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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Von Suck LOL He's rated 6, he can pick up a Point in Poland and by the time I usually put Von Suck on the Eastern Front he's a 4 star..
  2. Problem is also if you can't take UK after they devoted all their resources to stopping you till November you're in trouble! The fact is the Germans at some point have to take out the Parisian retreaters and UK ones too! If the Allies devote to France and fail it will be an utter loss but if they succeed in stifling the Germans with Dice and successful counter attacks you're locked up. I have found that Terif's suggestion of a slow and extremely cautious advance works. However it gets late fast and Axis need MPPs, they need Minors, they need to take Paris! There is another alternative strategy.. Plan for a Sea Lion There are ways to ensure that you can perform one between Sept and before the USSR and USA Readiness spikes.. Would anyone suggest there best strategies for doing an inbetween Sea Lion before Russian and US Entry? As they have their French Delay Campaign.
  3. This strategy can hurt the Axis. Though here is the Counter to Allied Air Strikes. "Get more Breakthroughs" Limited conservative Axis strategy into France is a weak one... Don't build a 5th LW, use the extra MPPs to reinforce your existing ones.. Possibly add a Tank instead of an LW and don't use the Sea Route if Ireland Falls too early.<Carrier fodder> If my enemy doesn't pile on 10+ Corps in France along with the Armies he's in trouble. I'll Maul him and still take the Cake... UK will be down 1-2 Chits and 1-2 Fighters... With a little luck in all this you can break out and take Suez/Vichy three time faster than normal repair those damaged LWs early.. Bad side if you get bad dice and halted up in France, Allies can with Irish Plunder-MPPs bang you up bad.. Use Carriers on your outskirt units and lock you up to the Southern Route into France...You need to kill France early even if you lose 2 or 3 Armies or 2 Tanks.. Just kill Kill KILL KILL & Plant corps inbetween your remaining vital units Oh and remeber taking Ireland early is a bit of luck too and at that time the Allies are vulnerable<get Poland down in 2! Max 3>
  4. these are one amongst a few options including a USA invasion that can work. I noticed the experts have a counter for most moves..
  5. I'd keep 4 corps as of October on the border. 1 on both major cities. 1 NE SE of Warsaw Hex. Another 1 directly on the German Border.. Right above Danzig is fine. 3 or 4 hexes behind the line is fine before pre-emptive strike. at about 85-89%<89% is a big risk that you get a next turn DOW> Hotseat Rocks move up and strike... you want a crapload of killers practice in HotSeat the perfect strategy
  6. A bigger question comes into play. The game isn't won with AA alone, that is a definite, IT CAN be a major factor. The fact is the points Terif was making was to distribute the AA Cities with Italy in the 'game' to a 'fair' defensive bonus and 'offensive one' if the Allies Land. That would give 2-3 possible hitting Fighters MAX... Meanwhile every try unentrenching a unit in Russia with an AA Bonus? That is heartbreaking.. I have had Riga hold out through 6 Airstrikes and 3 Land hits and a Cruiser smack, 3-4-5-6 Times. Definitely due to a Major AA Bonus<and LT4 during the later hits>... this AA thing is more useful than one thinks. Place a Tank, entrenched fully, and backed by an HQ, that is a dangerous combo to break! Similarly in the West. I've had my land units survive countless hits... Should an AA strategy be allowed, how about a modification. How about this, only 2s Chit a game for Germany. 3 Chits for UK, 3 for the USA, and 2 for the USSR... Limit the Chits, then it is really luck... Even lower that by -1 for each for a 'real luck draw'? Then again another question arises if you beat Russia the game is over. If you truly beat them living crap out of them, that's it. Doesn't matter if you penetrate them. They're done after a certian point and we all sense this... That is the end of the game. The hope is that the West can do you in before then. Though you can halt the West and with AA much more effectively if you have beaten Russia. Though what AA can do is divert chits and resources to Fighters and allow players to use Russia more effectively if the German is weak on MPPs. However if he isn't, game is over ? or strategy is too poor you pick
  7. Ahhhh! Good point. I tested her, I thought of the French Army near Paris with it's extra readiness, it recieves a 3 hit... I don't recall if the unit came from Paris. Next time I'll watch
  8. If it's the first turn of 39 Weiss, you park your German Corps on the hex Adjacent to the N.Maginot, the French Army in the N.Maginot Striking the 2nd Turn against that German Corps can it inflict 4 Damage Points in Strength? It's the 2nd turn, no combat on the French Border has taken place, only a German Luftflotte hitting the Mine that means 0 experience for both German and French...
