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Everything posted by Salkin

  1. That's like asking if chocolate icecream is going to be the killer of vanilla icecream The two games are only similar from the outside. Quality, setting, 3D environment, attention to detail, etc. are definitely similar, but the focus of the gameplay is different enough that the two games will certainly compliment each other instead of compete. Or put another way... do you really think we would publish a game that would kill our Golden Goose? Nope! So think of Battlefront as now having a Golden Goose and a Golden Hen. One can never have enough gold, right Steve </font>
  2. First of all, a big congratts. I , like a few others here it seems, have been following this game for a few years. Earlier the cool screenshots have popped up on different sites only to have news of the game fade away after some time. I remember a guy at (I think it was a codemasters site) who used to drop us a few nuggets here and there on their forum but after a while that stopped too. This has made me a little cautious about this game. Why haven't other publishers stayed with the game to the end? Well now that I hear you guys vouch that this game is the next big thing I feel more secure. Good luck guys ! //Salkin
  3. Remember this is a real time game. Controlling a company of soldiers running in and around various buildings while checking flanks and controlling tanks could be quite an ordeal. Sounds twitchy to me. //Salkin
  4. I feel all tingly inside. //Salkin
  5. If you get like ten more pieces Gpig , you should be able to fill in the blanks, right ? //Salkin
  6. This guys english is to advanced for me. Can someone translate? Ops...look who's here. Hi mom !!! //Salkin
  7. Battlefront, you better tie Dan to his chair and fast. With pics like these he will be bought by Electronics arts faster then you can say WEGO. //Salkin
  8. Interesting , and really nice renders of the RPG-7. About the rockets : Is the PG-7V (I think that's the name (it's the most basic one) used against infantry? Is the PG-7V the one they used in the movie Blackhawk down, and if it is, is it as inefficient(vs infantry) as it appears in the movie or am I dazzled by hollywood magic? //Salkin
  9. No, they played two games on the same map - Jason won both. [/QB]</font>
  10. Hmm...I can't find the Dorosh-JasonC AAR....Can someone please post a link. Thanks! //Salkin
  11. mike dorosh and jasonc had an AAR on here a couple years ago. It was pretty entertaining. Just beware of the Dorosh mods - painful!!!! </font>
  12. Nice work Dan, as always . //Salkin
  13. Are we there yet ? //Salkin
  14. You also get some very entertaining, witty reads and a few nitpickingly efficient and analytical ones (should be right up JasonC:s alley ). //Salkin
  15. I Read Squeezing the Melon from both your(mr. Kettler) and Ace Pilots perspective. A fierce fight . It's very entertaining to read the thoughts from both sides. Nice work . Always enjoyable to read close AARs. //Salkin
  16. Old stuff , but these are really entertaining to read. I've only read a few of GAJ:s AARs so far and I must say that they are very entertaining . Oh, and I just wanted to say that I would really like to read an AAR by someone who has fought JasonC, or maybe an AAR by JasonC himself (spare me some of the details though, I have a short attention span ). //Salkin
  17. You should , it's an excellent read . (Watch for my oppinion among the finnishing quotes )
  18. Post links gentlemen . If they are anything like the MasterGoodale one I wouldn't mind reading them. I found the Rawrecruit one and it's not bad . //Salkin
  19. I'm pretty sure that BFC with this new engine could implement this and more but question is ; is it worth all the extra work ? //Salkin
  20. You're just trying to land a job at battlefront ! That's the only reason you come up with these SUPER SEXY textures, admit it !! //Salkin
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