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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Part of Hitler's downfall was definitely his hatred of enthnic groups and a foolish notion of Liebenstrom in Soviet/Polish/Ukrainian/Baltic Russia. The Baltic were quite Germanic peoples actually, birthplace of German Culture in many eyes. Latvia? Goth Ukraine wanted independace and was absorbed after the so called borders were drawn up by the WW1 Victors. Perhaps that the World never contained Russian aggression gave Hitler the notion also that he could do whatever he wanted? If Germany would've played her cards right, the partisans may not have existed. In fact another 100 to 200k of support troops from this occuppied territories isn't at all an overrated #. The Fins were forced into German partnership by Russian Aggression. That may have been enough, to push Russia further, what of Partisans appearing behind Russian lines as the Russians conquored back? How much longer would the War of dragged on if say we would have had an Albert Speer as Chancellor of Germany and peaceloving...?
  2. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lepoilu/ww2/ww2ffintro.htm an interesting site about Free French Units and their slight distrust of their British Ally under Legion de Gualle...over 100k in men in Britian. Though not as many served
  3. John: I tend to recall that the Italians had some very nice racey planes in the 30s, I think they stole the show as they have had with cars? I don't know why Udet and Goering didn't think ahead of time, but still Jets in the 1940s would've been grand but overall probably not able to defeat #s. Though German fighter development sunk after the Bismark. Perhaps all that wasted income Ahh, I'm honoured truly to be held in such esteem. My colleague in this fine art of SC. I would argue certian subjects more than others. For all the qualities we desire in a game till it reaches a middle ground of perfection and history. We all want to be transfered into 1939 and play the game for ourselves I think... I like to think that for myself. Though always to the point HOI takes it. Finally bought it, it's good though you need to find a group of dedicated players and it needs a few patches. <and of course about 7 hours a day for 5 days>
  4. Shaka: True, balance is: merely to cut down game time and add to playability? Or, was it cutting corners in game creation? John: Why thankyou John, I don't think I could compete you however Good Ole Chap. Tirana? Hmmm, I do know that Albania is classical poor<poorest nation in Europe>. If the port is there then the city shouldn't be and when you reflect upon on other places..i.e. Spain, Portugal, The Mighty Baltic Shipping Lanes. I suppose that the Balkans are highlighted as they were a big place in the War. However, in this game situations change and thus we need to change and adapt to make for more playability. Remeber what happened in our game when you tried to free Spain? Instant Death<as usual>, as despite Andalusia-Tago there is representation of great Trade from Iberia. Ten times more important than Tirana...
  5. I watched a show on Italian jets. Not bad! They were on their way... The Brits as well, I think??that Germany and Britian were the only nations to have had real Jet Aircraft serve with their Airforces by Wars end in some combat capacity. Why do the German's inherit Yugoslavia's capitol at normal supply levels when it's a partisan nation like USSR? As well as Spain...should also be an explosive, guerilla type scenery. For either side that should DOW them. Including Ireland if they had a port? As I said before why does Albania get a PORT? Do something folks! Say SOMETHING! It's laughable what our game board is missing... If the Suez falls into Axis hands, Iraq should coup to the Axis. Showing a balance favor towards them<which is historical> if the Allies invade too many Neutrals there should be MPP punishments from civil unrest at home, and unpopular war efforts...
  6. Back by popular demand! now will you please report you bloody lost to me, ::hugs ya::
  7. Leopard, yes it was. Depressing though...
  8. There is a possability that some French troops would've stayed in the frey, those who escaped or were saved. A mass exodus? Hmmm, not early... There is a fight to death in all of us, especially countries like France, Britian, US, Germany and Russia. Nationailism in all these majors is a big deal centuries ago and to this day. Was just watching a movie about Czech Pilots in WW2, funny enough they were armed and prepared to fight the Germans and we didn't help them. I've heard they'd of put up a better fight than the Poles. I don't really think that's true but their mainline tank was as good as any of Germany's. They were all inturned in Camps after returning from England until 1991, I suppose Soviet worries of Western Ideology. Freedom and Democracy<which is what we strive for> is something praised by all Nations and men. That's why it's prevailed over such Infidels as the Third Reich, Communist Russia and all the threats before them. It's a human ideology, it's not perfect in practice but it's all we have. I think that people underscore the overall dislike of Russian, German presence in Europe period. Considering things like Allied Gambits even makes it worse we we cross it over. If I were a Democracy I wouldn't be happy if you invaded my neighbor. Their should be caps on this sort of thing and to make it a more realistic simulation we should give bonuses of resistance movements<intelligence>, partisans, decreased MPP booty and turn collection for certian nations. Despite Spain being ruled by Franco, after so a harsh civil war do you think they'd of surrendered with smiling faces to Germans and Italians their former allies?