  9. Zapp and Terif, both of you have taught me things. Both are decent fellows, just old school. I'm glad that you two made up and fought a match. I enjoyed reading your AAR more than any other ever. The competition and desire to beat one another was beyond anything. This sort of fun hasn't been on this board in a year or two. I would like to say I'd probably give Terif a better game as Zapp choked. I think he was facing too much pressure and went for too much. This is a common thing to do against a Reigning champion. The Man can win... He just needs to play his 'game' and be a bit more adaptive. Rambo, Zapp, DH, Cosmin, Avatar or even Me all can win with some genius to our strategy. Just Terif does it more<99percent of the time> cause he is looking at the gamemap three Dimensionally.
  10. ROFL, I'm am pretty good with this but only due to Luck. I have never researched more than 2 Chits in my entire life on AA of SC games. If you'd like to check go ahead, I'll give my password out and everyone can check our old saves! In fact 90% of the time I have put 1 Chit into AA I didn't know about this bug at all, until very late. I'm a slow learner... I think I knew like 7 games ago... I have been out of the SC School for awhile, I always used to use it for one purpose. To prevent Carriers and RAF Fighters getting Freebie Experience and making it holder to take Paris. That's why just 1 chit.. I haven't changed. Rambo, I wouldn't speak, there are plenty of times, I place a fighter over Russia or UK and I get plus 5 Damage just for a strike on a entrenched Army or Corps. I know you've got some Major AA... Russia can use this strategy very well too.. Considering she has 2 or 3 years of time to research it and the Allies can tie up the Axis Air until then. If Someone wants to go no AA, I suggest taking the +1 AA Bonus the UK Gets and trashing it and lowering our bid to 125-175 Range...With LR in my game vs Rambo, he was pinging me with 2 Fighters and would've had 3 including Brest, possibly a fourth and Fifth in Paris and Bordeux to hit Germany from... Germany merely has more citys in the West. One tends to forget King Longe Range Carriers<what is the readiness of a 15 Strength Carrier?> Would that not be a game breaker.. I have had Rambo, Zapp, DH, Terif all come up with 6-7 Carriers.. Talk about gamey, get lucky and get LR 3 or 4, what is the use for Land Units. All you need is 3-4 Corps, 2-3 Armies and an 2 HQs, with 2 Air to scout Enemy Air
  11. Dragonheart, well done.. Only a true Master of this game can achieve a victory over Terif I know you were in my Wednesday EU2 Game now. You know I didn't realize you were an SC Pal. You were caught between Dave and Drew, the two most Cooperative Warmongering players in the game. Like Rambo and Terif on either side of ya.. Don't be shy come back some time, you can give me SC Lessons I'll give you EU2 Lessons..
  12. Hmmm, I don't have a positive streak against Rambo but we're almost even in the last 10-12 games. 6-5 I'd say about that... Avatar, is about 5 to my 4... <he's won 1 game against me in the last 6 months or so> DH, I've never beaten... Last two games I took Zapp and Terif I haven't even challenged him... Right now I'm playing Avatar and I'm making multiple mistakes and I expect and Axis Victory. I think it's more like this: 1. Terif<the best player because he's a smart player, all field player> 2. Rambo<he's consistent and has what you wouldn't expect, staying power> 3. Liam<is -30-40 in every League he plays cause he plays only the top 2 or 3 guys ever> 4. DH<cause it's been months and I played crappy in both our games..> 5. Avatar 6. Dalmatian<the only guy I see active vs me, learning..needs to be trained> 6. The rest which I haven't played lately, Sombra, Cosmin, etc... These guys could be #4 or #5 not sure...We'll see one day
