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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Bidding is a Method created to even of the odds between the Axis and their foes the Allies The reason you bid is obvious, if a player has more skill its quite to soak up the world as the Axis and completely surround the Allies making a fair and competitive game impossible. You don't have to bid to get the Axis if you feel they're fair or if you have some other sort of house rule you'd like to include in your games to make the arrangement more eatble. The only player here that will give me 0 bid with Axis is this guy whose probably lost once or twice in his life... The MPP Bid goes to the UK, USSR, USA one time crack of whatever it ended up being. i.e. I say "50." You say, "100." I say, "150!" Then you say, "I'm not willing to get those Germans any more handicapped than that! You take em." You use the Campaign editor and edit the MPPs in save it under a Fall Weiss Special and there ya go. So long as it has the same file ext. name it'll just add to your loadable PBEM and TPCIP games as available to you to play with at any time seperate the normal than '39 Weiss straight up...
  2. The reason there isn't more Grand Strategy Games John sorta touched upon but the fact of the matter is, one word, "Money." There's none in it
  3. HOI has some of those qualities. A bit too much going on to balance itself at times though. Also the AI is worth a bucket of spit
  4. Question.. To occuppy Brest as Axis requires an Corps. That can be damaged very badly with air and Sea bombardment combo. Gives experience to the Allies and can even be destroyed. Although the Allies can just pick a different target to get the same experience and do similar damage. So is it worth occuppying the city or is it a waste in your opinions? There is also the possability of the Axis using a sub or two to strike make the South with air to remove a Brit Battleship or 2...
  5. Disorder: Well, that is because he was foolish enough to get caught by a simple move. Though I have had a string of my own foolish decisions. If you start throwing away Capitols to your enemies in one turn you mine as well quit, or 'play someone else your own level' is the ticket. If you make a huge mistake with a friend you resign and have a rematch! Well, all us ole wargamers use to. AND you'll need a 500 bid with Allies to beat me as Axis these days. I'm getting to bloody good. Cause I'm the 4th best Axis Strategic Command player in the World :cool:
  6. Okay cheating is the Issue JollyGuy? I have had numerous games where players lock up on end of turn. I have done it<not purposely> I have made mistakes with people and given France MPPs bids my first few games and the guy didn't say anything. I have had 3 or 4 games still unreported where people had a bad turn and I never heard back from them personally. To get the other 3-4 victories reported I had to pull out an inch of my topical hair So hey, if they're gonna cheat, if they're that type it's gonna happen anyways. It still does... They have no honor, their name will soon be synonomous with Questionable Player
  7. Hueristic I see no reason why it couldn't be included... NO REASON Honor is all we have in the system anyways sheesh i could log under a different account and give myself a thousand wins but if you're gonna play Monopoly with your buds or cards and you're gonna cheat and all you're gonna get is bragging rights big whooptie and plusly if contested nill to edging anyone's decent record
  8. We had the old Ladder which was run by ZappSweden that was very populated. However it didn't survive long due to the fact it was too much upkeep for one man. It was suggested to move it to a place like one of these seperate websites that contain on your information for you. That makes the maintenance less of a job and more of an enjoyable experience. If anyone has the problems where they can't book a website to favourites and just hop on there and bam. There ya go, where we got all the best and most profilic players hashing out. You don't even have to be that good I am like ultra minus victory and I ranked #4 next to ZappSweden himself Hey Wow! Look at that Honor man, I feel like a bigshot. I better start racking up kills now before everyone else topples me i love competition. It's what the game is about. that anyone else sees it, is a perk. Which adds that much more of an edge when a guy makes a decision or loses. Less likely to see people throw in the towel in Zappleague after a few bad rounds early than in normal gameplay...
  9. a tip, thought i read on here a certian amount of Russians most be destroyed in order to trigger Siberians...so if you have too many Russian units on the map you won't get them
  10. I played a game vs Rambo where I never got my Siberians. I even gave up a key city or two and in the end I was so disechanted I just surrendered.
