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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Piracy is impossible to stop. I own a percentage of a Software Company and I'm screwed blued and tatooed on piracy. Though I hate to say, 90% of the games I own or utilities are collecting dust so I wouldn't mind if they would allow software rental again! Instead of me breaking my wallet on a game that a Company talks up in a Magazine they're funding! The fact is whatever you do it comes back to you. For whatever game I've copied or borrowed, I'm being ripped off in my company right now. Also everyone else are having their prices hiked up by the Big Moguls so that much of what they want isn't around. Even SC2 is hampered by ever comming out, cause the Programmer will lack the funding cause of Piracy. It's a way of life, but HOPEFULLY if you continue to improve your product. Include HUGE beautiful documentation. <which I don't with my software> Put in on CD and use copyprotection...ALSO MARKET IT! SC, I couldn't find this program anywhere. I wouldn't have known it existed if not for some obscure search on the net. I hate to say it but even my own programs get publicity by Piracy. Half the people would never buy it anyways, maybe next time they drop by the store they see and they'll buy the latest version. That's life in the big city... Unlike Microsoft, if you've got an unregistered version of their Windows I warn you, they're going to send a cruise missile into your house! Bill can definitely afford it
  2. I correct myself the version I meant was after WW2 during the beginning of the Cold War.
  3. Well, the fact is People join the Winners. Ever heard of Findilization? I think that Italy was a small case of that disease A larger power was over him, he either joined or if he was very lucky Hitler wouldn't invade. Now Mousillini wasn't the most powerful nation in the World. However in my last game by 1943 I had tech 3 fighters. 1 hq and an army the size of all the United States and UK combined in N.Africa and Russia and defending the FatherLand. Completely Ahistorical but hey, my arguments about how weak Italy have been in the past have gone unheeded. Just like the capability of French defenses to pull a Rabbit out of their hat is truely unrealistic. By the point the Germans invaded France the French were in no position to defend against the onslaught. German Readiness<relatively high> and French Readiness<nearly nill> should further reflect this as it does VS Russia. If you want counter these advantages for the Axis get rid of Italy as a factor<make her the minor she was>. That the French and Brits would ever get together and decide to invade the low countries<together> is even more farfetched. That'd taken about awhile for Churchill to Swallow! Look at all the other puppet regimes in the World that were born from Early German Luck/Victory! Japan/Italy/Bulgaria/Romania/Hungary/Findland Austria & Czech annexed<puppet pieces> Possibly Yugoslavia and in other places around the world. Dissidents, i.e. Iraq/S.America/etc<sympathizers>..REMEBER none of Hitler's early victories would have been as easy without all the Allied concessions to avert war. It's the Politicians fault...as much as anyone's... The German Generals I've heard wanted him gone, just his early success made it hard to get rid of him, since he was so popular. Not many of them believed he'd of done so well, later in 1944 they finally attempted to take over<failed but SO CLOSE> Shame more people died after then before the attempt on Hitler's life combined!!!
  4. Kenderhoff Over Liam with a bid of God I am trying to remeber LOL 175<ken as Allies> Fun match very very educational for me
  5. Last reason to give to buy this game there is NOTHING on the market like it. It's one of the kind in modern time. there are not strategic/semi tactical wargames like this period long line of history in them though just this is it! and it rocks UPDATE IT and it will blow eardrums out
  6. Oh, and if you're fed up with a psycho Ally that just won't give up the Dutch. Declare War on the Dutch Rnd2 every game, and the lack of MPPs will make his panties get in a bunch Plus if he uses the Italian Gambit, take your pretty little time collecting as many Minors as you can. Become a Minor Proffessional. Learn in the AI to knock out minors in 1 rnd...Which sometimes can be hard with a stubborn corps
  7. The French Gambit can be beat most times... Don't rellocate your Germany Army Rnd 2.. Rnd 1 place 1 panzer 1 infantry on the border with the Dutch/as well as 1 HQ at the end of combat with the Poles. Relocate both airs... that are out of range and fire up Antwerp Rnd 2... First with the Air to soften it up then the Infantry straight across, and armor via the ocean hex. and if it's still won't die sacrifice a Corps to the South Hex.. Then occupy the city... If the Allies place their Air in your way to prevent this, they may stop you. What you've left in Poland will take a few turns to polish off the strong poles. Make certian not to push Russian Readiness if you must back off after taking the Dutch and take Norway/Denmark for the extra money and build up a massive airfleet. Then attack the French! Both from the South and North! If they Pole some sorta Italian Gambit out of their hate if you have extra air! You know where to put it! Make him pay for those Italians Flotillas Important!!! If they're bold enough to let your 2 subs survive in the N.Sea hide them out folks in somewheres unexpected!!! They're invaluable to an Early SeaLion...to blockade UK ships from hitting German transports!!!
