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Everything posted by Liam

  1. To add my 2 cents in. After 1 week of the AI I thought I was going to have a coma. If it was a humanbeing on the other end losing his favourite Cruiser. Getting 1/3rd of his aircraft shot down in one frightful attack I'm not too happy. It's the fact that he's peeing his pants that makes me happy. plus he actually has a brain, the AI doesn't...it's like playing yourself hotseat
  2. I remeber reading an estimate on the calculation of the cost of the war. Regardless the figured spending and it was a figure that all the money in all the World couldn't cover what was spent in WW2. The different economies would make it difficult to account for any particular # Socialist/Democratic/Communist and each Minor's involvement as well. I'm certian as I've mentioned before Romania put as much cash in as Italy in Black Gold
  3. Then we should've well comissioned 20 battlecruisers with 15" guns to pound the DMZ into shreds IMHO.. Damned wimpy foreign policy in the late 60s
  4. SCZapperzLeague SCZL for short [ May 20, 2003, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  5. One possability for us to get rid of the bidding system and replace fall weiss would be to balance out the USA with a set payoff. In Research chits and beginning cash... just cause we can't see the cities we can create the impact in the editor.
  6. I missed Hitler. Anyone know when it'll be on again? Damned People like Golf here...
  7. Map Expansion isn't a bad idea! You don't have to go nuts. Though a fex hexes in North America/Africa/Russia/& the Atlantic you could probably get away with doubling the size of the current map and it wouldn't hurt one bit especially the way people buy units these days. Just make a few secondary units like Destroyers... Divebombers... artillery..antiaircraft...cheaper Corps for policing cities. Mechanized Inf-motorized inf... make the scale of the game more detailed and it would hurt it? I'm not sure if you stuck to the good same ole forumala the game has now. How could it hurt? Lengthen a game? Well you could shorten games this way also by making breakthoughs more possible with Armored units and faster infantry type units.. that in the right terrain were faster than armor, plus you have more hexes to flank and manuever. A greater difficulty for the US to bring down all it's arms to bare in there turns. Accuracy and History As well as make the US wealthier and Russia more of a challenge...Without a bidding system and true Atlantic War if we want one. [ May 19, 2003, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  8. Interesting info Doodlebug,<are you the Battleship buying A&A DoodleBug > goes with my instincts. The Hood's Captain was doing the best thing he could do, close the range and minimize the ships weaknesses and perhaps the Prince Eugen got in a lucky shot on a moving Hood? Perhaps as mentioned seconds would've made all the difference. Perhaps not firing the front armament would've projected the ship an extra few feet away from disaster. A fluke...even for an outdated vulnerable vessel. Shaka: We are the Borg you shall be assimilate.<hey they're the best part of Star Trek My belief in a stronger Intel Agency! JJ: We outta do like the Ole Reds use to do to petty thieves. Take em out back and shoot em Nah... but corporate corruption in America is a laugh. [ May 19, 2003, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  9. England is for English. Wales is for Welsh and Scotland is for Scotland. Nothern Ireland is Protestant Ireland. All combined are the British Isles and Ireland. The United Kingdom or England as the main seat over goverment is in England, the power base and the great achievements in history. Scotland shoned for a short period but is now a economically depressed region that would probably hurt by a break away from the Mother Country. Though all the hard feelings. Northern Ireland desires Religious Freedom, so whatcha gonna do? Wales doesn't care being a full English Pawn. never has mine as well call Wales American Alaska. When people say America I don't get on them because we're not America or Americans. We're United States of America. USA Citizens to be specific. I should know best I'm part Irish/British/German. Lived in East Anglia, in otherwards it's not a big whooptie doo da. I think that the other countries around the Mother Country are just jealous of her success P.S. and no offense but she hasn't been very Great lately. 30%+ taxes, 6 bucks for a gallon of gasoline, adopting US Culture...oh by the way I had a Scottish Landlord boy was he nice... Couldn't distinguish him from the Anglo-Saxons if you weren't a native. [ May 19, 2003, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  10. here we go, add it to your favourites and Terif<it won't be a true ladder without terif, he removed himself someone convince him>? we're not losing you are we http://www.myleague.com/zappsweden/ Well, you know that's what you get from partying too much Zapp Guess it's too cold to party up in Sweden [ May 19, 2003, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  11. I searched for strategic command on this site no show? When is the transformation to begin? Can someone put in a hyper link for us mentally disabled folks [ May 19, 2003, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  12. SeaMonkey I'm definitely for cheaper ordinance. those precision weapons get EXPENSIVE! Any way to cut down the price and increase the threshold would be a pro. Though Firepower isn't where America lacks. Our intelligence is still pitiful. I'd trade 10 Leviathans for 10,000 Elite Crack assasins any day whose sole job was hunt and destroy Enemies of the State in foreign nations. They'd be cheaper than cruise missiles, better for foreign policy and they'd get the job done better. Especially if you started recruiting directly outta these nations, their own population who fit in... That's what's wrong we wave big banners and big guns but we're not at all covert. I'm sorry but in a day when people use your own airplanes to screw you or drive cars into buildings, etc... You need to get a little dirty back..."especially towards the leadership." In any case the days of WW2 are over and Battleships would nolonger be ideal in a Nuclear War. If somehow conventional weapons remain the norm for now on<which I can't see staying that way too too long when everybody is getting Nuclear> a few super Ships would be nice. Otherwise more numerous more radar evading submerging craft are still the way to go. Something that can sit off your shore and fire 100 nukes onto your country in a few minutes rendering it complete ineffective with a few hundred warbirds over head with the ability to laser light all your Ballistics up...Then you've got an Army for the 21st century.
