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Everything posted by Liam

  1. "Forgive me for creating this subject, it was a can of worms obviously! Open'd up" I was just trying to root out some potentially 'unsportsmanlike' activities that have made the ladder look rather poor. I think that I'm ultra-qualified don't I have the ultimate Loss Record? I guess it's not from playing PURELY THE INNER CIRCLE OF YOU DIEHARDS??? Hmmm, who worry of their reputation... Well, anways aur revoire to Ladder Cheaters subject
  2. Comrade Trap: You're right and I made a mistake CvM did report the game we played as a loss! Though you're completely wrong about the rate of unfinished games making the ladder more or less a joke. Seeing I have 35 games finished and 5 pending aprox<figures> and you have 6-7? I don't think you're qualified to pass such judgement.
  3. Winnieisback started game with him 3 months ago? Finished the game after I chatted with him via AIM-Yahoo Messenger 15-30 times!? He always seemed to be involved in another game, alright I will admit at some point you said to go ahead and take the victory but did you even intend to report it? I'm sorry if you're busy in the community it's not my place to bug you 24-7 to finish an game you began with me! My first ladder game ever! You finally did report a DRAW, thanxs a lot after I had to ask you if you were avoiding finishing the game... Phewwwwwww!Weeeee! Smelly Shorts It's kewl CvM I like you dude just don't attack me when you know you're wrong.
  4. Seeing that the American's were isolated from European politics, and without a Pearl Harbor an Official DOW may have been ages off...I think more realisticly US forces shouldn't step foot on the old world until 1942 regardless how the war goes but their aid to the Allied Powers increases with each Axis victory... We need a 100 MPP convoy to UK at Fall of France, that increases 20 MPP for every Minor conquored. As she didn't want Nation Socialism anymore than anyone else. Then get rid of the bidding system altogether! As well as any U-boat operating within US-UK convoy routes increasing the US Readiness by %4 per turn. Those are American's being killed on those ships! Historically you may say that's what brought the US over in WW1 and the second biggest factor for Public opinion in WW2
  5. Kuniworth you didn't read the boasting responce to your posting on this board about being better than Rambo? When I wrote when are we going to finish our game? <if ever> Maybe you should have the honor that Heavy Junk had and just concede when you can't work it into your schedule instead of boasting to the boards insults. Heavy Junk, You're an honorable fellow... I'm glad you come forth to do that. We should finish that game though officially because it's not a forgone conclusion... Heavy Junk ** two stars meaning Corporal for Attendance. Hey, in the Army there is no such thing as late! Don't like it don't player ladder! Concede! Look at my -30 record maybe I should have taken back a few of my losses to all you people complaining??? LOL No, I'd rather not attempt to squirm my way out of a loss! If you have a schedule problem write an E-mail Thanxs, how simple. Even E-mail is a 20th century creation... i.e. "Hey buddy, busy this week get back at ya, next week later." Woohoo, took 2 seconds ;)Busy my laurels!
  6. That would be a precise way of conducting this as a method of rooting out members who do not conduct themselves in a responsible manner in Ladder play. I have since posting this recieved 2 responces, and many players with busy schedules unable to finish would at least be able to face the Complaint Box and find out perhaps what has been put wrong...and be able to finish games perhaps they don't even know they're part of. Though another Club Player may be bitter about because they finish several games by that time with other players, virtually ignoring or not not noticing the games completed.
  7. It was a lost save Shaka, since as I remeber I lost the save... I can't blame you. Though things were really going positive for the Axis by the Russian campaign. Neither win nor loss was ever reported, though I wouldn't mind a draw being reported...
  8. Seemingly retired names: Cro_Panzer: never reported a Loss I had to place an argument on deaf ears no responce though I reported their win in timely fashion! Kuniworth: Magickal missing game??? No responce, ever... BTW: Shaka was very sporty about Our missing save. CvM was as well...
  9. Bonanza: Absolute refusal to continue game or report game in light of complete defeat. Heavy Junk: No answer via Oponent Finder, game in question very one-sided for my side. Several weeks...No absolute here... CvM<Very very tardy but reported> Shaka of Carthage<lost Save no argument>
  10. I want this to be a topic dealing primarily with those who start Ladder games again and again and either never finish or quit and never report. Please post all your AWOL Ladder Players here to help avoid wasted efforts by serious SC players. It will be a huge indicator if the name appears several times from different reputable players...
  11. destroyer<axis 325> beats liam pretty sure that was the bid I did ok I did ok just underestimated early Axis strength
  12. I still think that it would be an essential patch to deal with fighter technology. At least make it harder to achieve as it still dominates our game...
  13. I'm in one of my simulators right now testing Fall of France like tanks. It seems the Panzer III-H<only equal gunnery platform for the Axis and still lacking> is the heaviest and slowest tank available and I doubt in history there were significant numbers. However CAN WE ARGUE, being that we take history in our own hands. That France and Britian both enter the war with as much as 3-4 months to prepare for Fall Gelb...that they can employ a large # of their own heavy and adaquete armor? They had it just not aligned for this type of warfare and does this game allow the revesre of German Blitzkrieg? Or, is it assumed by Poland that it's too late for the Allies to prepare for it? The French and the British are amazing tankers, though they're slow and less #s is all... I find in my simulator it's pure death without anti-tank artillery and several Panzers outflanking one of theirs superior Mattys/Chars... Some of their tanks are so powerful that unless hit in small specific places they're impossible to defeat without an 88 at gun...