  8. I understand completely My father who served in the Army during Nam<never went> and was a Gulf War Veteran said if they ever come to you, and say you're joining! Say yes but I want to be in the airforce!
  9. Kenderhoff over Liam Liam Axis Ken with a 175 bid as Allies a very good sport.. and honest carried into 1941 May. When france finally began to weaken with the presence of Italian air. That was too late and he'd destroyed the Italian Navy...
  10. Sounds intrigueing! Then an Axis or Allied player could become more focused what they believe was needed for an upcomming war, and what you start with as the Axis is a big deal. Some many not produce armor at all, or conduct a less aggressive policital foreign policy to buy time to add to their arsenal or tech... It would be fun!!!
  11. Twiddle retreat your air units beyond German reach until they have better tech and keep HQs with them when you do use them. Also, try not to lose the Suez..Iraq is key for the Allies..
  12. PBEM takes the joy out of it! Believe me these guys don't think like the AI does, I'm still trying to recover some of my self respect. It's really really fun get ON-LINE!!! They're dedicated guys on here
  13. The Hangers I saw were in pretty much the same state they'd of been 60 years ago. Though no lack of funds for the bases in comparison with the many Army bases I lived on.. The Airforce has always been a bit nicer in my opinion. Also a better job if you want to have a longer life I saw my first Stealth bomber on the ground, not in the air at Mildenhall and they have nice replicas of an oversized spitfire when you pull up. People tend to forget even the old machinery how much money and refinement went into them to make them perfect killing machines. One WW2 fighter packed with an egg could demolish a machine gun nest/armored vehicle/Tank. Then return to mop up anywhere from 1-20 infantry... and unless you had some fairly good AA shooters not much joy in pinging a fast intelligent pilot. Though I heard few cases of aircraft actually destroying an entire unit by itself.. They always had to be accompanied by a land unit of some type. This would ring true especially in the Forests of Nothern Europe. As far as planting airfields. Perhaps but I still don't believe aircraft should be used as blocking items. For instance to be dropped onto a port or city.. They wouldn't do much good! I miss the Civil War Era, it has a romantic side as well as a bloody side. I have seen a few battlefields briefly. Also live on a fairly notorious one myself.. As the state I live in lost the most men of all the Southern States during the War. I suppose why they're especially bitter though so far North..
  14. JJ: Good point, they designed aircraft to stand being launched from roads or quickly layed dirt path/grass paths... I have lived near many of those airfields in Britian..Mildenhall, etc.. Some of the same ole hangers still sitting up there where the B-17 were launched from. Though I don't recall too many fighter bases being in the Alps or Pripet Marshes as was pointed out. Everyone knew how vulnerable airfields were. That's why they were always safely behind the lines. To overrun one can hurt regardless of aircraft. Primarily taking the HQs, supply, and whatever else available there. I would like to see the airwar a bit more 3 dimensional in this game. Your suggestions are good. WW2 was the first War that it was considered decisive and if it wasn't in Europe it most definitely was in the Pacific.