  13. One flipside to that seamonkey. If you're not doing so well with taking France, you don't want to give them that freebie<booty>...So they can transfer over, along with the bid. With a lucky chit on air tech you'll be toast in Summer of 40 as your campaign against france bogs down. They'll gain experience. Always do... you can play with the unit at put it at 5 or 6. at let them think they're getting something for it. Hey in the end if you get 25 MPPs for it. and they get -20 cause you protected it. Also major headway in France...buy yourself another Sub or two and put a tech chit in Advanced Subs. Attempt to lure one of those exp. carriers into combat near Brest and sink one then with the aide of Germany Fighters who are also getting advancements due to France falling several turns earlier cause you have to worry about RAF defending them. Also if they should attempt to defend them. A german Cruiser or Fighter is worth losing for a Carrier
  14. With the expansion on an Atlantic Convoy system Iceland as a base would be nice. Added hexes would give more room for u-boats to hide and convoys to transport in. It would be a sideline war of itself, historically accurate.
  15. Totally agreed it's not historical. The US wasn't mobilized and the lock on it's MPP is more or less to delay it's entry until a true D-day so she can buy HQs and get Air. That's all...Not a carried on War Effort for any length of time. The Armies are just staple armies there that would've been raised eventually anyways. If the Allied Player uses this it's fairly balanced. The two battleships aren't the American Fleet would've been quite numerous even with outdated dreadnaughts roughly equivelant to anything the German's could've made seaworthy to protect their Lendlease program and their transports. The German MPP balance is fair. The fact that she is let out of the bag after Iraq/Sweden/and then Spain Portugal makes it's very unbalanced. Plus the fact that the Suez is more or less a joke to defend for the Allies...I have never met an Ally in my last 40 games that could hold it. So a larger reaction to an invasion of Fascist Spain would be ideal. Perhaps some sort of MPP punishment rather than booty. -300 and likewise with Portugal... While the German U-Boat program would've been a shocking new weapon of the times even though merchant raiding wasn't a new concept but it would've had a huge effect on both the British and US Naval efforts in the early stages before good countermeasures were put in place. It was probably far more effective than Strategic bombing and many men and ships were put on preventing the wholesale destruction of Allied transports... A ship is a metal object filled to the brim with important resources needed for a War effort. The target was very obvious unlike when carpet bombing a city... The US would have a great advantage if her technology was on par... The USSR is way too rich for her blood. She wasn't as economic as Germany and should be cut back down to size. Although you can find that those numerous corps they can buy and place throughout mountain forfications in the end can spell the deathnail for the Greys. You're forced to push your way to the very verge of Siberian reiforcements by 41. Then wait and build up and drive to cut them in two...that's the only way to truely win that way. So accurate or not it gives you a chance to feel it out somewhat closer to history. Perhaps a few more hexes back for a true Siberian War would help. A Soviet Resistance to the end, those partisans are a pain in the rear kinda represent Russian Manpower and hatred towards the Axis Oppressors. I think Italy is a weakling and should half it's production, no second thoughts! She could manage to do operations with what fleet she did have but that's it. A german Pawn definitely... If HQs were placed in Greece and Spain and the troops were reassigned to actual strategic locations perhaps things would turn out a bit different in the Balkan War instead of quick victory. That would make the fight worth it if the German's went in ill prepared. The Italians contributed with their Navy mostly and their armies are not located in the right place... their best cities aren't defended against a Gambit which is that historical? I am not sure but I doubt it. I'm sure as War %s raised the nation would've moved it's troops in a better position. Since this really doesn't count for other nations I don't think it should be instituted there.. The UK, had resources but she was near starvation in '40 due to German U-boats. She had a vast empire to police. She was strong in the beginning but quickly wanned. Her biggest contribution was being a huge sore in Hitler's arse teh whole time. Although you have to remeber though Colonial she was becoming more and more a CommonWealth anyways. Though many of those nations did put troops up with British ones. She should get better than she does. Equivelant with Germany at Fall of France... Though perhaps a U-boat enhancement so that she can't use that to destroy Germany too early. France was wealthy but not smart. That's all. Germany should be penalized for waiting too long to attack France. In 1940 the French had the best tank in the world. They spent a lot of money on a defense grid that was missing a big potential hole...Belguim-Andenne route. With that and the mountains in the south hell, perhaps germany would've never broke through? Regardless. She should be greater than Italy.. Significantly and likely near to Germany herself..France had an overseas Empire too. With lots of Rubber and some oil. Why don't we balance out gameplay and lock it down that the Low Countries cannot be invaded by either nation in 1939 period. [ May 19, 2003, 04:50 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  16. Who needs a navy when you've got an airforce? It's ten times more effective. Only countries who can afford expensive navies are nations on the offensive. We aren't supposed to be on the offensive anymore are we? Ha Maybe it's the counter to the Soviet threat in the N.Sea. Focus on Nuke subs, Sub destroying ships and specialized carriers for deep strikes...
