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Everything posted by Liam

  1. I haven't seen Dragonheart or Kuniworth beat Rambo lately, nor Avatar fairly DH is the only competition for him when he's interested in fighting. Zapp is good, but I have taken him my last 2 games He however was extremely with poor poor dice and more interested in a "Challenge Match" Terif plays, I have a game going with currently. <but I need to play a guy 10Xs to get the feel for him> He is still damned good. Someone could likely beat him though who was aggressive enough. It's just who has that sort of aggressive attitude of Rambo or Zapp? Has anyone outside those two beat him anyways... Regardless the Euros aren't challening on this Forum anyways. Here I have to admit it's a honest toss up between Me, Rambo and Zapp at the moment. DH comes here or there and he's deadly if he's playing...
  2. Luck does matter but of course skill does more, Mr. Terif is correcto Mundo plus awareness.. anyone with the same skill level that plays the same amount of games and practices the 'same types of strategies' given that luck doesn't matter will win about 50% as much... <problem is that most of us don't get the above opportunity, I know I have heard the Masters say as it really is...They don't tell you cause they want to win!> Including he's not tired and aware of what's going on in the game
  3. Oh and that part about the certian player with a 'certian advantage' EVERYONE who plays them accepts this but a few fools who get their arses whooped by them and he gloats on it... Parle Vouis Francais anyone? I found them within 4 games... I know I suck pretty bad but hey I'm whooping all the above players but DH and Terif on a 'regular basis' <but I don't get to play them on a regular basis either
  4. Hey! Point here is this Fritz version is less forgiving than the American Version. Noone realized that a certian player had a certian advantage till someone pointed them out. Now we all know who they are... Now someone points out the 'obvious' and it is this... Yugoslavia is less likely to trigger. The dice variable in German version is usually NOT ALWAYS more cautious... Less chance in it and if you interface with it, doesn't matter, your version turns Fritz. I know, I have seen the figures and I'll beta test them for you if you'd like. Yugoslavia without fail with bust in our N.A Version. Always earlier...Whilst in Fritz, it'll wait till very close to Barbarossa, June-July... Plus if you remove units off the Red border AT ALL you're royally screwed, no mistakes. It leaves no room for error there.. The dice variables are weaker, the chance in our N.A Version is a plus1 in most instances and in the Fritz it's 'toned down' No great advantage to us, but playing a Fritz you'll get burnt if you don't know the Fritz is a different variable and that little 'quality' will make you lose a few times.
  5. Soon! Heh, what I keep saying to my G/F about, "When are we going to do go something special as a couple hun!"
  6. there are instances when norway is good. If the Germans are halt up in France<why not? add a fighter to the arsenal to defend France> and the Kriegsmarine is of no real threat. If the UK is very strong it will harm the Germans more than it'll harm the UK...
  7. A unit travels 50 mile hexes<1by1>. So when a unit reaches a particular hex there shall be no sign of the enemy at the other end? Hmmmmm... I have a little problem with this, detection capabilities were far better than we give them credit for... Often enemy units were detected ships/aircraft/tanks/men, it's because they were big and good optics, recon, etc... revealed this, SO I suppose you could eliminate some of the requirements of micro-movement if you know what the hell your bumping heads with. Though I would say, what if a Unit reaches a point, senses the enemy unit STOPS, then prompts you for a further movement? I'll tell you, in WW2 not many times was a General Dumb enough to let his entire Army march into a deathtrap because he didn't do recon a few miles ahead... That's basically what is short in SC, and will be in SC2 by the sounds of it... We'll be using Aircraft to ensure that will do not bump heads... I suppose if Bombers are more valuable this may not prove to be such a big issue but for Naval war it will suck, where bumping heads is much more likely<and then speed was the big issue> Final point is: sometimes you do run into an "ambush", or "surprise attack", or "other deceptions" Rarely do this happen every time, with good Generals, rarely is almost 'never' as far as plotting paths over time, I think it to be an interesting concept. I use to do it in Command HeadQuaters 15 years in Multiplayer.. Simplifies your work
  8. does anyone want to do a percentage testing with the dice variables?