  15. A few other things to include, the Germans never put long range bombers on the table. Pretty much the same with their fighters, the 109 had 15 minutes of battle after it was done escorting across the channel. While the Brits and Americans were ahead of their time for Bombers, usually in this game it's rare that someone sees the use of bombers at all even sometimes the only brit one is disbanded to create other things more neccessary to the war effort.
  16. As far as penalties for flying over enemy Airspace.. Historical levels should be in place here, though the penalty should be to experience bars instead of unit strength, you can usually find a new pilot but not the experienced ones... The Brits, had Radar balloons and many other sneaky little tools to damage advancing Luftwaffe units. Actually creating an airfield in this game allows you to rellocate your air with a snap of your fingers while during history most airfields took work. You shouldn't able to put air anywhere you want..Use it to block infantry invasions. In fact it should be invisible to infantry or other units, as they stack over it... if not a relatively small amount of damage incurred as far as Brit experience, by the Battle Of Britian they should be given a bonus bar<or 2> in Experience.. For they really came together historically. Also a bonus tech level IMHO This all in all, would put the Germans at some disadvantage attacking Britian
  17. I don't like to hear the "words" can't be done. That's a defeatist attitude. The figures I mentioned aren't very concrete and are a bit superflous in respect to 'other things' If you don't wish to make a vast improvement to a SC2 or an update then don't. Though there should be little reason to produce such a product if you aren't willing to examine all the possibilities. I think what John was attempting to get at in this, was penalties for attacking nations to prevent invasions from being a fly bye. When in reality the German shortcommings in planning and in actual ability with their fighter & bomber aircraft would've made the Invasion of Britian a very farfetched wish. They had obsolete aircraft, they had 20 miles of treacherous seas..Also if not the largest, one of the finest navies in all of history to destroy before she could deal with the Poorly equiped British land forces. The RAF is legendary, it should be represented as such... The Luftwaffe has a notorious history as well, but relatively the high bomber losses on the Allied side was only due to experimental strategic bombing which isn't really covered in this game. For instance if a Corps is over a city, you cannot default to hit the MPPs of the city you're going to auto-attack the Unit. Which is Extremely off, as even Axis & Allies a board game offers you that option. I like this game, I could love this game. You need to advance it... I've played wargames 60% of my life and I know my wargames... From the text only/board wargames/and to the modern high tech... Which I also use quite often... Playability, practicality, etc... are important but detail is what draws the diehards! DETAIL
  18. Ahistorical maybe but when you give the Allies the ability to invade the Low Countries or prematurely Italy. Noone knows exactly for certian how the rest of the World would react to such actions. I think more thought should be given to them. Although, it's easy to lose good officers over enemy airspace! They're hard to replace...Expensive to train and in the German's case<a big contribution to their failure to stop Allied strategic bombing>....Many losses in Britian, lack of pilots towards the end of the war.. I would like a figure on how many German Officers<aces even> were in POW camps in Britian or N.Africa by 1943
  19. The later versions of the 109 were improved but I'd like to see your figures on armament. The Spitfires were also diverse, with their various MKs series... I agree... However what was available during the BOB? The Merlin was more powerful than the Daimler Benz I don't think that there should be a huge penalty for attacking over enemy territory... as your not penalizing other much more valid subjects..
  20. Although the Hurricane was the most prolific Fighter availabe to the British. It still was competitive with the ME109 IMHO... I have ran several simulators, and one considered the most historical for flight Models of both the ME109 and Spitfires. Of the era, models and the Spitfire is an awesome aircraft... The 109 would measure up like this Armament------------------Spitfire Armanent---------109 low amount of cannons then degrades further Spitfire was faster, MUCH better turnfighter... It held it's E<energy> better than the 109. In most cases during an assualt the 109 was best used as a Quick Launch aircraft as it climbed to high alts and performed decently. Though was considered a 2nd class fighter! The Spitfire however throughout the war is considered all in all unbeatable on same alts. It has better range and short of Climb and 10 minutes of WEP vs 20 minutes in the 109 there isn't any pros for the Germans. It's one flaw would be it's durability. Though that isn't even that bad. It is such a great aircraft I believe that if I were to face any other aircraft of the War I would destroy them, and the ME262/Corsair/P51 all great craft but still not in large #s or the right places.. The 51 is also IMHO a B&Z fighter<boom & zoom> which wasn't really ideal for a Battle of Britian... When a lot of strafing at low alts was conducted. Corsair a Pac fighter sooo...and the 262 never in great #s and made a fighter bomber.. That given, I will usually take a flight in a Spitifire and bring home 2-3 kills even if aircraft is ditched from leaking oil/fuel.. wounded.. Whilst the 109 is maxed at about 1-2 kills and definitely not VS bombers or more durable craft...So I believe any exprience the Germans had was really not going to matter...esecially when your fighting for your patch of turf. You're Family is down there!