  17. The Germans couldn't get to Britian. I doubt they'd of got to the US. The US would've occuppied any nation that was seen a potential landing point and was the most powerful nation on the American continent of course. If we fully mobilized it would be a pain the arse. Supply line 3 thousand miles away from Europe. It would be a Russia undertaking against a even more determined enemy. Remeber the last two invasions of the US...The Brits never tried again
  18. Well, as far as lendlease the movies I've watched and what I've read always showed that the US was pretty good at sending the staples. From what I understand the Russian military would've had a low rated Army itself in the early years<more WW1 based like the rest of the Balkans>. You remeber Enemy at the Gates, "if the man if front of you drops the rifle, the one behind you pick it up!" USA 1vs1 with Germany with it's 1945 military and Germany's upgraded Military in the same #s. Who would have won? Well, the Americans had better aircraft and the Germans had better tanks... The combat ability??? Give or take with a little more experience on the German side... USA was rich.. Despite everything in this game she's a pawn industrially..The UK is the Major European go between and the US is just a little fist to pounch through france will...Unless you really really wait a long long time. you need basic staples! She really stood up against the German Giant. I suppose the economic development at the cost of many lives gave her the ability come back. Didn't she rely on UK/US Rubber which is next to steele/oil the most important part of a War Machine. Of course you need coal to run your industry which is fairly abundant in most parts of Europe..especially as sizable as the USSR. West Africa and Southeast Asia excellent places to absorb Rubber... Perhaps Vichy was a backstab and and a half to their former British Allies... As far as the Hood. It's definitely not a Cruiser!!! at near 42 tons... [ May 18, 2003, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  19. JJ: Agreed, it's been discussed. The Hood with all it's sister ships was probably closer to a Battleship being a BattleCruiser then ever a Cruiser... Just say edit it in as a 6 strength battleship and if the UK player decides to up it consider that a technological upgrade. As far as the Soviet Union lacking in Production. Sure, but they had a Manpower pool that was unsurpassed and in a big front in Soviet Russia what mattered more? She also had great oil reserves and just lacked some modern industrialization. Those 5 years plans just hadn't bumped her up enough.. Even still many say that the lendlease wasn't a significant indicator of Russian victory in the East. I think maybe, a Huge font, with unlimited Manpower, where modern equipment didn't fair so well in rougher terrain with lots of marshes and less infrastructure. All in all, France was pretty modern in comparison. Russia was partially still in the 1800s as were the Balkans though they're ill represented in this game in #s and Production. Ploesti wasn't that rich. Cauc Mnts didn't have that many cities of value but many resources. Spain is a laugh, the French military built up in Fear of it doesn't even get an HQ. Despite all these factors the USA was the wealthiest nation in the World Industrially and with Natural Resources that were actually utilized<with modern development> yet in this game she's sooooooooo poor it's redicilious. Italy gives her army a run for it's Money. We should just change things around to reflect Reality. Italy should never be a Super Power. A strong nation had she conquored N.Africa but NEVER a super Power. It'd taken a decade for her to come close to that and complete brown nosing of her Germany Ally... <BTW> if US declares War before Pearl, she wouldn't have deployed the entire fleet in the East.
  20. Actually in this situation. keep the corps alive for for a certian length of time. You have to conclude most players if they don't get exp. one way they're gonna get it another way... After Ireland you'll notice they'll smack Brest up a lot and the port there. They'll use a combo of regular Brit Aircraft to hit resources which usually don't have any axis protection over them. This is a real drain and leads to eventual invasion of France with Super Carriers. It's hard to stop a player from creating them... Tip is never engage them They're stuck in seazones..make enough headway in other places and block of the canal/sea zones and they've gotta have LR..Just along the way you better have picked off enough Capitol ships and have enough mix of your own fleet to protect the baltic...I usually add in a sub or two.. or tech... [ May 18, 2003, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  21. Interesting information. I read a bit up on it and it seems the Ark Royal's Swordfish was the death blow ot the Bismark locking it's rudder. Though in SC they made these carriers a bit too powerful considering they mainly sported out of date modified recon, torpedo planes specailized for naval warfare not land. The Sheffield had a few near misses, they were divebombed by their own Carrier based Swordfish and luckily didn't hurt her...Took 2 british battleships 2 hours to down bismark<and they say she may have been scuttled as well to aid in it's sinking> must've been a Monster of a Ship
  22. what was the old saying about the War of the Atlantic. We could build more ships then they could sink! Impossible with the current setup...The UK is actually a bit too rich. The US is a bit too poor...
  23. intrigueing article there John. as I had thought before and still think to this day, the sinking of the Hood was a fluke. Lucky shot if you will...
  24. Well dressed Gentlemen put me in my place -250 beats Liam I wanted those damned CARRIERS so bad. More than France obviously
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