  9. neither do I... one of those accidental bumps! may just cost you the Capitol of your enemy and the game. What? Why do you need fighters, Bombers and other units to scout the obvious to you! In SC that's how it works, if you scout the route, you're safe almost, but still not secondary options and if you don't have scouts, BAM! You'll hit right in the path of something. This is Hex Warfare errr, Tile Warfare, why not add in a plotted path, of course everyone will use them I suppose that shows you that they're superior, cause people don't want to run into accidents they want to plot and plan their wars
  10. I rule Avatar You gotta challenge kid, best of 3 even
  11. yes, this is a travesty for any sort of distance movement beyond 1 hex hits. A plotted path to avoid and engage <part of the keys to tactical warfare>
  12. Hmm, all this talk of a "Special Elite Group" bahhh They just play a lot, and if you do too you'll get good. If you want my resume, you best be hiring me. I will diagnos Software Conflicts with your OS, help you clear your system of Viruses and Nuisance adware for a price. If you're interested in my history then you best be Military and interested in purchasing Military Forms and related Softwares in Wholesale Bundles<some applies to non-military personal in GS work>... You can inquire at TheCursedSoul@hotmail.com, serious inquiries please only
  13. Well, any of you big mouths like to I'll challenge you to match, I think you'll probably take me about half an hour if you're not at least a top 20 IP player, don't waste my time please with your insults. Only Zapp, Terif and Rambo can consistently beat me I have a job, I'm a Computer Tech and Software Company Tech Qualifications anybody? P.S. If anyone wants my Resume and to pay me to Beta, I'll certianly do that too but wargames is for fun
  14. Like to point out that 2 of the players who play more than anyone else I know of and post on BF Forum should be included in betatesting this game Rambo and I play nearly every night<less lately wearing out SC>, as far as I know noone else plays as much as we do... and 2 of the best players, there is.. We've found bugs not even Terif mentions
  15. i've written few off topic subjects lately but fact is les release a new version or patch if you want people to talk about SC more few people discuss the game anymore but newbs cause there is nothing left to discuss of topic i.e. what am I going to do discuss the same bids, strategies, etc.. I've done in near 1000 postings nothing left to share aars are the only thing and I think there going to PanzerLiga
  16. Historically this is not accurate. The soviet defence at Smolensk july 41 early illustrated that axis could be halted. </font>
  17. Maverik, corps corps corps and siberian transfer if he gets to close to your 'heartland' entrenchment and the right terrain makes breakthroughs impossible plus a good 2nd front to distract most his forces
  18. Despite what some may some, I notice that the Dice tend to go a certian way. Either for you or against you. I usually get streaks, good and bad. Even if I have 5 chits, and everyone else is at Level3-4 in 1 area. I can spend 10-15-20 turns and get nothing past Jet0, for 30-40-50 games I've experienced this. Then the next game I notice I get streaks with 1 tech. Best to spread your techs out. I don't believe entirely in the random theory. I don't think people who haven't programmed the game know for sure There are trends. You'll get blessed in 1 area, sometimes not the area you need but, Subs, AT, Jet, LR, Anti-Air, IT... any can go with 1 chit and no bonuses
  19. Defending Russia is quite simple. Look at your front line, look at what the enemy has, look at the MPPs and the amount of units you can devote to a defense. After the initial enemy assualt you'll be weakened depending on how well the Germans do there that'll dictate a lot, if he manages to take out Oddessa you're going to fall back in the South quite a bit. If you have a decent bid for Allies, you can buy many Units to stuff frontlines with HQs behind them. You want to retreat your Air usually as his will maull it if not. You want to play for an invasion of Finland possibly Use the Mountains, Marshes, Forests and more importantly Rivers to defend your front. Use plenty of corps in defense and Armor works well on Cities. If you fear encirclement you will need to retreat your units... If you have Zhukov and enough firepower, no need to defend attack The key the game is the same everywhere. They're just hexes and there's nothing so complicated about attack and defense. I'd prefer not to give the Gerries too much Experience, and trade off a few units before I play purely Defensive, spend a lot of that MPP on Tech and wait till you catch up, send 6-8 Jets to the Front line and hammer your enemy into non existance if you have a good RAF/USAF and plenty of experience on those UK Carriers life will be getting hard for the Axis quick! So long as Russia doesn't capitulate early
  20. if i don't get my sc 2 fix soon I'm going to vomit! come on now HC, you've got some dedicated junkies out here that need more WAR
  21. The power of the tank in SC is stated above. Generally if you're German or Russian you can use them. Great for defense, good movement to hit certian targets with a punch. don't overspend tech on them.. as german don't throw them away either<barbarossa 5 tanks are great to encircle, but after 'defend'. armies & corps are more bang for your buck. AT is deadly!!! get that up around 4 and you can mash an enemy who doesn't keep up. While, relatively, Heavy Tank Sucks vs AT... give you an example of when a tank is useful. You're sitting outside of Paris 3 hexes, guards hold most of the frontline not letting an Army launch an assualt to kill a Parisian Defense Corps... It's strength is relatively low, 3 and 1 tank is assuredly going to give you the city followed up by a corps and air attack... As you can see Tanks can be vital in certian situations, but when you get 3 stacks deep of corps they're mobility is negated, corps can do most of the jobs they can do [ October 17, 2004, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  22. It's the development of New Axis Strategies A good Ally don't require so much
  23. Do you find any Irony in the fact when overlooking that Map of Colonial Africa that France and England owned most of it? I wonder what they left behind? Aside from Starvation, underdeveloped Infrastructure, Destroyed Soil that turned to desert cause it cultivated crops it wasn't meant for and enslaving and mistreating the natives.... NO wonder now they're the #1 Contributor to charitys for these Nations, they should bloody well pay 20% of their Salary to them! That wouldn't make up for centuries of abuse... None of you are investing the money or energy we have into the the nations we have go into to, and no Iraq is not an American Colony, it's being protected by our troops from it's own psychopathic Elements... Want to go to Iraq and see how they treat Belgians? They'll hold you for ransom and cut of your head if your nation doesn't pay 500 thousand dollars That's the People you're defending, that's why Americans look at you like you're on drugs
  24. He sure wasn't talking to me, I already expressed my disgust for Leopold the 2nd's treatment of the Congolese(and Boudewijn's support of the Mobutu regime afterwards). So JJR, is Europe full of commies or Nazi's? because you seem to be calling us both. Strange, I never realised that there were 2 other Belgians on this forum, I always thought I was alone . </font>
  25. Gotta agree with Dave, I can beat 90% of Rookies with just Airforces.. They're way too powerful in SC and require an Expert to learn to get around, even then you end up spending majority of your income on Some of those who don't play as much don't realize how powerful they are. that 2 Hits per attack is just too uber even early on
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