  21. A tip for a real newbie, being one myself... Poland, operate to France for an early invasion. Declare war right away on Low countries prevent Allied Gambit use air and 1 tank 1 inf 1 corps walla...and take it... Then Operate everything else over to take it and Denmark.. If he retreats quickly soak up Norway and leave Sweden. Immediately dispatch Italiain corps off Canadian border but don't land and don't get too close.. Dispatch Italian fleet and hide it... and use Luftflottes and Italian fleet to overcome Suez landing on both sides. Cuttiny supply and killing. Use 2 Italian Armys and 1 italian corps and air to take out Greece earlier than suggested by Amphib. Use extra Air take Iraq... And take Vichy at the same time. Now you're awful close to going to War with Russia.. Be in position just to kill it's frontline Armies. Don't worry about all out invasion. From there Invade Sweden and or Spain and land on Canada if he left it undefended. Then take portugal and cut off the Brits in Gibraltar...move remaining Italian fleet and enough airflottes to Atlantic to wait and destroy whatever the Western Allies have in store for you. Keep air over Norway for eyes and protection. Operate an HQ to Finland with air and German corps via sea to prevent it falling and then your producing like Hell. You've cut Britian down to size. Use your Italians and with HQs to protect Mainland fight partisans. Use your Germans to operate to Scandanavia and keep extra luftflottes to operate their and give him pain if he gets bold. Keep him worried and make up your mind what you want to do... Focus on destroying Russia...which is slow or devour both.........and be opportunistic If the Ally is tougher, and you lose your fleet... I'm stuck there. Important to be able to take France about the time Italy enters. Important to take Denmark/Norway?possibly/Poland/Low Countries for extra air units to crack open France and kills HQ encircle and destroy early. Invading Britian is risky, though if the Ally is overcommitted it's possible. Definitely need your Remainding German fleet in baltic though. a MUST HAVE... if not Britian, turn on Russia with massive tech.. 3 fronts... Finland-Iraq-Russia main entrance and use air combos to slowly devour her.. stay away from the North take the Southern resources first don't wake up the Siberians without getting something in return
  22. Nahhhh! Just add in this!!! -%50 Russian War Readiness Fearing Allied WarMongering in Balkans and Italy. that'll change things
  23. Point is about French Retreat, if it turns out to be a surprise, it's a waste. That valuable stall time is much more important to me. Twice I've had that used. One I lost<with Polish readiness> and another I am at this point:: I am not a great player like some here but someone used this tactic with me then invaded France during my beginning assualt on Russia. I was shocked!!! I was thinking maybe he'd made air units you couldn't possibly retreat all your French units to England like that! Regardless, he kept it a secret and afterwards I took every minor but Turkey and I have tech 4 ind tech 4 fighters...amongst other things that will soon pay off not only but I have an italian navy and a growing tech 2 uboat fleet i destroyed all the french that landed and massacred the Allies on their attempt to land. Though it cost me my push in Russia..Russia is stalemated and not a threat to me... I will soon have a rival navy to the Allies... and maybe I'll invade Turkey and just leave Malta
  24. Shaka Over Liam Shaka allies with 125 GG
  25. Correction Cro_Panzer took Allies with 125 bid Blahhh blahhh
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