  11. Yes, indeed! Interesting Thread!!! Time allowances to build 10-15 airfleets? I don't think I've ever had such a game in my life. Nor even seen an instance where someone had enough of a break to do that! I don't care what people say about Russia being easy. Those Siberians are whoop ass when your Germans run out of steam and especially if they expand
  12. I mend that remark about unit movement. It's just that France say for instance has a small amount of value really MPP wise. Making other potential targets more juicy. Why not include Dunkirk??? Calais ports... Forcing the Brits to keep their fleet where it would have had to be to protect from potential Nazi amphibious buildup. Giving the Brits more ships<cruisers> to protect the Med<as they're a wimp in this game> Italy didn't just run over the Brits and much much HIGHER punishments for any transport being intercepted in any way shape or form... sitting at sea making them floating attrittion to practically nill readiness... France should be worth slightly more and Sweden less. Iraq should include a Kuwait port for Allies to retreat to after Suez Falls and there and then the Allies can decide how to deal with the MidEast situation after fall of Suez...Rather than bombing Suez with 4 or 5 Italian Transports...also ship transport via the Canal both ways [ June 27, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  13. I like that about HOI. In SC things are given a bit of a balance as far as various Military Doctrine. Great leaders for Germany, US, UK. Italy and France are really cheapscaped but I suppose if they did have them in those days they never utilized them. Apparently Even Russia has Zhukov and with IT more affordable units. The Brits with their Sonar and Bomber. on and on and on... It is a seemingly small representation. Perhaps a few patches to these representations. You see what makes this game pretty difficult is the fact that some things are set in stone. i.e. an air unit is forced to intercept, a bomber is automatically intercepted, and the Oceans are not large enough. Mostly during the War units weren't moved around as much as they are here. Operational costs are a bit too ez to make huge army transfers that perhaps would've taken more to get that unit there and ready for combat. Especially amphibiously. The potential Gamey bugs also adds to harming the balance of each nation.
  14. Hey, Terif is good so is Zapp. We learned the value of Axis Armor though in this thread. You can see how it's mobility and hitting strength regardless of it's late obscolences still makes it a viable buy. and anyone who can effectively hold France and Delay that end without spending too much<as I always do>
  15. We should of been pushing Hubert more with these patches to cut some of the allowances... One just adapts to it gameplay you're right. If LR fighters cuts you at a certian point that makes them useless. You just find another strategy. Practical and accurate<now it's a bit touchy...need several house rules to make things seem more WW2ish>
  16. John: I think that the fear of a rocket would definitely cut morale, though targeting missiles at that size any distance without computers or more advanced electronics wasn't likely. The SCUDs kind of remind me of V-2s and you can only get so accurate with those. Frightening weapon yes, although really not accurate without #s. If me and you both had to sit down with those resources and decide a way to cause the most damage with that technology, what would you lean towards? I liked the Anti-Bomber remote controlled Rockets... Or the Naval version which imagine if you had in the thousands what damage that could do, the impact on Germany's downfall it could've made... Hitler was into the bigger and badder thing too much and it cost him in this case. Rockets had an application just not really beyond a terror weapon in his eyes.
  17. IMHO, the Russians historically wouldn't have entered the War Summer of '41...I doubt that had the resources to enter the War then. The bidding system makes people push each other for the side they want<its the decider> When I play a great player the bid is 0 So why have a bid, let the Allies learn to play the Allies better or get beaten all the time till they do like I do and learn every day
  18. The estimates I've heard about rockets was thousands of dead British citizens not nearly as much as the Blitz did in Damage or death. Actually quite effective weapon<terror weapon> useless for anything else. Completely a waste of resources, if anyone would like to research it I wouldn't mind of hearing a single incident of a German rocket hitting anything of any military value? Having had Family in East Anglia, they use to say you're safe if you hear the buzz, it's when you don't that the rocket is landing near you... Artillery killed more than any other weapon in WW2, of course a Huge Gun would. It's what it is take a Luger and increase the size 100 times excellent weapon [ June 23, 2003, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  19. KDG and others: Great points, finally some feedback that I can stomach as far as making it believable. To get the advantage of nation's raw materials it'd take a bit to ship it all back to the Plundering nation<also it's gold that Hitler stold mostly to finance the Reich standing for Plunder>. Also in some cases like when say a Capitol or city or port or whatever is cut off completely from a connecting hex why should the nation owning that hex recieve anything for it? It's not like airpower could transport or would bother to transport a few resources out of that hex it would've been more costly than worth it unless you're talking about all the Gold in Europe. A lot believe had Hitler after Fall of France took some time to collect his resources he would've been unstoppable. Stopping the Brits in N.Africa and eventually outproducing every country in the World including the USSR. There are many missing cities for France... and whether or not plundering should effect a nations readiness or not is hmmm, not a big point with me. I don't think that Plunder should be nearly as big for either side but the Germans need some in order to start out the war and conquor. They had a surplus of military goods that other nations didn't. Just edit in Units per turn and do away with plunder altogether...
