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Everything posted by Liam

  1. terif beats Liam Woohoo I'm so tired I didn't understand the rules I set before the game. Did okay besides!
  2. Dec.8 1940 Alexandria and Bergen defence corps destroyed by German and Italian combined attacks. Suez falls to Axis forces
  3. Alexandria takes another big shot but still holding firmly!!! Brit Airstrikes on the Ruhr and Antwerp do very little damage
  4. Oct 13. The Ciao Duilio is struck by free french AF Operating out of Malta, badly damaging it. Alexandria looks near falling finally..
  5. Sept.15th Combined Italian assualt does nothing but unentrench Alexandria 13th Brit Corps... Wirey British Tommys hold well with their Free French on the Siniad... German airstrikes commence on Brest... to free the valuable port city..The BEF there retreats! Leaving the port city open<and no raised>
  6. Canadian 1st corps still holds the key port city of brest. Italians approach Alexandria. Greece's capitol is in flames from a combined Amphibious assualt. Greece surrenders... Sept. 1st: Norway falls hastily, German 11th corp occuppies Oslo. In Egypt, Alexandria wedged between two Italian Armies! BEF lands in Bergen
  7. Well, we started France has fallen... I don't believe Germany has lost a single unit yet. All seems calm... Rundstedt and Von Bock recieve Iron Cross with Oak Clevers<for dicing up the remaining frogs > British and German Jets are neck and neck
  8. An editor may just do the trick, and I for one believe that to stay true to history that we lower the ability of all air to destroy land units. Rather if you wish, increase the effectiveness of Air in other jobs as it was becoming very useful for in WW2 and on. Recon/anti-shipping/anti-sub/strategic bombing/air superiority<perhaps bonuses for having it and not having it> Intelligence on the Battlefield is an important factor... Also it's hard to believe that I blitz through one hex and can move an airfleet there the same turn! That shouldn't be possible regardless of operating costs...
  9. With any and all Versions of SC...Same issue I also run XP<without the update package>
  10. Good info, all aside just lower the ground attack capabilities as you do with attacking marine targets. Jets vs Jets is okay... They're supposed to be aggressive to one another but that doesn't make them better against ground units. How??? The weapons haven't improved any??? Should be air to ground weapons???
  11. If anyone wants to make any further tweaks to this game I suggest that you do something about the airfleet bugs. The guy who gets jets and longe range wins. That's it...Unless you play a newbie who doesn't know, the real hardcore players jet me into the stone age. Let's all ask Hubert for an alteration on Jet's effects on HQs and ground units!!! Please
  12. Zapp, Amen!!! Air is redicilious!!! In my most recent games it's the sole deciding factor and nothing else matters once you learn the basics. It's all you need is luck on jet tech and long range and kill all HQs and your in like flynn. If the other side can't counter with better or more than your out...
  13. Terif<100 Allies> beats Liam<axis> D-day before Barbarossa!
  14. I run windows XP without the patch and when I alt-tab out of the game and come back in often I bring unwanted pieces of Explorer or my desktop into the background, so I try to avoid doing it. I'm not complaining too much so few games allow you to step out and in without hanging! Usually if you alt tab a few times and remove the background windows it seems to fix itself the graphics filter what was interfering
  15. Konstatin: I agree Hitler put a lot of money in the wrong places. It was the ole Male Ego thing<mine is bigger than yours> Think alone of the Manpower that he could've derived from tens of millions of slavs! Especially when Germany was so short handed towards the end. At least a hundred thousand men, and couple hundred thousand skilled craftsmen that wouldn't be peeing on your rockets to make them missfire<they'd be building them with German pride> Though I disagree that it made a huge difference. Germany had no chance of outproducing the Allies and that clutching at straws was all Hitler could do towards the end anyways, so he made little or no difference afterall. Although had very "massive" strategic decisions been made at the right time perhaps I would be wrong. You can compete against 10 enemy soldiers that may not have a bigger gun, but know how to use what they got!
  16. John: If that baby was in an area without divebombers, say overcast skies. Look out! It would be impervious to flamethrowers too! How many mounted MG Guns do you think it could support? Of course all armor has a weakspot just the fact that it was soooo new would've been hard for the Ruskies to figure out where the weak spot was. Even if it only made it a few blocks through Berlin here or there, that cannon could with every shot be a sniper of enemy tanks. In fact line them up right, perhaps a double wammy!
  17. If I walked into this badboy in any Allied tank I would call in the Battleships for anti-tank support!!! Even though what you really have is an artillery gun on wheels which you ask most good Generals is a waste. Interesting topic on the Russians having more workable parts with their mass production. Showing that a less powerful tank that was easy to fix and easy to make in #s was the leader... I think SC has a lack of Russian armor to start with and from the Siberian reinforcements. Isn't this a fair statement?
  18. You have to be a bit more obnoxious to get a game I noticed. Often people drop in for 2 or 3 seconds just to see SC as a header. I don't the moderators mind Also train your newbies, talk about a Learning curb!!! I have played several people like myself that took 5-15 games before we could truly beat any of you good players! I still can't beat you good players!!!
  19. Max, Comrade is right. Also I am right... A Ladder player being responsible for games going their way or not their way! You know I have several other games where a few opening rounds of bad moments for the Allies and "boom," there goes the player due to what??? Some random computer glitch is gone and cannot report back in for odd reasons... Perhaps a Beginner Ladder thread is needed...To set part those players with a reputation for good sportsmanship as to distinguish the top players from the snakey players is needed. We need the new guys like you, we need them badly... For whatever reason... I am so suckie at this game I couldn't win with a 100 Axis bid half the time vs a poor opponent though it doesn't stop my desire to learn and stretch my abilities! It's about being the best and beating them one day. Terif will fall!
  20. Agreed Comrade Trap, I'd like to say I would volunteer my time<easier said then done>, this thread has aroused much anger! Although perhaps together we can draw out a plan that is not detrimental to newbies and yet still keeps a aura sportsmanship... Complaints are worthless Bugging players achieves zip a system of complete/incomplete being drawn up is a key Win Lose or Draw must take place or an unfinished game is claimed by the only Player still present!
  21. terif<allies Liam<axis-100 woohoo Germany looked like hell! in feb '40
  22. I have a game with Max too, currently pending. I wonder if I'll ever see him again? You didn't read my posting very hard did you? If I wouldn't have pressured CvM he would have never posted anything. I wrote him 3 times a week for nearly 2-3 months asking to finish? Every time him was busy? Do you think if the game was at a point where I was winning to surrender or make some decision after that long...tech 5 indy, and jets...all minors save turkey canada... he did however offer to post a loss a week or two before finalized...I pressed him, hey??? You're playing 10 games since me? When can you fit me in? Ever????????? That's misplaced?????? Heavy never wrote me back at all... Ever, probably too busy to be playing ladders then don't you think? Though I wrote him for 3 weeks under Oponent finder to every request he made for a "new" game.. Check the boards if you wish! Kuniworth<still have the save, we'll see if I hear from him ever again<unlikely> and Bonanza still have that game going<I doubt he'll post a loss as Moscow is going to fall soon and this is his 4th ify incident> Cro_Panzer never answered me either although made certian I reported my loss RIGHT on time. Defense? Can anyone come forth and say I have not reported my losses? Within a few weeks? 7 days??? Save since the first week the ladder was MADE!!!
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