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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Heh Avatar, I'll admit as long as you're allied your #2 ROFL but if you play Axis I don't think you can win with zero bid
  2. Terif just handed Rambo a defeat tonight with the very opposite of the strategy your discussing. Operating the opposite direction of your Main Line Offensive..and then making offensive from the defensive side Fact is a small operation may be useless. How much land can you give though the West before you lose anyways? I had I tech so the operating wasn't a killer nor was the the fact that I had a AA 3 it smooshed their carriers, fighters and then launched clear D-Day<succeeded killing 3 enemy armies at the cost of 1 corps, so was it worth the Operation just for that 750 MPPs?>and soon after Sea Lion was performed forcing Rambo to land his amphib fleet at the very least sacrificed a few Italians, won the game. Reds were comming but the Greys had England.. Fact is ultimately I could've gone back to the Reds, the Italian and German fleet owned the Atlantic.. I could've beaten either side.. it was merely a choice at this point. if you have no Fleet I suggest Immense Airpower and Subs to quell UK/US or kill Reds but its much easier to take England than Russia.
  3. gundolf, try that against 6 axis air trained on Copenhagen. along with an amphib hit or two, a corps would survive a turn if they're SUPER lucky and now you just gave away a freebie to the Axis. I would hit your carriers to hit for this... if they didn't sink, I'd have them at strength 1-4
  4. Ed, bad idea to invade Denmark, allies try it but it to soak more MPPs out of the Axis. Same with Norway, another bad idea unless you've total Naval-Aerial Domination of the region when you perform the operation. I have managed to thwart and win games just off this 1 move.. I've only lost games due to Norway invasion because I'd already lost in France. Carriers, are valuable with tech. There is an alternative possibility in defeating them. The UK grabs the Fritz CoatTails in order to get Tech early, Delay if you're Fritz till late. Plus splitting your forces isn't so costly as one thinks if you manage to "Hammer" the enemy when you do. If you just stalemate him it is bad bad.. Operate the Germans over to West France when you've got a AA-JET-LR bonus.. with a Good experienced HQ.. kill off the US UK then go back if the Reds are getting frisky.. The Reds don't have anywhere to go if you hammered them to begin with.<not for awhile at least> MPP advantage is yours and so is game/set/match despite operating 2-3 ways
  5. Reading through Hubert's breakdown. I'm fairly pleased with some of the new features implemented in this version of SC. The movement dynamics remind me much of Civ3, and the Tile Warfare will be easy for anyone that has experience in that game to adapt here. So are the various penalties and unit Composition. If you haven't tried it I suggest Sid's game. It gets boring but the first 30-40 hours are addictive against the AI<the only oponent available> The quality of the map has improved vastly in areas, especially North Africa. At least now, Rommel can actually break out The various options with the Units, to allow for one to keep Experience is nice..Weather effects are nice, that is much better! There is a reason to plan for Winter now, and for the Allies conversly for a clear day to plan D-Day. I can see where 1 or 2 turns of bad weather could change the course of the Game as it did History as well. The Transport-Amphibious capabilities of units is a nice adjustment. I am much more please with Hubert's move here and in particular taking my advice<maybe> after all the debate me and John and the others had on that topic. Each Turn exhausts supply! So you cannot just use Transports as floating Duds. I do hope that Fighters are more realistic, less Monsters and that Armor has more the Spearhead power of the Blitzkrieg. Even if it doesn't the ability to edit will allow us all to make base Fall Weiss into a Powerful and capable scenario... I'm also EXTREMELY pleased with the possibility of creating a Pacific Front! This is going to rock, we're going to create Double Scenarios<the diehards anyways> At first it doesn't seem like a nice additive, if it took away from the European Theatre, though if one of us works hard enough on a Pac Theatre who knows what we will come up with. I would love to see an Axis with the option to trigger Pearl instead of the usual USA entry. Also new