  9. Fact is that when the whole game is reliant on LR aircraft and Jet tech which historically didn't decides wars entirely until the Gulf War is completely Ahistorical and despite some trench warfare<that can be altered easily with more options> makes the game onesided. These 3 UK Carriers that back in '39 and '40 carried obsolete aircraft wouldn't have stood a chance in a million years against a ground based 109<it would've been like a WW1 tank vs a more modern WW2 tank> Carriers are too strong and fighters couldn't destroy ground units. Only Fighter-bombers which didn't do the damage that heavy or medium bombers did. If you're including the two then maybe you should rename Fighter units, Fighter-Bomber units and completely do away with teh bomber unit that is present in this game as it's a pawn if anything. OR, make bombers the only units capable of inflicting that sort of damage upon ground units forcing both sides to rethink strategies and getting 1 or 2 breakthroughs rather than an entire Route... also including bomber units for Germany-US-UK... Like I said before, I never heard of a case of Ground units destroying an Army in history of the War...So I would like to say when you log-on to Battlefront.Com and it says historically accurate<we know this is completely ANNOYING and innacurate> so well, what does it take to figure out tone down Fighers impact on land units! I think it's well established they're 40 times more powerful than historical WW2 aircraft. So mine as well call Jet4 tech<migs and Sabres> and tech5 1960+ aircraft! Aircraft killed more civilians in WW2 than Soldiers 'Nuff said [ June 01, 2003, 09:57 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  10. Every Gambit has a counter. I suggest we research it like we have with Dutch and Old Italian fleet killer and utilize it... If so many Brit Carriers and ships are outta place and the player is defending france for long? Something gives. Perhaps 3-4 Armies landing in UK with an HQ right before fall of France when the UK player still feels safe with Amsterdam Air coverage could make people reconsider this move? You have to play hotseat a few turns and work out a way to silmetanously hit UK... Especially with a 0 bid for the Allies it may prove a bit difficult if France is down, and UK is directly threatened and forget Italy and just transfer all air to Invade England.
  11. sometimes i step out or answer a message and it is annoying. I figure like in A&A you have a 3 min timer, it doesn't take but so long to figure out what you need to do. You can even plan your turn during your opponents, cutting it in half.
  12. sometimes i step out or answer a message and it is annoying. I figure like in A&A you have a 3 min timer, it doesn't take but so long to figure out what you need to do. You can even plan your turn during your opponents, cutting it in half.
  13. Agreed the logistics of getting Spain would've been a task. Hitler would've never invaded as said before, and perhaps to evade this a "much," larger increase in US War Entry. As well as Sweden...<traditionally neutral> Along with this US fears of an Italian and German assualt upon the Mainland US with their combined fleets... A Bonus of 2 more mainstay Battleships and a Bomber Unit...Though I think as well to give Germany an automatic unit or two. Since the plans to build her Battleships were partially funded after the war primarily before she should automatically recieve two of them 1/3rd price at the appropiate time of the deployment of Tirpitz/Bismark...
  14. Kuniworth is okay, he was probably drinking too much that day. A 90 day suspension is more gentle. Though of course after he reports my Ladder victory over him! 4 months old
  15. Spain is okay to delay, early not an entire deployment of Allied troops. Depends on LR fighters and the situation in the East, Italian reiforcements. If you wait late it still usually be a supply nightmare for the Allies. Historically Lisbon had a major port, and trading Center. Tago... in the game. it's not represented whilst Albania has ONE??? Lordy let's make an alteration! I mean Portugal isn't as poor as Albania. Nor is Bulgaria-Hungary-Poland-Yugoslavia... [ May 30, 2003, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  16. Panzer: One of the remarkable things was that many Allied Generals<with reputations> wrote Doenitz after his sentence of what 10 friggin years??? With sympathy... P.S. US was very sympathetic to German Rocket scientists. In fact our Lunar Module was designed by the Top Nazi Goon of Germany's program! [ May 30, 2003, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  17. Jersey John: I suppose in SC with 2 Axis HQs to start with and nill for the Allied represents the poor status of our armed forces. That and virtually no armor... I have heard of Von Runstedt I have never heard of Billote or Wavell.. Obviously though the German's were ahead in one arena. BlitzKrieg warfare. They failed after that to show supremacy in either naval or aerial warfare. I don't know much about U-boats but that in the end, #s seem to be the turning tide. Despite the evolution of Sonar. When half your transports are not covered you can't protect everything... Likely an indicator was the high losses of U-boats and their men during the war. Huge Loss of the finest Germany could offer. Poor ole Doenitz got the axe for really doing nothing worse than Strategic Bombing would be to Germany. In Britian the supply was so poor at one point in early years that female smoking was prohibited. LOL So if nothing else U-boats short of being a terror weapon had a great impact on cutting the major supplies neccessary to construct a War Machine capable of making beachheads in Normandy. The French lacked in Leadership and Doctrine but they didn't expect Germany plowing through in such a modern style. Even with this, you think that a few decent Generals maybe would've made an impact on the events even as close to war as '39? I think that it was possible. Lack of leadership hurt! They had the #s and quality of the Germans overall early... Grotesque to think that their intel was that bad...
