Nice test TreeBurst ! I just wanted to mention that people usually drive fast in combat situations. Moving slow over any surface is bad news if you are the prey in a mobile tank fight. Especially if you are a Stug (no turret). //Salkin
  6. Nice and interesting post. I take it the olders version of the bazooka is similar to the bazooka we use in CMAK ? //Salkin
  7. My nick is allready taken !!! //Salkin
  8. I passed a mine field with one of my jeeps. Let's just say that the driver wont be comming home for Xmas... BOM ! I think less armoured vehicles are more prone to going bom then heavy tanks. //Salkin Merry Xmas folks !!!
  9. What he said. I'm swedish so my english isn't good enough to express my gratitude in my own words. And I just want to add : Don't let a few harsh posts on this board discourage you. I'm sure even the guys posting clumsy/moronic posts on this board loves this game to the max ! //Salkin
  10. Salkin, forgive me for being so ignorant, but what is your official status in relation to BFC? In other words, what gives you the authority to present that statement? </font>
  11. I never usually mess with mods but those are some great looking tigers. //Salkin
  12. And it's all MINE !!! MOAHAHAHAHA (powerhungry laughter) Oh, and welcome BARMAN ! Your presence is like chocolate ice cream to the grogs. //Salkin
  13. JasonC , I like the bit about the fire support group. Really cool . I'll try dividing up my support teams according to your model in my next QB . //Salkin
  14. I'd like to see some form of dynamic campaign where the war around your immediate area and where and how you steer your troops impact resupply of men and units. I don't need it to be super realistic, for instance the resupply doesn't have to be ammo and fuel. It could be points that you buy replacement for the men/armour you lost. I want to feel that I make a difference in the campaign. I don't want to go on some predestined rail to the end of the war where it happens exactly as in the history books. This is a real stretch for the reality grogs out there but I think it might be alot of fun. Using the QB generator to generate the terrain for the battles should free up lots of time for programmers and it would keep the campaign fresh. What do you think ? //Salkin
  15. While on the subject: How are sales ? Are you starting to make some money or are all your profits going into game production ? I'm just asking because I want you guys to do well ( so you can keep churning out cool games... ) //Salkin
  16. You are either out to pick a fight or you are just full of yourself . Saying that all Ops suck is a statement that don't hold water. Even if you have to pay for CMAK there is no guarantee that every operation will be to your liking. No man in the world has a super formula that makes everyone like his scenario/op. These guys sacrifice family time and weekends so you can come here and tell them their work suck....this is not proper critisism (see post above). They put heart and soul in their work. Beeing on the receiving end of your allmighty posts must be awfull. In spite of this most people in this board (except me maybe) answer in a respectfull maner, you could learn a few things from these guys. I have yet to play any of the operations so I can not reply to runes question. //Salkin
  17. Panzer...try setting a cover arc. It MIGHT help. I'm not sure though... //Salkin
  18. The possibility of a campaign will be looked into in the next CM (CMx or whatever they call it these days ). //Salkin
  19. I've said it before and I'll say it again . I think this game is great because it's giving me west front action in an improved CMBB-engine. //Salkin
  20. Grogs writing carols...chills are going down my spine ... //Salkin
  21. You get to play the allied units with the new engine. That's a good reason for getting CMAK. //Salkin
  22. Thanks for that friendly answer. I find cmmods (and yes I'm logged in) I just can't find the CD-cover. //Salkin almost got kranky there
  23. Maybe he's a lurker of this forum and player of Combat Mission (he should be with his interest in WW2) . //Salkin
  24. Yup, that is a nice article ! //Salkin
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