possibilities with Pearl hammering the US Carriers<more of the US Fleet> a percentage chance with execution of this operation. If the US would've lost her Carriers and more of her fleet then the War could've been stalled in that Theatre for another couple of years! Then vamping out US Resources to the other Region. It would be a sideshow, perhaps PBEM Pac, and IP ET...Sucking the Reds-US-UK from resources in that region and trying some 'whacky' possiblities. Though IF Japan falls early due to foolishness, that could effect the outcome elsewhere! Much fun, I hope HC finishes this before Christmas! My Girlfriend won't let me buy it I go much past that. Women! I'm going to have to do some Major Arse Kissing! Oh well
  6. Bahhh Rambo! Your problem is you need to stick with your competent moves! You're damned good with new strategies, you know what gets you to a certian point. Like in our game last night, you stopped the foolish stuff, hunkered down for a long war. You're gaining experience for your RAF and Carriers. You're making me waste time, you evac'd a lot of units to UK. With a steady player, most new strategies will fail unless it's something he's never seen or used in a way that he cannot counter.<strategies and counters all the game is about> These top Dogs adapt too well! Yoda gutted me in our game. I reassigned a corps to the wrong location bop...there went Russian Readiness DH got me last time we played. He had awesome Fighters Carriers and same here no Jet tech.. It was like iceskating uphill.. Zapp though he'll never beat me again not even with a 300 bid
  7. SeaMonkey is absolutely right! The 101s are the funnest part. I remeber first starting I couldn't bust through France for 5 Xs plus in the demo. I thought I was very very bad! I started playing MP right away and I got my butt kicked in that too. Took me 10-15 Games to just get to Paris and move forward. Russia requires a 'setup'. The strategy guide is good. You want to stay away from their border until that readiness is up around 89percent, then move everything up 3 hexes or so and BAM! Kinda like a slow hand movement... Less operating cost is always good, more tanks, planes, etc... so whenever possible start moving a unit from one location where it did it's job to the 'desired location' USA Readiness is all dependant on Minors till a timeframe.. Don't stress Sea Lion or their involvement yet. Though you can practice on UK if you take out France early enough and get enough Minor Plunder. That or you know in your heart that the UK is weak enough to kill! Otherwise look at the Royal Navy, she's a monster... And even after you get across the pond, you still have to deal with a lot of corps Russia is the Key Land to educating you in Land Warfare. Beat that puppy 10X-15Xs.. Use Armor to gain ground early, then defend and entrap later.
  8. Yeah bad IDEA, these leaders were well protected and would've been the last to go to a Military engagment<spies would've gotten them at best>
  9. I can say for one that Zapp did help me in our games. I keep getting blasted away when I'd operate my HQ and Fighters back to kill RAF and USAF Air. I didn't realize what was going on. He told me that you need Manstein for that job really. After that noone ever just murdered my fighters wholesale. On top of that DH, reinforced to me fact that you need to operate the fighters under that HQs Control! When I came to the boards originally asking how to perform and LC Light. I did get help from Terif too. However I found that I did better developing an early LC Attack on my own than taking his advice. I suppose that it was a bit above my head at the time. Rambo and Terif seemed overall less helpful, aside from Terif's hints on Russian Readiness that was of great help.. I try to give as much info as possible to new players. I have pointed out to Rambo the Vichy Port bug<I believe Iron Ranger pointed that out to me>, plus the German edition unique qualities and believe me the Germans would know they're there if they want to try the N.A Version. Also to both the Froggey with a obvious UberFrench Cheat
  10. Heh! The problem with the learning in SC is noone comes right out and says this is the strategy, they rather post up what not to do and let you figure out the rest for yourself. In other wargames I've played you usually find much more straightforward and indepth strategy shared but this is a competitive sport and people will protect their secrets. The best way of uncovering others secrets is playing them and copying their moves!
