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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Well, I know in some cases when a unit touches an invisible airunit. The AirFleet strikes in it small, usually killing 1 point on it. You'll hear the air noise... as far as France goes, well, the Brits did a second retreat after Dunkirk, maybe not as spectacular so I disagree about all brit units being killed especially if in port. However!!! Watch your supply when attacking, always assume with air range tech you're in for it! I never hit anything assuming that there may not be a return strike. You can avoid losing a unit by not attacking ports with Carriers in them. Leaving your air close enough for a counterstrike directly upon your own land...though a good way to mislead your opponent into killing his own air
  2. Off topic, bahh? Is there such a thing in SC? These are all the Amphibious OPs of WW2... I don't think you'll find many Italian landings off Texas? Why...cause landings off Texas weren't friggin Italians Business In fact besides Germany/US/Japan/UK I don't that you'll find a single incident of anyone else achieving such technology... http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsAmphibious.htm
  3. Off topic, bahh? Is there such a thing in SC? These are all the Amphibious OPs of WW2... I don't think you'll find many Italian landings off Texas? Why...cause landings off Texas weren't friggin Italians Business In fact besides Germany/US/Japan/UK I don't that you'll find a single incident of anyone else achieving such technology... http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsAmphibious.htm
  4. cheaters in SC...Lordy get a life, isn't this a shame, to the game. Well, I guess in some arenas you've got Knights, Jesters, Kings and petty thieves...know what happened to thieves in midages? CHOP!
  5. I am not a proffessional yet. Though I say Jets & Industrial tech... That's it unless you're rich! Most people need more HQs before they need more Tech and the only other two I'd invest in is AT tech, and Heavy Armor.
  6. Yes Gazza! Though the navies of these nations are ill representated in SC... If at all Here is a a bigger picture from this website http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsAtlanticBattles.htm I think we have a few ships missing!<even strategic scale> Do you honestly think that an Italian amphibious landing of Texas was possible in WW2? Even if it was I think Bush's GrandPappy would've got his shotgun and shot a hole in bottom of the wooden transport
  7. Yes Gazza! Though the navies of these nations are ill representated in SC... If at all Here is a a bigger picture from this website http://www.naval-history.net/WW2CampaignsAtlanticBattles.htm I think we have a few ships missing!<even strategic scale> Do you honestly think that an Italian amphibious landing of Texas was possible in WW2? Even if it was I think Bush's GrandPappy would've got his shotgun and shot a hole in bottom of the wooden transport
  8. I agree and Carriers were specialized Iron Beasts
  9. jet fighters would be too fast. You can tell I'm working doubleshifts lately ;(
  10. jet fighters would be too fast. You can tell I'm working doubleshifts lately ;(
  11. Sorry John though next to Fighters this is the biggest problem in the game... Jet Fighters would be too slow to hit land targets and I don't think Russia ever had enough transports to move that many men in WW2! So a limit would be good...or a High Price
  12. Sorry John though next to Fighters this is the biggest problem in the game... Jet Fighters would be too slow to hit land targets and I don't think Russia ever had enough transports to move that many men in WW2! So a limit would be good...or a High Price
  13. Oh, and it's two different things to leave a city undefended<then gets hit by enemy amphibious landings> and to allow a corps 3 thousand miles away to sit at sea for 6 months then land on a US oilfeild to pee them off and cut supply their in half..etc...
  14. Oh, and it's two different things to leave a city undefended<then gets hit by enemy amphibious landings> and to allow a corps 3 thousand miles away to sit at sea for 6 months then land on a US oilfeild to pee them off and cut supply their in half..etc...
  15. We need some sort defense against the Blasted Corp Fleets that all nations tend to assemble. They run way out of supply and way out of the way to irritate rather than do something realistic. Conquor land... I would like to see some sort of base naval unit that defends coasts only... Or more penalties for it. The Russians can send as many as 10-20 corps in a game to Northern Germany and never take a single city but hold their own there until the end of the War... In reality the Kriegsmarine would've nailed them all! As in the case of the invasion of the US or Canada with Italian/Germany corps... I purpose Destroyers as a multi-Raid coastal defense update with little or no power beyond those two rolls. Though gunboats and coastal survellianc and the logistics of launching such an attack being very expensive! So hike the price up for those corps that sit at sea for months on end! Make them pay bitterly for not actually using them for a true purpose of Invasion<just harassment> Corp Transports were NEVER used in WW2 as harassment units as far as I know... They sunk!