  13. What's wrong Kuni? Are you that bored? heh
  14. Zapp fought valiantly, too wild in France, we all take chances. Good try Champ Fun games to follow too bad
  15. Rambo is the only active member of ISCL to beat Liam more than 1 time.
  16. Des, you want to do it right. AA Rule, no more than Level 2. Jet Rule, no more than Level 3, Long Range Rule no more than level 2... Perfect.. Less HQ Sniping, less UberCarriers, no trick or treat Axis slam Allied Air... Force UK to evac France a month or two early instead of October or Sept. which is a trend lately and spend the extra 250 MPPs on a chit in one of those areas instead of trying to win the game in France
  17. no offense Kuniworth but you owe me about 5-6 unreported victories throughout various leagues
  18. Some tend to forget the current aggressive French Strategies and constant Minor DOWs by the Allies that didn't exist before either. MPPs are harder to come by for an inexperienced Axis Player vs an Experienced Allied player. Not just but those Carriers, once you upgrade them to level 4 or more they're pretty King with Experience. Plus they take no damage attacking Land Units... People all along I've played on this forum have used the AA Bug over London I think it just politically correct to use it right back at them. I'm fed up with hearing these whiners about the AA Bug. Both sides, INCLUDING THE USSR can research them. If the Allies just become a bit more defensive instead of getting HUGE MPPs to run unrealistic ahistorical offensives right away then the bug wouldn't be neccessary... I think the AA Bug is as important at deflecting Carrier Hits, and UberExperience strategies.. The last time I played Allies the AA Bug was no factor. VS Terif it was no factor either... VS Rambo it is quite a factor but the fact is he has Level4 GunLaying Radar, so nothing can even smile at the Atlantic, perhaps he should've invested that in AA. I put 1 Chit into and got level4 AA, and 4 Chits into Jets and took till 6 months after Barbarossa to get level 1 Jets for Germany.. These are the basic Facts, with luck, we should get a chance to play it out... Also taking Riga doesn't neccessarily mean the fall of the entire North. I see so many Allies hold Riga with a Tank and row of Corps.. Historically Riga is one of the first cities that fell, it's merely the fact that the space between two points is too small.<in other words our SC Map> Plunder is too huge... The game is balanced by Skill in the end and not by Bugs.. The only gamekiller mentioned here is the Rome One...that and the usual, both sides have Aces and exploits
  19. DH, I was a real beginner. Terif helped educate me with 10 losses or so..Rambo did too later, but not through telling me much, through whooping my ass. I finally beat one of the Mentors, as I always do.. and I did it 3-4 Xs in a row without much trouble then he evened us out. Same thing happened in Axis & Allies vs COW, at the time #1 rated player. And in EUII vs some top Ten Guys.. <a game 40 Times harder and 20 times more complex than SC> hard to be the best when your energy is divided but it's fun nevertheless Zapp is a good player. So is Terif. Zapp made a come back gave me a match when I was on my game, and my dice were perfect. Now he's winning every game, and I think he's going to make a run for #1 for good.. I'm going to really dig out my A game at this point just to make him stretch.. Terif will have trouble right now vs him... If Zapp pulls his moves right I think this could be the end of a Dynasty. Terif's Championchip belt is on the line!
  20. SeaMonkey, at a certian point there is no comming back or you've played a long long time and you'd like to call it on a Victory Point sort of system. It's sort of a clock of Performance, too bad that a complicated system like that cannot be implemented for some players who don't have the 'time' that others do. You could if you like have a layout of Cities that must be captured instead.. Leningrad-London by Summer of '42-'43? On the Reverse the Liberation of Paris and capture of Rome or at least 1 German City by the same timeframe for the Allies. Call it on that.
  21. Terif is still "Hard to Kill" and I don't see that changing. Flawless gameplay, in 3 games I've met him in battle. With a Zero bid I could possibly beat him 1 in 3. Then so could many of you... Who really is a contender, one doesn't exist. If one does exist Will the Real Terif Contender please stand up Please Stand up P.S. Has there been a Zapp and Terif Challenge Match? If so I'd love to read the AAR...
  22. No stress HC, I can't wait to have a chance to beat Terif in a game he hasn't played any more than me
  23. SeaMonkey, I prefer the 'growth' and 'establishment' of an Empire. Reliving a piece of history..anything close to that is fine and dandy.. Editing the base characteristics has a flaw, in that the other player will merely contest fairness until you concede to give him more 'toys', 'goodies' and a neat 'setup'. Ultimately you can alter the beginning of Fall Weiss in your choices to about anything you'd like. You can successfully invade the USA as the Axis in 1941. You can successfully Invade England any time virtually but neither will mean victory neccessarily. Likewise for the Allies.. Any early Strike on Italy minus Rambo's Gambit can cost the game. That or Minor Jumping. I've used this many times to my favor... Ahistorical as Terif has taught does hurt and only a very very skilled tactician<and lucky person> can make him wrong there but let us leave Migs, Harriers, F-15 Strike Eagles out of the setup as well as ME-363s!
  24. ROFL, you TRY WAITING FOR MOO3! I waited 2 and half years!!! and then look, I sold it for 1 dollar on Ebay!
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