  14. How subs were accurately portrayed. Make subs in this game weaker towards surface ships period. Although do not have a surprise contact for subs. They're always submerged just in case and they don't have to engage the enemy if they don't wish...or at least make a percentage rate of being caught. How long does it take for a sub to charge it's batteries at night and dive back down? Not long they keep a keen eye out as they're vulnerable on the surface! Focus the sub on a MPP intercept role, a certian # of hexes between the main country port and the resource being blocked by subs cutting MPPs and supply to units abroad unable to get staples for an army to fight. A higher percentage intercept rate for supplies in otherwards. An added tech, anti-sub tech that if Destroyers are not inluded and specialized sea planes; something that allow for convoys to be more elusive and sub hunting ships to detect them better...rather than auto detecting them and destroying them out-right...
  15. destroyer over Liam great game ran into 1944 in the end overwhelming experience and airpower turned the tide to the Allies most definitely would have been a neck and neck battle for Rome or Berlin but inevitable
  16. Too add to the good advice, since it seems before your air tech gets up you have a lot of trenchlike warfare to deal with. In France, have your forces operated over to attack the Allies before they entrench and or get HQs and reinforcements. Don't let any of the units entrench even if it should cost you... Get France out of the picture early regardless of heavy losses. The more she stays in with exp. units and reinforcements the harder she is to dig out! Like an ingrown toenail... Same with the Russians, by December 1941 you've likely drawn most of the border for that War unless you're on a roll. You want to learn to move units with HQs to keep supply, readiness and units in a position where they cannot be struck by more than 3-4 enemy units at once<unless they're much stronger and the enemy is much weaker> In France there is one hex to sneak through by the time the Dutch Gambit is performed. Even though in some cases I've found that my transfered Air was able to help me to take the Dutch capitol in one turn! Work yourself and build up air they unentrench units as well as zap their strength! Often you can use 3 or 4 air units with 2-3 army attacks to destroy just about anything without HQ and experience, garaunteed. If every turn you can rotate your forces and keep the ones in the rear managed with strength you can piece away at the French reserves quickly. Once he's out of armies he's out of time. Quickly cut off supply, quickly pressure him with the Italians and choke the retreating British! Important<!> do not leave the French capitol any longer than neccessary. He will ship free french across the ocean! Nab that baby... and practice it about 10 times with ladder players. Move the Krauts to intercept the Frogs rnd 3! A direct strike upon them after the Dutch Gambit! Offer up corp for the slaughter if in turn you get a quicker kill of France!...wedge them between the frog lines
  17. Just took advantage of the patch this evening and the carrier bug was first on my list as well. Was very clean to be able to fight a true airwar without that interrupting. It kept Brest a contended spot all the way to the ocean and regular cruisers,Battleships and subs played their own role and the plot thickens! <also carriers are still very powerful! with tech>
  18. I don't think we need to attack each other folks in order to bring out the obvious. Tanks are obsolete by '41-42 when AT tech comes into play. Armor is an essential part of our armies. WW2 any realism at all would make armor improve faster and cheaper at least! Even in WW1 sims I find more use of tank armies! That's a shocker! I don't care about the math, or the mechanics.
  19. World Theatre wouldn't slow it down much, unless you had under a pent.III computer. The computer now is fast fast fast To add the Pacific would be a challenge, and a lot more bugs to iron out and we all love a true World Theatre. Though I'm not fond of Island hopping wars for bases rather than resources. An expansion on the European conflict, the true clash of steele would be nice. To just make it more beautiful, more diverse<without losing much playability>? and having a SC2 release date before X-mas 2003
  20. Hmmm, interesting how the damage was kept a secret. That would have given the Germans with air and the Italians with their navy a free for all! I dunno about Franco's flexability though, Hitler may have just invaded Spain to get rid of the need to dispute such insane purposals I think that Britian might have fought on, that weakened, you know Churchill he wouldn't surrender on his deathbed! The MiddleEast, when comes to Iran is also a Russian interest do you think it would've awoke the Red Bear? I think it's possible, either that or forced Stalin rethink the deployment of his armies... He had a lot to defend with a lot extra! 1vs1 still a little bit tough to decide with Russia and Germany. The Afrika Corp easily becoming the MidEast Corp and India Corp... Though could the Germans stretch that far without supplies, Japanese aid and take and hold the lands there? I wouldn't mind if we had a touch of the MidEast added here in this game. Not the whole shebang. India would've not longed Nazi Aggression and without Japan on either side of her, she wouldn't of surrendered<definitely a partisan state and a supply nightmare>
  21. John: I'm cetian this was by his own request, you acquire to much rank in the Luftwaffe you don't get to fly on the front anymore. Thanxs for scenario, let's play it together sometime!
  22. John: Rudel is one of those truly talented pilots and not just. Despite his association to the Nazi Party seems like that was a one man Airforce! A battleship and a Cruiser, 500 tanks independantly!!! He probably killed 3-4 thousand Russians with a Stuka!!! Eat ya hart ouwt Audi Murphee!
  23. Bill: Your point is actually pretty close. We want to have tech give an advantage to one unit. It's definitely a nice thing to have for free, tank technology. Though you're not going to last 5 seconds with any of the top 10 players with extreme tank tech spending. They're just not worth the money for the returns! They'll use jets and superior corps to annihilate your armor. German's were known for great tanks. Not heavy, but fast and maneuverable that made a big difference vs the slower, and more armoured tanks in Battle of France '40. They were a big part of the battlefield as aircraft, artillery, halftracks, armored cars, trucks...Which was vital for all WW2 armies to truly kick butt! Perhaps what we really need to do is make the firepower of a tank really worthwhile in the early years and then later as anti-tank artillery, handheld, and dive-bombers improve via research let them take second seat instead of what they do now. Get put on Minor mop up duties and encirclements<that corps are cheaper and almost as suitable for...perhaps lowering the movement of corps would put a little more reliance on armor!> That or add in Motorized Infantry units...with an increased cost and less firepower as a slow moving massed Army...
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