  20. Yes, I haven't cited Norway's MerchantFleet. Although I haven't cited a single case of Allied Plunder of Minors cause it never happened. Norway was DOWed by Germany, naturally it's fleet would turn Allied. So if the Allies DOWed it, what would've happened do you think that all those Sea Captains would've gone Axis in distaste? Point is in the end we have two schools of thought should the Allies recieve booty for Invasions? Or shouldn't they? I don't think they should cause in order to get that they'd have to rape the nation and still it's wealth...Which the Axis would happily do... Should the Allies get a bonus for this Rape? Well, I think that Partisans in both Yugoslavia and Russia and temporary Allied MPPs they got as each nation is invaded by Germany account for some of the plunder. In France you get Free French<You can evacuate the whole friggin Army> though in reality you should have more discontent Europeans messing with German Production and having a small boost to existing British MPP Balance to check it off. Not make this Ahistorical MinorHopping attitude that would've made Churchil-Hitler-Stalin buddies
  21. things for standing up for me JJ fact is my points are stronger than many expressed here... Manpower was something the Allies only lacked in one area<decent pilots> The equipment was more valuable and few countries inside of Europe escaped with anything aside from France that I know of<worth representing on the game board>
  22. Edwin: If the Russians and Americans had advanced warning of the DOW on them in '41 perhaps both Nations would've fully militarized in 1939? WormWood: I don't see any dutch bankers running out of their nation with suitecases full to give to the Western Allies do you? The Germans were fast and took the Gold of nations. You're saying that the Allies were Raping nations like Axis? It's more than Ahistorical it would have made them the Evil Allies rather evil Axis as it was. Exploitation of the countries resources for personal gain was the Axis key and smothering it's people with everyone else's stuff to keep dissent down. Something we never practiced in WW2. In fact even the Russians didn't...but then again, not many Eastern European nations had much left to plunder. Accept Germany itself which some of those factories which were looted are still in operation today. Lastly: Let us do some research and see if the Western Allies really thought about it? The game is loosely based on history all the way through. Troop locations, Earnings, Technology... ? If the Western Allies could've attacked Belgium and Netherlands and took them in what a week like the Axis did without Blitzkrieg? Doubtful In fact I'll as far as to it would've been the dumbest move they could've done and only those countries inviting the Western Allies in would be possible... Invade Ireland-Portugal-Norway-Iraq no way jose. Starve the nations to produce 1000 extra spitfires per?????? the Allies made them friends, and they cooperated with the Allies or the other way around in Sweden and Switzerlands case. [ June 22, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  23. noone likes airfleet limits in the game.
  24. On 10 May 1940 the German forces attacked The Netherlands and Belgium without a war declaration, and although they had done the same in Poland in September 1939, nobody seemed to have expected them. There was no DOW... So the game has problems with that aspect of our gameplay. In the recent patches Portugal gives Axis Spain. Also the Western powers never plundered nations<they should recieve 0 plunder for DOWs and capturing neutrals, that was a German and Russian habit... If the Allies don't get Plunder from Low Countries or any Neutrals then there goes the Neutral Race... [ June 22, 2003, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  25. No fighter airfleet in WW2 killed an army, fact? then how come 75% do in SC
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