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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. You mean like in say a 500 point QB, you would have enough points to buy a company of infantry, but only enough to buy a platoon of tanks? [edit]-Just noticed this. When you go to the main forum and review the topics it shows: Worst Commander Ever (your name) Okay, somebody else step up and post! [ September 08, 2003, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  2. Hey mike_the_(help yourself everybody else has) how much did you pay Abbott to start that new thread? BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
  3. Hah! Even better. Sitting at my desk munching on a sandwich, keying like a madman. Boss comes in: "Don't you ever take a break?"
  4. The Twelve Bottles of Vino or Seanachai's Lament On the first bottle of vino that Mikey gave to me A welcome to the MBT On the second bottle of vino that Mikey gave to me Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the third bottle of vino that Mikey gave to me Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the fourth bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the fifth bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the sixth bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the seventh bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Seven curbs a hoppin Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the eighth bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Eight stop signs runnin Seven curbs a hoppin Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the ninth bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Nine sheep a shaggin Eight stop signs runnin Seven curbs a hoppin Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the tenth bottle of vino that Mikey gave to me Ten cops a chasin Nine sheep a shaggin Eight stop signs runnin Seven curbs a hoppin Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the eleventh bottle of vino that Mikey sent to me Eleven counts against me Ten cops a chasin Nine sheep a shaggin Eight stop signs runnin Seven curbs a hoppin Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and a welcome to the MBT On the twelfth bottle of vino that Mikey gave to me Twelve years probation Eleven counts against me Ten cops a chasin Nine sheep a shaggin Eight stop signs runnin Seven curbs a hoppin Six fights a pickin Five broken teeth Four times I fell Three broke lamps Two sparkling eyes and stay the hell outta the MBT
  5. Armored battles are the great equalizer. Given two forces of fairly equal characteristics the battle resolves itself around probability and statistics. How many times have you manuevered to get that perfect flank shot, only to have your gunner miss and the enemy rotates and takes you out with one shot. AARRGGHHH!!! Just remember that when laws of probability come into play, tactics will take second place in a one battle situation. Over the course of a number of games it will eventually balance out so: When fighting tank vs tank do not ever get too cocky or too depressed.
  6. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Yeah, the Vols looked reeeal good beating Marshall. See ya in two weeks maggot :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. **ALARM!!! AHOOOOOOGA!!! ALARM!!!!! ATTENTION ALL THREAD POSTERS!!! There has been a breech of decorum on Page ten of the current version of the MBT. Please proceed calmly and quickly to bypass the breech. All hail to Boo_Radley protector of all things righteous and proper and nominee for the title of assistant to Joe Shaw and holder of the new title of JustiYugo.
  8. Yeah, he's gone. You know, we should get some buffoon to work as our announcer. You know, somebody who is clueless, has no social graces, has plenty of wind, and drinks a lot........ Hmmm.. I wonder if someone will come along and apply. [ September 07, 2003, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  9. Yeah, I blame Radley and his metaphorical image comment. It's made me so much more...uh....perceptive to flowery prose. Gawd!!! I'm starting to sound like Old Fowl Joe Excuse me while I go consume mass quantities of alcohol and attempt to get my wits about me again.
  10. The rules, remember the rules. There are Ladies here. Just walk away slowly, this is not the thread for elephant and raffle jokes.
  11. No worries there, Mate. We don't go near coppers. The buggers take all the beer and food and try to sell "raffle tickets" to their Balls. Noba. </font>
  12. That's exactly what you should be afraid of A Justicar Named Desire Pity the Mormon Wives.
  13. Hold on thar Abbott not so fast That title without question belongs to the saintly Dave_H. Even mike_the_weiner would agree to that. Or was it mike_the_weiner2...almost forgot about that little escapade.
  14. Yes, I imagine he's out cruising the low rent district right now in his Gnome Mobile. </font>
  15. Okay, that settles that....Ahem: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All the best to our good friend Axe2121 and his soon to be bos...wife Paula. May their nuptials never wither and their bliss never run dry. May they be blessed with little Tomahawks to carry forward their legacy. May their days together be as full as Goodale's in-box.
  16. Look Dave, I'm married (since forever) and you don't send good wishes, you send sympathy. Especially to Paula
  17. HEY!!! Can we keep this discussion on the General Forum. If I want gun control on this thread, I'll talk to Goodale's anger management counsellor. GGRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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