  11. Hold on a second, give me the Wermacht, the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine in 1939 what could I have done with it what could each one of you done with it? Similarly with the Massive Red Soviet Expanses I think you guys over rate these men, but they definitely seized 'power' difference would be would we of bothered to kill our nation in an attempt at world domination? Stalin was a bit wiser in that regard<though barely>
  12. Interesting that people discuss the meaning of The Russian and German conflict had it gotten any worse for the Reds. I think our game SC represents it quite well in a way. You know that losing Moscow hurts a lot, retaking a city as was retaking Stalingrad for the Red Army in '42 a pain...I'm sure the casualty figures were massive. So retaking Moscow would've been prime on the agenda. If the Germans had managed to hold it and not had thin lines<especially since they were much better vs the Reds in late '41 throughout some of '42 in holding land> it could've been a stark future for the Russians. Could the Germans then have relaxed and easily focused more attention at knocking Leningrad thus eventually cutting of the North and slowly creeping in on the Urals and the heart of the Russian Industrial Sector? One thing is sure, many Russians would've died in Moscow, the morale of their people and army would be ruined. The Germans only managed to take Stalingrad in WW2 and that was taken back fairly soon after... We could speculate, but I think if anything it would've been a Million man loss for the Russians to retake a reinforced Moscow backed up with good German defenses. If Russia failed there, I could estimate the war being over for the Russians and with the slow snail likepace of the Western Allies the end of the War for all times.. <speculate what Rommel's Afrika Corps would've done behind Von Bock in a spearhead into Moscow in late '41? instead of eating dirt out in the middle of tripoltania and egypt> Stalin was a fool. Not as foolish as Hitler IMO. Neither man was anything to write home about. I think we'd all chew them up in SC, we're all far more intelligent. Though very few of us could probably give a decent speech to incite Millions to Insanity? Or drive fear into the hearts of everyone in a Super Power? Even Churchill was a WW1 Screw up, who had lots of Charisma and liked a challenge. I've never heard much bad about FDR, I think he may have been the most capable leader of the war
  13. I have found Iron that it's more and more about MPPs and yes Air and Land Tech are some of the more powerful capabilities. Now Axis/Russians both use Anti-Air more often Subs are becoming a common tactic but easily countered by a smart Allied player I have played a game vs Rambo recently, lost almost all of Scandanavia, but managed to trap most of the US Army up in bergen and eat him enough to kill UK and US Air and still be gaining ground against the Soviets.. I was almost out of that race, held on by a 'thread' definitely a comeback.
  14. Personally I'd like to upgrade! I love SC it was unique and had a lot of oldtime qualities out with the old and in the with the new! I'm looking forward to a new interface, that is modern and for adding more strategic possibilities, One can only hope that SC2 lives up to the Original Playing the same ole map, same ole options, gets old. Detail doesn't neccesarily ruin a game, if the DETAIL is Accurate & Good
  15. Germans took over Minors in Scandanavia, Vichy, took over Egypt and Suez. Then we moved in Spain, took it just in time to transfer over to take USSR. However constant air attacks by Brits have been draining our resources and the US entered the War after Spain. We've been trying to rally back, managed to kill most frontline Reds, failed to do enough though. Not much in the Techs with jets...The Allies have the #s and the MPPs and are taking France back completely along with LC. Game is definitely now down hill...
  16. nearly 10 solid months of combat in France finally the Germans are poised to take Paris.
  17. brits dedicating a lot of resources to France, slow and unsteady advance it's late July
  18. French Army is not performing like WW1, although they stopped 1 Panzer Army in it's tracks, they didn't manage to the same with the rest of Wermacht that just pounded their only HQ and is now breaking through and seeping through the Spearheards
  19. Denmark fell with a double amphibious assault by the German Blitz Kriegmarine along with the uberadvanced Gun Laying Radar Royal Airforce increasing in size
  20. Poland fell 3 turns in<tough Polacks>, LC fell a turn later than usual. Rambo didn't expect that. Battle of France, going as usual..RAF challening LW supremacy... Denmark Next and then steamroller on France
  21. Indeed, Carriers are powerful, but you can destroy them. Either that or threaten them sufficiently enough to keep the enemy away from your Forces. If you give The Allies free range on your corps your foolish.. Research AA Tech and keep your corps away from those Carriers. Sneak a few Fighters in despite what Terif says... A few well placed Italians/German Naval Fleets with some subs<plus 2-3> can smash a Carrier to hell. Unlike Fighters lose strength towards Navys, Subs and Ships do NOT
  22. Yep and I got #1 not fairly at the time, but because I sniffed out a 'hack' :cough: :cough: Euros are the honest ones aye? Heh! Give us US Guys credit too <<Liam looks for one game he's dodged?>>
  23. Heh, come on, I'd honestly like to see good ole Zapp beaten into shape by me and Rambo until he's dangerous again and THEN, a Real MATCH Why not, you guys it would be the friggin' SC match of the Century<since the century just started some 4 years ago> The only guy to beat my Axis in a competitive match in the last 6-7 games is Rambo.. Plus that is going to change. Noone is going to beat my Axis
  24. Jets 5 is expensive to reinforce. A few bad dice rolls here or there you can lose half your fighter fleet... That will be a morale breaker. Plus after that point, being the one with without air power you'r in deep trouble
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