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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. In addition the Russians had: 10,000 potential jet pilots 25,000 potential nuclear submariners 11,000 potential cosmonauts Sometimes I think you guys get a little too picky about your requiring facts and stuff.
  2. Well from what you've posted in this thread, you certainly have the talent for it.
  3. I had a similar experience, but on a different level. I was firing a 20mm gun at a Russian position and at the 20 second mark the Russians surrendered. My 20mm kept pumping rounds into them for the remainder of the turn even though they had surrendered. Has anybody else had this happen?
  4. Wretched? You say wretched? No my good Seanachai this is not wrechedness. That would have required 32 lines. My little 4 line ditty could only be classified as putrid. I hope this has cleared up any confusion caused by your overzealous post.
  5. Oh great, he can't even keep up with the games he's got now! Well Boo ,at least you won't have to use that lecture excuse anymore. a verse for your edification: oh Boo, oh Boo, send me a turn I know the thought makes your stomach churn So what if you're losing , it's really okay Cause now MrSpkr has saved the day
  6. tuhhodge: I have only recently begun playing PBEM and I can tell you it opens up a whole new experience. I have probably the worst possible internet set-up (AOL 56k dial-up) and even it works, albeit it requires winzip to work properly. The sequence, as I have experienced it, seems to run in three parts: 1. Give Orders (send turn) 2. View Turn, Give Orders (send turn) 3. View Turn (send turn) This cycle repeats for the entire game. One turn a day seems to be the norm, but it is certainly possible to do more. I have been playing 1,000 point Quick Battles and the files take less than a minute to download, so it's not bad. You also have to ability to "rag" your opponent during the exchange of e-mails, which is really nice. Hope this helps, Welcome to the addiction.
  7. Excessive! Excruciating! Unbearable!! The best you have written!! [ April 08, 2003, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  8. Okay! When Boo's done whacking you over the head with that bag of doorknobs, can I have a turn?
  9. Only Once ! And that will never happen again. We've raised the intelligence bar to just above Ohioan for the next election. That should exclude most of the small mammels. [ April 07, 2003, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  10. "Oh Great Karnac give us the answer to the question sealed in this envelope" "Very well then..... 1. Eat Fiddle Faddle 2. Drink Snapple 3. Make Love Okay what's the question?" "What are three things Boo Radley can do with one hand?"
  11. Uh...they wouldn't be leopard-skin and pointy now would they? I guess being crusty could make them pointy. Anyway: Yeeech!!!!
  12. Spike, Spiiike, Who is your PR guy? I will be blunt-Your PR guy is a Loser! Okay you're ladder champion, whoa..*yawn*...anyway, how many ladders, how many champions in the world? Thousands? Hundreds? Five? Who knows? Anyway, being ladder champion makes you only one small speck in a sea of "Ladder Champions". However: You have official records that declare you: Legally Sane!!! I would be willing to bet a TON of YOUR money, that out of the 12,000+ members (past and present) of this sacred Forum, that you can rightfully claim the honor of being the One and Only member who has papers proving sanity. I can only bow down at your feet in envy.
  13. uh...nevermind. [ April 05, 2003, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  14. uh...nevermind. [ April 05, 2003, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  15. Obligingly, Boggs dusts off the old Sacred Scrolls and reads as if in a trance: If you go outside and look between your legs you can see Uranus Closing the book, Boggs silently leaves.
  16. My Fair Lady Persephone I have read and reread the above verse I have practically got it memorized. Coming home from work tonight, I couldn't get it out of my head. Over and Over, relentless in it's message "brand new leopard-skin pointy hat". This vision was dancing before my eyes, I knew there was only one thing to do. You guessed it! If only I had a picture I could share with you...*sniff*......
  17. uh..excuse me....Mr. Moderator, sir?...What happens when a "stickie" thread reaches 300 posts? Does it get "unstuck"? Just curious.
  18. Well my good Noba you did survive the weekend. That's bloody marvelous. Are you awake now? Did you sleep well? Does it's head still hurt? That's nice. Oh by the way: Send a Turn!!! Thank you.
  19. *Snap*....*slicks hair back*....*walks around pool*..... As you wish oh great and mighty One . Listed below are your choices for the upcoming duel , you may select either of the options: 1. Defender or Defender? 2. Russian or Russian? 3. 1,000 point QB or 1,000 point QB? 4. Medium Map or Medium Map? 5. Turn Limit 30+ or Turn Limit 30+? 6. Small rolling hills or Small rolling hills? 7. Few trees or few trees? Okay, oh great One , if you register no specific choice, I will go with the first choice in each of the above. Would that meet with the great One's approval? Expect an e-mail tonight!
  20. See dalem, I told you Radley didn't know how to catch a buzz. He is and will always remain: The Insidious Ohideous Boocephious [ April 01, 2003, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  21. Boggs sighs with relief. It had been a long shot, but the stakes were high. The reputation of the MBT was on the line. If the Justicar had gone over to the "good side", there would be no end to the mush . Joe remains as cranky, crusty (ewwww!), and mean-spirited as ever.
  22. uh... Joe , this was from a post that You made earlier in this thread. If you go all soft and mushy, there will be no holding back the "good vibes and huggy/kissy" crap that will start appearing. Buck up Lad!
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