  18. JJ: Those Capitol ships of the Germans did pose a threat to England with Airpower and an enhanced navy. Never finished, no good<too early a War for a true German Navy and perhaps a German Navy brought up in Parliment by spies would've finally been the last step for Brits?>. I think after the window of opportunity of '40 was over there went any chance of ever utilizing Battleship size vessels for the Kriegsmarine. Even large Cruisers would be a target and from what I heard Bismark was sunk instantly and Tirpitz was raided in Norway and rendered ineffective for the most part during the most crucial times for Germany<borrowed the idea from the Italians who says they didn't make a contribution, minisubs). Even more U-Boats in the place of these vessels would've been a wiser investment. If you say they could equal a Panzer divsion, sheesh 3-4 of those puppies on the Eastern Front may have made the difference. They were quite effective, especially because of their speed. Something I do know about. The PanzerIII was fast and it's armor and gun was so so. It was best to flank tanks like the Matty,Char1bis,Somua-35, and A13 it's even steven competitor> Hit them in their vulnerable places. Thing is that the enemy always had vulnerabilites. Slower moving also makes you very appealing to Stukas or disabling by ME110 cannonfire. Complete air supremacy in the Fall of France may have attritted the Germans or cost them more than enough to stop near future expansion. They had fine aircraft and even Udet said their Pre-War versions of the Hawk was finest aircraft in the World. Sad to thing nothing was ever utilized and that the BEF/French didn't prepare for a "real war," The French had impressive AT guns, they sported some of the biggest in the World at the time. The Bofors British<Swedish> AT gun is still utilized today and has a fire rate that is amazing. The 88 was fearsome but vulnerable to infantry and enemy Air. I think that a big plus in the Brits favour was the fact they had the best fighter in 1940 and '41... Considering the FW190 was never fully utilized as the staple fighter VS Britian early on. I would Prefer to be in a Matty or a Char1bis if I had Air supremacy and I was defending. There is no way I'd want to roll into a heavily fortified bunker of Frogs and Brits with at guns hanging from the trees. Life is short in the early Panzers if you do not have #s and experience. Why perhaps the Germans copied the heavier tanks later. Why didn't America follow suite a bit?
  19. Terif is the Lennox Lewis of SC he's unconventional, talented and impossible to hit!
  20. JJ: I agree. German's build nice clean things it seems. Irony also in the Bismark, maybe a part of the undoing of the Reich. Too much wasted finances. In simulations I've played however Ahistorical the Panzer4 is a headache. Closing the range in a desert is even harder than in forest in Northern Europe where you can hide and flank. The Matilda is unbreakable. She is a task to defeat with any Mainstay German tank including the Panzer IIIH with a Heavier mount Gun and better armor<though slower> That US tank you referred to the Grant looks like a German Stug modified. Excellent Heavy Tank Killer...
  21. I think it is a pride thing will Germany. The fact is that Boats were in short supply after WW1 and noone takes greater pride in naming a Ship after a famous Military Man. Of course in Germany most of them were landbased leaders. A defiance i.e. "Look we have great Ships too!" We name them after Great Leaders cause we have Greatness in our blood and their ships weren't bad. I think the US and UK navies had too many ships to name. They'd of run out of famous generals, admirals fast.
  22. it depends what direction your firing in on an enemy tank, conditions, and overall the experience<will> of the men fighting. Even a small AT gun can be useful in taking the tracks off and then satchel charges set to the turret to kill the crew. All with proper infantry coverage can be very suicidal missions but still very effective. I am impressed by this British Anti-Tank weapon Piat.. What if every man in a Platoon carried one? Then support platoons behind them to cover them whilst they laid the charge to the softer more vulnerable parts of the Panzers. P.S. I suppose the high focus on anti-personal weapons kept this type of practice blacklisted. Suidical jobs... However not so on the Russian Front? [ May 27, 2003, 03:19 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  23. Ah Ah Ah, men HUSH. We know it's comming. It's a dead issue. I can sense that an SC2 will sell to everyone that bought SC1 and it's just a matter of time before Hubert decides to dedicate the time and energy to it. Today, 2 years from now. Patience... P.S. It needs to be marketed better! Lots of WarGamers on-line and little said about SC in any of them.
  24. The Tech advances should be a bit more pre-set agreed. Although in WW2 the opening years the German's had an awesome anti-tank gun that is represented in this game as tech 1 anti-tech which would be the 88... The Italians had tech advances, just not sure they could ever fully utilize them.
  25. Terif beats liam<150 axis> i actually thought my air could supress two attacks. he blocked my expansion so bad in the end I couldn't even defend yet attack. Superb player.
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