  16. We need some sort defense against the Blasted Corp Fleets that all nations tend to assemble. They run way out of supply and way out of the way to irritate rather than do something realistic. Conquor land... I would like to see some sort of base naval unit that defends coasts only... Or more penalties for it. The Russians can send as many as 10-20 corps in a game to Northern Germany and never take a single city but hold their own there until the end of the War... In reality the Kriegsmarine would've nailed them all! As in the case of the invasion of the US or Canada with Italian/Germany corps... I purpose Destroyers as a multi-Raid coastal defense update with little or no power beyond those two rolls. Though gunboats and coastal survellianc and the logistics of launching such an attack being very expensive! So hike the price up for those corps that sit at sea for months on end! Make them pay bitterly for not actually using them for a true purpose of Invasion<just harassment> Corp Transports were NEVER used in WW2 as harassment units as far as I know... They sunk!
  17. by the way this is the ARR.. you'll have to go back a ways to find out how the game started. I have been two nations.. It's truely an artform perfecting your skill in Europa Unveraslis 2 and if you like Politics/Wargames/Interactions of Players without much dice to speak of only skill check this out http://www.europa-universalis.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41117&perpage=25&pagenumber=7
  18. I think that COS was one of the best WW2 AI wargames I've ever played. I was instantly addicted. That's while they call this Strategic Command. It's not precisely SSI and it's not Diplomacy Axis & Allies either...both of which get boring fast... I would love new things implemented regardless, to make gameplay as enjoyable as it has been so far. I would love to see some tweaking on the platform to somewhat more modern platform<THOUGH not at the cost of playability and a virtually bugfree enviroment comparison with others games I have played that are too big> I play EU2 a lot, I am in a regular game all the time. I looked at HOI and it seems to be modeled right after EU series and not a separate entity so I'm going to buy it unless someone says something really special. EU2 is one of the best political/economic/stragetic games I've ever played. My current game was started in July of 2002... Talk about a learning curb You SC people are saturated with information on thes boards. EU people do not share much and you have to speak EU to understand it
  19. I only attack the Maginot when it's weak. Otherwise I think it's pretty suicidal. I usually do it opportunisticly. I'm getting good at one thing in this game at least and that's getting rid of France<most of the time> My first 5 games I never got past the Dutch Gambit. Don't let the French and Brits have it If you know what I mean
  20. As far as anyone talking down the German's before 1940, it was a landslide. It had to be for them to win...That's what all strategies are focused upon it seems here. Whilst I believe that they should be focused on the longterm. Not early tweaking to win against the Axis before 1941...Wait till the US/USSR come in and give them the bonuses not France and Britian. John: I hope she comes along soon. I am waiting for here eagerly I am not picky I am just like well I'll clean the dishes and stuff just let me play my games
  21. John good point, all equipment wears. It took maintenance fees up the kazoo to keep those things up and running.
  22. Why thankyou, not so bad if I do say myself Also, AMEN! I think we should adjust Fighter Fleets to only reducing Readiness or Supply. Engaging other Fighters in their various missions and that's it! Bombers to do some of the dirty work though making them incapable of being a worthwhile investment VS a fighter. I can buy 1 fighter, 4 corps and 1 HQ and do more damage than if you buy 4 tanks and 1 HQ... The way the Map is you're fairly locked in certian places getting around to flank certian units. Fighters have a hell of a range as Rambo would put it.. You end up in a stall<stale>fight of sorts that puts you to sleep in an hour... Me and Shaka spent 2 hours the other night deciding who got Sweden. He send nearly 15 Russian land units in. My Mainstay was 4-5 fighters and I conquored the whole shabang with em..Though lost the game, it shows just how bloody boring they are...
  23. Well, Here is my Topic. I think it speaks for itself. Is SC WW2 air combat? Seems it's all about airtech and airfleets. WW2 aircraft never accomplished the goals they do here. We should change the name from Fighters Fleets, to Stealth Bomber fleets. No offense, but even the best Bombers of the War, B-17 couldn't hit a Jeep in a field in Kansas in July without a Formation
  24. Sarge that's what File archiving and Programmable Morale is LOL
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