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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. Some of the best footage I have ever seen of stugs is in this movie from 2007. It has english subtitles. There are so many great foreign war movies now. Tali-Ihantala 1612- poles vs russians - winged hussars i believe battle of neva - alexandre nevski vs tuetonic knights tamerlan - not sure if this is a movie the sovereigns servant -still have not got around to grabbing this one - ETW era actually The Red Baron - this is out in english now Admiral Kolchak - ww1 ship action with a revolutionary ending
  2. well we know from another thread here that at least one abrams during the thunder run knocked out. And we know of others that have had to be towed out of battle areas. That to me is knocked out.
  3. http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/M1-Abrams-vs-T-72-Ural_9781846034077/ "nearly all sources claim that no Abrams tank has ever been destroyed by enemy fire. Despite entering service in 1980" As far as I'm concerned if the crew bails the tank is knocked out. Period. None of this prancing around whether it was salvageable or not. So I might grab this one just for the quick read.
  4. have armies that use soviet equipment or the soviets got scopes by now on their standard assault rifles? In arma2 they have i assume for balance reasons.
  5. What are the advantages of keeping organic squads together. I was clicking on some of the squads commanders and pressing the shout icon. Also noticing it tells who he commands. I assume that men either do not respond or suffer morale penalties for being out of contact?
  6. interesting.... they must rely on aircraft for any real information then. No point doing recce if you cannot go far enough to see anything. That is unless you just want to know where the first point of resistance screens are.
  7. 7thgalaxy is your name a mechwarrior formation? I doubt western troops would go awol in such small lightning operations like a real front line that had years to stabalise would offer more opportunity to do. But retreating or hiding without orders involuntarily or voluntarily would happen regularly.
  8. your right it is a strange question just checked and the fv342 that you get late in the scenario does seem to have 10 man sections. The earlier scout spartan apc is the one with 4 man fire teams It is frustrating to have supposed armoured transports die so easily trying to move around.... but i guess they are really for just getting to the front. HAve the brits got an equivalent to the lav25? Or is this just the bulldog/warrior?
  9. good to hear..... does the full game still have tiny brit sections?
  10. yeah i always hated that. get a real gpmg involved i say
  11. What makes you think western forces are so hard? Maybe in the media, but on the field you may find that the media and unit accounts don't match so well. I'm sure units retreat (aka rout) all the time if they are not properly kitted and supported by the bigger technological friends.
  12. What is the standard mech squad size for the brits. As far as I was aware the Bulldog carried around 10 and the warrior 7 ?? Brits seem to have very light forces in the demo.... so curious as to what rl sizes are. A Bradley is 6 peeps i think. So does the LAV25 - ?? I don't know, the americans just seem to have larger infantry teams that die less often.... or maybe it was the firepower they bring to bear. Traditionally in the British infantry a "Section" is the standard element and is 10-15 men strong. I will have to load in and count.....
  13. Pandur its got a real time campaign map and you zoom in whenever there is an encounter. their are subs and zepplins in it too. Its pretty hardcore, but fairly elegant system. you can even choose formations before leaving port. The coolest thing is watching the realtime damage model screen and where all the shots have landed. In this top down reporting screen you can see the turrets moving and look at all the current stats. If a ship is too badly damaged it gives you an estimate of how many minutes until it sinks!!! If the British lost their fleet in a decisive engagement it really would have been a different war. Their is an addon pack released I think that allows Amercian BBs to be used. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3554/3779586009_05d6a30eb5_b.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3593/3774466674_c14895f61e_b.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/36584627@N02/3779794894/
  14. its also on my most wanted list. I imagine having two units on the same map. One controlled by each player. Offcourse I will lend my Challenger tanks to my co-general....... if he pays me two kegs up front
  15. i'll prolly buy it anyway.... but thats good to know
  16. RTFM - the boring non-informative answer. But yes.... when i get the full game with a paper based manual I will probably be more inclined to do so. I hate reading for long on a screen more because of the lack of being mobile than anything else.
  17. thanks but I did not say I had problems with the current demo. I was wondering about the full "current" game and peoples frame rates.
  18. A question that is always relevant to a game like this. How many allied tanks succumbed to enemy fire during the wars in the middle east. I have read about Abrams that were disabled, but never really knocked out. Airpower and tactics played a large part, but is it really reasonable to expect an enemy tank in this game to ever knock out an allied one? The British offcourse will be more interesting to play as they did not have access to as much artillery and air support as the americans. I know, I know the americans helped.... but the priorities would have been for their troops. I'm sure we have all read about the disaster that destoyed so many apaches in one battle, but I have never heard of Allied tanks ever being in a mess like that.
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